
Swordsman's Era

Shikari Gakure is a kindhearted and joyful young boy who lives peacefully with his family on the west as a child. His normal life changes completely when his family is slaughtered by Dark Mobs. The only survivor is him, he wanted to destroy or get revenge on the Dark Mob that killed his family, he's trained by his master and he wants to destroy the dark mobs, he wanted to know who killed his parents and he wanted to learn more about the gods and myths that manage to save the world for years.

Cj_Cj462 · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 29: The Glitch Mobs and the Kingdom of Land and Sand

Date: Æ1289 22, 3

Middle of the night. Shikari Gakure and Monoke Gakure are walking in the middle of the forest. They continued to walk straight as the trees all around them and bushes. The wind blow going towards their left.

"I can't believe this place is peaceful," Monoke Gakure said as he looked around and sees the trees calm and the forest and the wind.

"Yeah, it's been a while since I discover something like this in the western part," Shikari Gakure said as they continued to walk.

After a couple of minutes, they become serious as they see the path. "I've heard that the heads have another small village that is currently outside," Monoke Gakure said as they stopped for a second and looked at the path.

"We should walk on the path, for now, we might see something interesting in the distance," Monoke Gakure said as he walks in the path that is going to the right. Shikari Gakure is behind Monoke Gakure walking with him.

"We've been expecting for the last couple of years the Dark Side, but they've done Never showed themselves except for the Dark Mobs and the Dark Swordsmens," Monoke Gakure said.

"The Glitch mobs has returned, the Dark Side is the only lives in history as a bust myth due to the Dark God and the Extersium planet," Shikari Gakure said as they continued to talk as he stopped and turn behind him. Monoke Gakure stopped as Shikari Gakure stopped behind him.

"What's wrong?" Monoke Gakure asked ss Shikari Gakure looked around behind him. "Nothing it's just wind blowing on me," Shikari Gakure answered.

Shikari Gakure turns around and walks. He walked by past Monoke Gakure as he looked around. Monoke Gakure turned around and walk behind Shikari Gakure.

"It's getting so Dark, it's supposed to be lighting up, someone might be following us," Monoke Gakure said. "We should leave now, also I've got a Kunai on me, I grabbed it in the store in the west, and it looks fancy," Shikari Gakure said as he shows the Kunai.

"It's west what do you expect, Assasins use Kunai," Monoke Gakure said as he looked at the Kunai. "I guess we should continue to look around in the path," Shikari Gakure said as he continues to walk.

After a couple of minutes, they see a small house in the far distance. "It looked like your house in the east, but it's much smaller, I wouldn't expect another village after this," Shikari Gakure said as he sees in the distance coming out of the house from the front door.

"There's someone, impossible there's supposed to be no one outside in the world of the East, South, North, East. What is going on!?" Monoke Gakure said as he hurried and sees in the far distance a girl carrying a baby.

Suddenly their time stops everything turns black as their moves become slower than time. Shikari Gakure quickly reached out on his sword that was on his right but it was too slow because of the time.

Monoke Gakure is trying to compress his hands to the teleport. Suddenly there's a sword from Monoke Gakure's right is going towards him. He manages to compress his hands and teleported out before the sword reaches him. The sword stabbed the tree.

Shikari Gakure sees that the sword stabbed the tree as he tries to get out of the time. Suddenly the time vanishes and everything back to normal. They're on a path again and the girl with a baby carrying is in there.

Monoke Gakure appeared behind him as Shikari Gakure is sweating. "Tsk.! The Glitch mobs they're here," Shikari Gakure said as Monoke Gakure tap him in the shoulder and looked to his right that is the dense forest.

"The path is clear, we need to get out of here, this is a dangerous place, that girl is possibly a Glitch Mob either, we just needed to talk to their leaders before leaving," Shikari Gakure said as Monoke Gakure looked around him and sees nothing.

Monoke Gakure looked around at the dense forest left and right and realizes the truth that their lives are both in danger.

