
Swordsmanship's Number One Immortal

I am the eternal swordsman, the number one immortal among the heavens.

eFly · Eastern
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370 Chs

Chapter 118: Personally Seeing You Off

The heavy and oppressive atmosphere was quickly shattered.

"Suyi, what do you intend by inviting us today? To show off your power? To flaunt your newfound success and humiliate us?" Qian Yunjiu's face was grim as he spoke coldly.

Huo Long, Zheng Xiaolin, Zhang Fengtu, Liu Ying, Yang Qi, Chu Lianheng, and the others also stared at Suyi with displeased expressions.

Back in the Qinghe Sword Sect, they had all had conflicts with Suyi and had clashed with him multiple times. They had never hesitated to humiliate him.

Now, seeing this person who had once been trampled under their feet hosting a banquet on the ninth floor of Fengyuan Pavilion, and specifically inviting them, they weren't foolish enough to think that it would be a pleasant gathering.

"I suspected that there was something fishy about this invitation. I just didn't expect it to be true," Huo Long sneered. "But I am truly puzzled. How can a worthless person like you, who has lost all cultivation and been expelled from the sect, be sitting here?"

These words were not polite in the least.

Zhou Huaiqiu frowned slightly and coughed. "You were all fellow disciples before, so let's speak a bit more courteously."

Nan Ying also smiled and said, "I don't think everyone knows yet, but Senior Brother Su has long surpassed his previous self."

She had adjusted her mindset and her beautiful eyes sparkled as she spoke cheerfully.

"Oh, can you enlighten us?" another female disciple present, Liu Ying, asked.

But Nan Ying looked at Suyi and said softly, "Senior Brother Su, would you mind?"

Suyi poured himself a cup of wine without paying them much attention and calmly said, "Speak freely. After tonight, there may not be another chance."

"Heh, you're right with those words. If I had known that you were the host of this evening's banquet, I definitely wouldn't have come," Huo Long sneered.

The others had the same attitude, believing that Suyi was deliberately flaunting his power and showing his ugly side.

Suyi glanced at Huo Long for a moment and then withdrew his gaze, pouring himself another cup of wine.

"Everyone, what Senior Uncle Zhou said earlier was correct. Let's speak with a bit more courtesy," Nan Ying spoke clearly. "About half a month ago, Senior Brother Su won the first place in the Longmen Grand Competition between Guangling City and Luoyun City, shaking the entire Dacang River region!"

Qian Yunjiu, Huo Long, and the other seven people were all stunned, showing disbelief on their faces.

"You're saying this waste has regained his cultivation?"

"How is that possible?"

Some people couldn't hide their internal shock. They kept referring to Suyi as a waste, revealing how they viewed him in their hearts.

In fact, if they hadn't seen Suyi today, they would have almost forgotten about him. An adopted waste, he was no longer in the same world as them.

But now, Nan Ying was telling them this fact. Who wouldn't be stunned by it?

"So you're saying Suyi has regained his cultivation?" Qian Yunjiu looked bewildered.

"Not only has he regained it, but he has also become much stronger than before," Nan Ying said with a hint of admiration and admiration in her eyes. "Wen Jueyuan, Senior Brother Wen, was formidable, but he was defeated with a single move by Mo Tianling. And as powerful as Mo Tianling was, he ultimately became Senior Brother Su's stepping stone!"

"This..." Qian Yunjiu and the others were visibly shaken.

Wen Jueyuan was one of the outstanding disciples of the Qinghe Sword Sect, but he was defeated by Mo Tianling.

And Mo Tianling was defeated by Suyi!

With such a comparison, who could deny the immense strength of Suyi after his cultivation was restored?

"How is that possible?" Liu Ying couldn't believe it. She couldn't accept everything that was happening.

The others felt the same way.

Who could willingly accept that someone they had once humiliated and trampled upon had now leaped to greatness?

"Why is it impossible? I witnessed this with my own eyes. Could it still be fake?" Zhou Huaiqiu scolded in a cold voice.

Qian Yunjiu and the others, "Is it so difficult to acknowledge that Suyi has become stronger? Quickly raise a toast to Suyi, and let's not bring up past grievances."

He had long sensed that something was amiss. Seeing Qian Yunjiu and the others still resistant and rejecting Suyi, how could he not be anxious?

It should be noted that Suyi could now sit here so openly and be regarded as the most distinguished guest by Lady Cuiyun. How could he be compared to his past self?

Suyi glanced at Zhou Huaiqiu and remained silent.

He naturally saw through Zhou Huaiqiu's concerns.

Unfortunately, even with Zhou Huaiqiu present today, it was destined to be difficult to change the course of this night.

While contemplating, Suyi poured himself another cup of wine.

"Zhou Shishu, you're saying we should raise a toast to him?" Qian Yunjiu and the others were shocked and couldn't sit still. They were all angry and had an indignant expression.

Zhou Huaiqiu's heart sank.

If it had been some other seasoned individuals, they would have probably already sensed the true purpose of tonight's banquet. But unfortunately, Qian Yunjiu and the others were all young people, born into prestigious families, living a life of luxury and unable to tolerate such humiliation.

"Suyi, is this the purpose of your gathering tonight? To show off your strength and then use Zhou Shishu and other seniors to make us bow down to you? You have quite the fantasy!" Yang Qi stood up angrily.

He had always been quiet, but at this moment, he couldn't take it anymore.

"That's right, so what if your cultivation has recovered? We won't stoop so low just because of a banquet like this!" Chu Lianheng, Zhang Fengtu, and the others expressed their disdain, displaying an attitude of unyielding pride.

Suyi remained silent and poured himself another cup of wine.

