
Offer to be Devourer of Abyss

Have you ever wondered, what you should do in this life?

Something along those lane of thought must have been passed through the mind of everyone, once or maybe more, and I felt something like that more than often. As someone who have nothing as of something called interest nor talent at great amount, it was normal to do so, or so they say in the book of physicology that I once read.

The feeling of wanting to achieve something and yearning for praise are also something of common to be found for, whether you realized that you do want it or not, when the times came you shall be basked in bliss and that was something that were given.

And I heard the question that made me think about all of what I just narrated all over again; "Do you really want to be an inferior being forever?"

That question, that simple sentence that made the question which are pointed at me by the giant and mighty Dragon that were clad in shiny scale that was colored with one simple color; black that surpass even the sky of night or maybe darkness itself.

His golden gaze fell upon mine, and I couldn't even dare to face away as the questions that it asked shock me greatly. No other questions that will keep me stood still as that one, I could only open my eyes wide and started to question everything that do I want to be that 'inferior' being by the definition that are floating on my mind.

The Dragon who had the ability to read minds should already realized that my silence were the signs, signs of my mind are beginning to work and various line of thought are formed on my mind one by one.

I never said that I satisfied with the life which I have led on for these whole lifetime of mine, but it doesn't like I hated them very much. It was such an easy-going life without much difficulty other than trying to survive from months to another one as the payment of my job will definitely came at the start of a new month.

But, I never said that I like them too. Instead, I felt that I was supposed to be fated to do something greater, better, and more than being just a man who dug soils for dead man or woman. It's a noble work but does it goes to the same wavelength on my mind?

Do I really want that kind of boring life to goes on forever?

The question didn't stop there, many more came to my head. I still keep asking to myself, why? And more why?

They keep pops up till I decide its time to stop and I should just consider everything more carefully. What does the Black Dragon with golden gaze in front of me wanted by implying those question to me?

I could only guess, it must have something in its mind, those were the conclusions that I reached.

"Why are you giving me that question?"

Of course, the wisest yet most reckless move were to inquire on why the question are brought to this conversation of us.

"Because I have an offer to you."


The Dragon voice still filled with monotony, but I still could feel there are something on its words. It's like its trying to hide something away but failed, seems like its doesn't realize that I catch on that.

With his monotone tone, of course I couldn't draw any answer on what offer he wanted to gave me. Unable to surpass my curiosity, I asked the Dragon right away.

"What kind of offer you are going to gave me?"

"An offer to change your life."

I am became more confused. An offer to change my life, those were some pretty words, but I didn't buy it right away at the time.

Question once more was asked to the Dragon, I wanted to get more detail on what did he meant by 'change my life'.

"Change my life? That's sounds so suspicious... you are going to change it by eat me or something?"

Then I hear something that I didn't expect to heard from the mouth of the Black Dragon, a snorts that was followed with a chuckle, then he spoke; "It's on reverse order, young human. You were going to be the one who shall eat me, devour me, and then made me become one with your body. In another words, the one who shall be devoured is me. You shall become the devourer of me, Dragon of Abyss."

Once again, I did not expected on what will the Black Dragon say. I only stare at its visage while confusion are running on my mind, the only thing I could understand is the name of this Dragon is Dragon of Abyss. Meanwhile, I was completely blank on matter of being the one who will devour the Dragon of Abyss.

"I sense your confusion, young human. It is indeed something that weren't common to happen where a Dragon offer himself to a human. But, I shall speak these words that will make you consider my offer."

"Please, enlight me."

"You are definitely not human of this world. You right now are pretty much the definition of powerless based on my analyze of your body and state of your mind, I am sure that you will not be able to survive in this world without the help of the others. Hard times surely befall you once you go out of this cave,"

Silent filled the air, what does the Black Dragon said are all making sense. There's no way to denying that this world are akin to total alien planet as I was just recently brought upon this world and were immediately become a sacrifice without any prior explanation given.

I could only let it keeps talking, as there are no options.

"It wasn't the matter of securing your food or water, or even something as simple as rest your body. What am I talking about is the danger that lurks from every side and corner of this world. I guarantee that nothing but pain and hardships or misfortune will came with no break and with haste at you, as you were nothing but powerless, just as a newborn human... that is until you consider my offer before."

The Dragon then moved its body for the first time, it moving all of its four feet and stand tall with the sense of majestic air are surronding it. It move its feet and walk toward me, only need few steps before reaching the place where am I currently at now.

It faces were brought closer by its neck. It looks to me, not through my eyes but it feels like he looks through my very soul.

Then, it let out a simple cheerful laugh.

"Yes, you do have the chance. To become the Swordsman of Abyss. The one with power of mind, The Dragon of Abyss. As your soul are filled with nothing but complete contempt to anything around you...,"

Even though he just said something that I couldn't comprehend perfectly, I still able to get the point of what he is trying to say.

"Did you mean, I have the chance to change my life if I accept your offer and even reach something far higher than my previous life on this place? On this another world?"

The brims that seems as nothing but smile then beamed on the face of Black Dragon, it was raised toward me and I could only tilted my hand as I didn't expect that.

"You reach the truth."

Never thought that I will made it to three chapter. I'll keep it rolling, for now enjoy this snail paced fantasy story of mine.

TheVanishingVisagecreators' thoughts