"We need to leave, we will go to the east, for now, to talk to the heads about these Glitch mobs," Monoke Gakure said as he looked around and sees that the Glitch mobs starting to appear in the big branches of the trees in the dense forest.

He sees a Glitch mob near him standing looking at him menacingly as its color is glitching on all of its body. Same as the others as they slowly show up.

Shikari Gakure looked at Monoke Gakure at the right, he nodded at him and both of them vanished in a blink of an eye. The glitch mobs started to disappear as one of the Glitches begins to walk to where they vanished.

The wind blow and electricity appeared in the body of the glitch mob and becomes more glitchy and disappears. The Glitch mobs started disappearing as the girl with the baby carrying it walks back to the house.

Monoke Gakure and Shikari Gakure teleported in the middle of the forest somewhere in the east.

"We're here in the east, I also like to say that it's been a while since we travel in the north," Monoke Gakure said as he looked around and sense the trees and wind around him that is peaceful.

"One of the parts of the east, one of the peaceful places, I'm living in a peaceful place like this," Monoke Gakure said as Shikari Gakure walks behind him

"This way, this is the way towards the east village where the heads are," Shikari Gakure said as he begins to walk. Monoke Gakure turns around and begins to walk to the left side of Shikari Gakure.

In the west. Himura Kiri is walking towards Hashibira Kosuke and Hashibira Komoto that are currently standing at the front gate of the west and are currently getting rebuilt by the west construction workers.

"How's the day for you two? Have you sensed anything strange yet?" Himura Kiri asked as he sees Hashibira Kosuke and Hashibira Komoto turned around on him.

"Nothing strange yet, we're looking also for something specific," Hashibira Kosuke answered. "What do you mean by something specific?" Himura Kiri asked again as he walks by past both of them and stopped.

"We can't tell you, we've been looking for it but it didn't appear as it's supposed to do," Hashibira Kosuke answered as he looked at Himura Kiri.

Himura Kiri stopped at looked around him as he sees that the wind is blowing strangely in the dense forest as it goes towards the west even more.

"I never expect the trees to blow like this, I except to cool down but it's strange," Himura Kiri said as he walks around and looked around.

Hashibira Kosuke and Hashibira Komoto remain silent as they are on guard at the gate. Suddenly there's a shadow in the dense forest. Four of them.

Hashibira Kosuke and Hashibira Komoto quickly run towards the dense forest in front of them outside the front gate.

They appeared at the front gate. The four that arrive are Ria Koruwe, Agatsuma Hit, Katrina, and Tsuyuri Shi. "Nice! Welcome back!" Hashibira Kosuke said as he giggled.

"It's not a nice day, we fought some powerful-" Agatsuma Hit said as he quickly turns around and sees Katrina and Tsuyuri Shi fall on the ground both unconscious.

"Katrina! Tsuyuri Shi!" Agatsuma Hits as he reaches his hands towards them both who fall to the ground. The medic in the army quickly arrived towards them with a stretcher.

"I'm one of the medics team in the army, we will take care of them both," one of the Medic said carrying a stretcher with another guy. Agatsuma Hit quickly move aside to give away as he nodded at them both.

The medics lift Katrina and Tsuyuri Shi to the ground put them on the stretcher and quickly go inside the village. The wind suddenly blows towards them coming from the forest.

The wind blow suddenly becomes stronger and stronger. They started defending themselves as the armies stand behind the medics to defend them because of the wind blowing.

"Ria!" Agatsuma Hit shouts at Ria who is on the left side of him. Ria Koruwe step in pulled out her scythe from her back and spins it in her hands but before she spins it the wind blows suddenly stopped.

"What was that a vacuum?" Ria Koruwe said. "Vacuum only exists once in the place of the world, I didn't expect that it's here actually!" Agatsuma Hit said. Ria Koruwe pulled back her scythe in her back.

"I'm gonna go in for now to eat some food, hey you two Hashibira Kosuke and Hashibira Komoto what would you like to eat?" Agatsuma Hit asked as both of them thinks.