Seeing his calm and composed demeanor, Zhou Huaiqiu felt a chill in his heart, sensing that things were taking a turn for the worse.


Zhou Huaiqiu slammed his palm on the table, his face cold and stern. He said, "A group of fools! Do you even know where you are? How dare you act unruly and arrogant? Let me ask you, do the elders from your respective clans have the qualifications to attend a banquet here?"

His gaze was filled with a cold radiance, startling Qian Yunjiu and the others, rendering them speechless.

Upon introspection, while their respective clan elders were formidable, it would be difficult for them to sit in the Ninth Level of Fengyuan Restaurant.

"What Zhou Shishu means is that Suyi's status and identity are no longer comparable to before," Nan Ying said softly, her beautiful eyes like water. "If you continue to treat him as you did in the past, it might lead to trouble."

Qian Yunjiu and the others had uncertain expressions on their faces, clearly becoming more calm.

"Shimei Nanying, you're speaking up for Suyi Senior Brother tonight in every aspect. Could it be that the old feelings are still lingering, and you're remembering the past?" Ni Hao teased with feigned indifference, but he actually felt quite uncomfortable inside.

Since entering the Shanhe Hall, Nan Ying's gaze seemed to be glued to Suyi. She appeared restless and absent-minded.

Every time she spoke, it was to praise Suyi's excellence, which made Ni Hao resentful. How could he not feel jealous?

Nan Ying's face changed slightly, and she quickly explained, "Senior Brother Ni Hao, I'm just stating the facts for Zhou Shishu. I don't want our relationship with Suyi Senior Brother to turn sour. After all, it wouldn't be good if things became unpleasant."

"What's wrong with things becoming unpleasant?" Suddenly, Huo Long couldn't help but say, "In the Qinghe Sword Mansion, who doesn't know that we have a feud with Suyi? I admit that he's made a name for himself now and deserves to sit in this ninth level for the banquet, but we can't just bow down and apologize to him!"

His words infuriated Zhou Huaiqiu to the point where he wanted to slap him. He had seen people being obtuse, but never someone this obtuse!

Wasn't my warning clear enough?

Qian Yunjiu, Liu Ying, Yang Qi, and others chimed in, adopting an indignant stance.

Meanwhile, Suyi remained silent and poured himself another cup of wine.

In front of him, six cups of wine were already arranged.

As for Huang Ganjun, he sat there observing with a cold gaze. Occasionally, when he looked at Qian Yunjiu and the others, his eyes carried a hint of pity.

He understood the mentality of these clan juniors the best. If he wanted them to bow down, there was only one effective way—give them a thorough beating.

And if he wanted them to be completely convinced, their elders would have to admit defeat as well.

Otherwise, they would always hold onto a glimmer of hope, thinking that with the power of their clans, they could salvage their lost face.

The more distinguished their backgrounds, the more likely they would act this way.

In other words, this was the most normal and common occurrence in the world.

Unfortunately, this time they encountered the most extraordinary individual in this secular world.

"This banquet is sickening. Zhou Shishu, I'll leave first," Qian Yunjiu stood up tall, not bothering to even look at Suyi.

"Yeah, let's go," Huo Long and the others also stood up.

They all had disdainful expressions.

Just then, Suyi poured the seventh cup of wine and calmly said, "Don't panic, since the conversation is over, let me personally send you on your way."

"What do you mean?"

Qian Yunjiu turned around and chuckled, "Are you, Suyi, planning to keep us here?"

Huo Long and the others also stopped and looked coldly at Suyi.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Zhou Huaiqiu's face changed slightly, and he said, "Suyi, don't act impulsively. Give me some face and let them go."

Suyi stood up and calmly said, "Zhou Shishu, when I was in the Qinghe Sword Mansion, you also knew how they bullied me, but back then, in the vast Qinghe Sword Mansion, not a single person stood up for me."

"Now, I want to settle the past on my own, but you want to stop me. Isn't that inappropriate?"

Zhou Huaiqiu was stunned, his heart trembling. Indeed, this kid was planning to take revenge during this banquet!

"Suyi Senior Brother, this is Fengyuan Zhai. You can't act recklessly," Nan Ying couldn't help but speak.

Qian Yunjiu and Huo Long couldn't help but sneer.

In all these years, they had never heard of anyone having a good outcome after causing trouble in Fengyuan Zhai!

Huo Long cynically said, "Suyi, perhaps you don't know yet, but a few days ago, Nian Yunqiao and Yan Chengrong were killed because they caused trouble here. They were killed by Mu Zhongting, the prefect of Yonghe County. When their clans heard the news, they didn't even dare to make a peep. Do you want to try your luck too?"

"Nian Yunqiao and Yan Chengrong are dead?" Nan Ying was surprised. As far as she knew, those two were also enemies of Suyi.

"Yes, they died right here in the Shanhe Hall where we are now!" Huo Long's voice was resolute and emphatic.

Upon hearing this, both Zhou Huaiqiu and Ni Hao were taken aback.

"Now, if you dare to make a move, I'll respect you as a man!" Huo Long pointed at Suyi with contempt in his eyes.

In other words, if you don't take action, you're no better than a woman.

Qian Yunjiu and the others couldn't help but burst into laughter.

The provocation was evident.

As he saw this, Huang Qianjun's cheek muscles twitched, and he almost couldn't hold back his laughter.

Using the incident of that day when Su Ge killed someone to provoke whether Su Ge dared to take action?

This... is truly outrageous!

And witnessing the situation escalate to this point, Zhou Huaiqiu furrowed his brow and sighed inwardly, intending to step forward and mediate, to settle the matter and pacify everyone.

Just at that moment—


A resounding sword chant reverberated throughout the Mountain and River Hall like a tidal wave.