
Swordsman's Era

Shikari Gakure is a kindhearted and joyful young boy who lives peacefully with his family on the west as a child. His normal life changes completely when his family is slaughtered by Dark Mobs. The only survivor is him, he wanted to destroy or get revenge on the Dark Mob that killed his family, he's trained by his master and he wants to destroy the dark mobs, he wanted to know who killed his parents and he wanted to learn more about the gods and myths that manage to save the world for years.

Cj_Cj462 · Fantasy
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Chapter 21: The Showoff of the Kingdom of the Far NorthWest

Date: Æ1289 19, 3

Shikari Gakure, Leo, Senn, and Monoke Gakure is walking in a straight path in the middle of the forest. As they walked they see hundreds of Dark mobs in front of them and Undeads. Northwest middle of the day.

They pulled out their swords ready to fight. Suddenly they hear footsteps coming from behind them, Senn turned around and see nothing. Suddenly it vanishes and he turns around to see Leo, Monoke Gakure, and Shikari Gakure standing and seeing another swordsman in the distance slaying the Dark mobs and undeads.

"Rikezi?" Shikari Gakure said as he slowly walks towards the Dark mobs and undead. "Looks like he's clearing all of them," Leo said as he joins the walk.

"Senn, come with us," Leo said as he turns around to see Senn. Senn quickly comes over and walks with him.

Rikezi walks back as he sees Shikari Gakure pull back his sword and walk towards him. "Long time no see, I need to join you always old friend," Rikezi said as he walks towards Shikari Gakure and pulled back his sword.

"I'm not the old," Shikari Gakure said as he facepalms. "Well you look old because of that white hair of yours, and?" Rizeki asked as he look behind sees, unfamiliar people.

"Those are Senn, Leo, and Monoke Gakure," Shikari Gakure answered. "A Gakuke?!" Rikezi said in a surprising tone.

"Stop saying I'm a Gakure to everybody, I'm getting a headache now," Monoke Gakure said as he slowly falls to the ground.

After a couple of minutes. They reached the northwest. "So this is where we are, I'm sensing the coordinates of the teleportation, Senn, and Leo, be careful on your way, Shikari Gakure shows his left white eye to a Dark Red Aura swordsmans be careful at the village," Monoke Gakure said as he looked towards Leo and Senn that behind them. Leo nodded at him as Senn is looking around.

"Ah yes!" Senn said as he looked towards Monoke Gakure. He nodded at them both as he activated teleportation. "Shikari Gakure we should teleport them both to the heads of the village underground facility to keep them safe and bring the information that happened," Monoke Gakure said as Shikari Gakure come over to him.

He put his hand on the ground same as Monoke Gakure. They activate teleportation, both Senn and Leo suddenly light up and vanish.

"They're in the heads, there's nothing to worry about now, I wonder where Shin as he's never been showing up since Æ12," Shikari Gakure said.

"Shin is a powerful swordsman, and he's Gakushin Gakure's student, Gakushin Gakure would be furious if he knows someone took him or something bad happen to him," Monoke Gakure said as they continued to walk in the middle of the forest.

"It's been a long time Rikezi what's been going on in the west?" Shikari Gakure asked. "Nothing, it's just the same, every the end of the Æ date there's always a celebration but every end of Æ its always different, but I think that day will be the burial of swordsmens and other more people that have died today," Rikezi said as he lowered his head.

Shikari Gakure's eyes widen as he remembers the important things at the end of the Æ day.

"Well, we should keep going, even though we lost a thousand people in that battle we should keep living, for the next generation, and after this Darks are all exterminated we can now leave-in peace," Monoke Gakure said as he turn left and right to see Shikari Gakure and Rikezi both walking straight as they're up there heads.

In the east, a bright light in the room started to light up in the left corner inside of the room. Shimodo Rou stands up and the soldiers that outside quickly come in to see who's getting teleported.

The teleporter vanish Leo and Senn appeared on the left side of the corner.

"Shimodo Rou! Sorry for our Uhm... This," Shimodo Rou goes back and sits on his chair. The 2 soldier goes back outside the room.

Shimodo Rou nodded. "What happened to the west? And Senn you can leave for now," Shimodo Rou asked.

Before answering his question he looked at Senn leaving the room before saying something.

"The west gate is destroyed, more than a thousand swordsmans lost their lives, and we fought the undeads and Dark mobs once again but the thing that powerful than these soldiers are the Dark Red Aura Swordsmens," Leo answered as he walks towards the left side of the table and sits down on the chair.

"The Gate is destroyed we deployed the Five Greats to see the damage and defend it, what about the Shira's?" Shimodo Rou asked again as he sees his assistant, he signal to his assistant to have another tea in the room. The assistant quickly leaves the room.

"The west has special swordsmans only two of them died, the Shira's only lost their energies mana's and we find the army of Himura Kiri, the one that with him all dead in the middle of the forest all decapitated, crushed by rocks and stabbed and blood splatter all over the ground," Leo said as he lowered his head down.

"This isn't only a big issue this is also a war, we need to make sure that the west is making sure that the exiled clan didn't do that we need to make things out here clear," the other heads of the village said the one that wearing eyeglasses.

"I'll talk to the heads of the west using this special magic gather the Generals before I activate this I will talk to them first," Shimodo Rou said.

The other head on the left leaves the room, Professor Dinger stands up to leave his current position and goes to the other side, Leo stands up and goes to the side of Professor Dinger.