"We would like some noodles and some chicken!" Hashibira Kosuke answered. Hashibira Komoto nodded. "Ria?" Agatsuma Hit asked as he turns towards Ria on his right.

"I just would like fried rice and egg that's all I eat," Ria Koruwe answered. Agatsuma Hit nodded at her and quickly begins to walk towards the village.

"Agatsuma Hit!" Himura Kiri shouts. Agatsuma Hit wave at him in the distance as he walked past Hashibira Kosuke and Hashibira Komoto.

He quickly walks towards him to get things already done. "You need to report to the heads before you can eat," Himura Kiri said as he sees Agatsuma Hit face turns into an angry one.

"Fine!!" Agatsuma Hit said furiously as he walks with him. Himura Kiri turns around and walks. They walk by past some of the soldiers in the armies.

"Who did you fight against in that kingdom lately?" Himura Kiri said as they walk by past the armies and now going in inside the gate as some of the constructions workers of the village rebuilt it.

"We fought some of the dangerous mobs in all of history, the violet ones, I've heard that they've been gone for ten years due to the demons, the demon eating humans killed them all, the demons that I say are don't eat humans, they're different, this demon is hidden before even Date Æ starts or even before any dates start," Agatsuma Hit answered.

"The violet ones, I'm not expecting them to come back because of Shikari Gakure, in another talk, all I know is a king ruled the eight kingdoms all by himself and he believes in loyalty, but the kingdoms ended up living in the shadows for the last past five hundred years," Himura Kiri said as he heavily breaths.

"The kingdoms will be back strong, the kingdom of Mirror and the Kingdom of Tech has the most powerful army ever known in history, but after that thing is known, they've never shown their presence, Agatsuma Hit said.

"The kingdom of Tech, the king has a councilor controlled by his own the king, the king has believed that another war is coming and another date will change, and that day come, called Æ to date," Agatsuma Hit said as they passed the destroyed gate that the constructions workers are working.

They entered the village. "The village west is one of the most prosperous nations ever known, the only village I don't know is the south, I believe they still called themselves as councilors instead of leaders of the village like heads of the village," Agatsuma Hit said.

"We should both look for the kingdoms with your other men's, if we find these kingdoms we should ally with them if they from the light and against the Dark," Himura Kiri said.

Agatsuma Hit nodded at him as they continued to walk towards the capital. As they walk they see a lot of people walking with something carrying. A lot of construction workers are walking and carrying a thick wall side by side carried by a lot of men.

Shikari Gakure and Monoke Gakure reached the fifth army outside the front gate going back inside the village because the gate rebuilt had been completed.

"Ha! Nice! This is now really different from the others, I can't believe that the east heads agree to this," Monoke Gakure said in a happy voice as he looked at the front gate that has a new opening and it now looked like a castle from outside.

They see Chief Makurin in the distance walking back and talking to the sergeant of the fifth army. "The heads are expecting better from your sergeant! They're looking for the lost swords of old and yet you still come here with nothing..." Chief Makurin said to the sergeant as the sergeant lowered its head down as they continued to walk. Chief Makurin stopped as she senses Shikari Gakure's presence behind her.

Shikari Gakure walks towards Chief Makurin who looked furious. "Well, I think you can handle her so I'm gonna go to the food place I'll wait for you there," Monoke Gakure said as he walks aside from Shikari Gakure.

Shikari Gakure nodded at Monoke Gakure who nodded at him too. They continued to walk. "I've been expecting Unknown men with you Shikari Gakure," Chief Makurin said as she walks towards Shikari Gakure who suddenly stopped.

"Why do you smell blood?" Chief Makurin asked as she stopped. "We will talk about that later in the heads underground facility, an unknown Kingdom has been ruling by a false queen under control by Violet ones," Shikari Gakure said as Chief Makurin's eyes widen.

"I guess we should go there now! You should tell this to the heads already," Chief Makurin said as she turn to her right and suddenly Monoke Gakure stopped and looked at the dense forest. Shikari Gakure turned around and looked around the dense forest. Monoke Gakure begins to walk towards Shikari Gakure and Chief Makurin.

The army suddenly stopped as they were inside the village looking outside the gate. They see Chief Makurin, Shikari Gakure, and Monoke Gakure standing there looking at the dense forest that the wind suddenly blows strangely towards the left.

"What are they doing all I heard is that everything is clear now right?" One of the soldiers said inside the gate in the village. The whole army stopped as they watched the three of them outside the gate.

"I never thought we will have a visitor Shikari Gakure, HAHAHA!" Monoke Gakure said as he laughs loudly. Shikari Gakure smiles as he looked at the dense forest an army standing at the big tree branches and some of the soldiers on the ground. The soldiers who are standing in the big tree branches have bows holding and have a small sword on their sides.

"Chief Makurin signal to the army that they should leave we can kill them if they do something stupid or anything else that will cause war," Monoke Gakure said as he smiles as he looked at the army in the dense forest.

Shikari Gakure nodded at Chief Makurin behind him. "Armies! Leave! Tell the heads that an army has arrived!" Chief Makurin said as she shouts and signal using her left hand to leave. The soldiers slowly leave as they close the gate and the barrier slowly shows up closing the whole gate.

Suddenly a horse with a girl riding on it appeared in the dense forest started going towards them. Suddenly the soldiers who holds their bows started pulling out with their arrows ready to fire.

Shikari Gakure and Monoke Gakure pulled out their swords as Chief Makurin pulled out her sword last. "We're from the Kingdom of the Land and Sand I'm a counselor, Named Tarashika, one of the councilors of the kingdom," the girl said who is riding a horse and named Councilor Tarashika.

Shikari Gakure and Monoke Gakure pulled back their swords and kneel as they looked at the girl that is a woman as they kneel on their left knee.

The soldiers who are ready to fire their bows are surprised as Shikari Gakure and Monoke Gakure kneel on her. "I guess both of you know my father, she's on the kingdom, fighting for his life," Tarashika said.

"I hope your father would get better soon," Shikari Gakure said as he lowered his head down. "We've been expecting greater attitude from your village, we're not expecting any armies or a girl with you both," Tarashika said as she looked around and more soldiers comes in with a horse riding and cover the side of the women.

"We apologize, it's been a long time since I see we see you," Monoke Gakure said as his mask suddenly appeared. "Tsk..! That mask I hated it as always!" Tarashika said as she goes towards the gate.

"You two Shikari Gakure and Monoke Gakure stayed on my sides," Tarashika said as both Monoke Gakure and Shikari Gakure stood up and goes towards the women. "Wait? What's happening?!!" Chief Makurin said in a surprising tone.

"We will scout her towards the village, stay here for now with the armies, they're just class 3 armies after all," Shikari Gakure answered as they continued to walk with Tarashika on a horse.

"What the hell?" Chief Makurin said as she becomes more confused as hell. She looked at the dense forest and an army started walking out.

In the east underground facility in the heads. A soldier has arrived with some other more as Glacians are walking outside of the room. The soldier opened the door quickly.

"Sir! The Kingdom of Land and San has arrived at the front gate! She's now getting an escort by our Swordsmens! Shikari Gakure and Monoke Gakure!" The soldier said to the people in the room.

Shimodo Rou is sitting on the other side of the chair with other two more heads in his side and the Generals of the army. "Tell Shikari Gakure and Monoke Gakure that bring her here we had so much to talk about. Generals you all can leave for now I'll summon you all five later," Shimodo Rou said as the Generals one by one leaves the room.

The soldier nodded and quickly leaves to say the message to Shikari Gakure. Shimodo Rou becomes more serious as the Generals leave the room. The only remaining is the other heads and Professor Dinger that on the other side of the room sleeping on his chair.

Shikari Gakure and Monoke Gakure are escorting Tarashika towards the heads. Shikari Gakure Monoke Gakure and Tarashika walk past the gate and now go towards the capital.