After a couple of minutes, the Generals arrived at the room one by one. "Generals! I gathered you all here for an important announcement, sergeants live in the room first and give this to the Chiefs of every army," Shimodo Rou said as he stands up and give a paper to every sergeant in the room has that with that General. There's a total of 5 Sergeants in the room and 5 Generals.

The sergeant hold the paper one by one and then they read it as they looked at the paper. "That paper has the information of the upcoming attacked or possibly ambush, so I'm not releasing any army except the powerful ones and finest ones, is that Clear!? No army will leave except I said it and guarding the outside of the front gate of the east!" Shimodo Rou said as he sits back in his chair.

"We will give this to the Chiefs," the sergeant said as he leaves the room but before leaving the room he nods at Shimodo Rou.

The Sergeants leave the room one by one as the Generals look at them leave. "Shimodo Rou, the Renovation of the walls is almost done, you should take a look at it when you have some free time," the General of the fifth army said.

"I'll take a look at it later now but first let's talk about something more necessary, the heads of the west almost got destroyed, the gate of them got destroyed leaving only barrier behind repairing itself, Shikari Gakure didn't repair the barrier but he just goes with Monoke Gakure that I didn't know," Shimodo Rou said.

"He said that he's going to the far northwest to look at something and I believe he's with another swordsman Named Rikezi from the west, Shikari Gakure said his old friend," Leo said as he steps into the conversation.

"Rikezi, the most powerful swordsmans in the west he's known as an earth, Shira," Shimodo Rou said.

"Himura Kiri solo the Gigantic monsters all by himself using thousands of papers to attack, but he's still unconscious when they attacked, they lost more than a thousand swordsmans," Leo said as the General looked at him as Leo lowered his head down.

"Do we have nothing else to do? We can deploy an army with our other finest swordsmans like the Shira swordsmans in our village," the General of the third army said.

"A northwest is a dangerous place except for our northeast that been cleared out by our powerful swordsmans this year," Shimodo Rou said.

"So is the reason the third army is alive is that the finest swordsmans cleared the northeast?" The General of the third army asked.

"This Darks are more powerful than you think, without our kind swordsmans were not here in our current state so I'm not letting an army gets wiped out once again, the heads of the west didn't know the upcoming danger but now we know but we know nothing inside," Shimodo Rou answered.

"The fifth army have they encountered something else yet?" Shimodo Rou asked the Generals that are sitting on their chairs on the round table in the middle.

"There's nothing else, only the Dark mobs and Undeads are attacking but only one by one, the Dark mobs are not kinda a big deal, they're not strong to date," the General of the fifth army said.

Shimodo Rou nodded at him twice and reaches his hand above the table to the floating special magic. He activated the cubes that were inside the special magic turning it on.

Shimodo Rou sees that the West has their special magic still on, the west talks to them. "We manage to defend our village, we're asking for help just to defend the gate and make sure nothing happened and nothing gets in," the heads of the west said who his name is Kingston.

"Kingston do you have additional information that you could give us?" Shimodo Rou asked. "The only information I have is that the army comes from the north, the Shira's have confirmed, the assassins walk their way secretly to us, and found out another prime cube teleporter is there, the assassins came back dead in the emergency messenger write on it," Kingston answered as he compresses his hands lowering his head down.

"I deployed the Five Greats to the west, they'll be able to defend that gate anytime against those gigantic monster or Red Dark Aura Swordsmens on your way, and they've known this prime cube teleporter," Shimodo said.

"The prime cube teleporter, it's vanished a long time ago, it never been found, that's possibly the reason of how they're getting their army back there on a completely other dimension building their army!" Leo said as he walks to the other side of the table looking at the heads.

"This is outrageous if the Darks are building an army in a different set of dimensions we can't win! We need to move now! Shimodo Rou I will use the army to attack the north and find the teleporter prime cube and destroy it once and for all!" The General of the fourth army said furiously as he stands up slowly but Shimodo Rou quickly speaks.

"Don't! I didn't give you permit Fourth General of the fourth army! We're here to reserve our soldiers and swordsmans, remember what Shikari Gakure told us, the teleporter can teleport somewhere near our village if they attacked and you're gone we're gonna be in a big predicament, we're gonna lose our people and this village!" Shimodo Rou said furiously as he looked at the General of the fourth army.

"We're gonna need every Shira's, Former Shira's to cooperate with us! Allied with us, the Shira's are the only ones that can survive on that dimensions," Shimodo Rou said.

"We're not involving any armies?" The Genera of the fourth army asked.

"Yes! The army will only be here to defend and protect the village, we have the barriers we need to defend! Protect! Even more!" Shimodo Rou said.

"That will be reckless, deploying all Shira's on the dimension, that could all possibly they're deaths, and they could outplay us by deploying all the Shira's there but the Darks armies are here, seeing empty dimension," Leo said.

"That's why we're deploying some of my hidden swordsmens," Shimodo Rou said as everyone in the room becomes curious.

"The hidden are long gone in my information... The hidden are the ones that summoned the first time since Æ, one of the hidden is the Glacians?" Leo asked Shimodo Rou as he sees him smiling.

"You've done your searching, impressive for an Ardoni, we need more people like you Leo, the Glacians! The one who lives longer than Ardoni, more than four hundred years they're the one who rewrites this books of histories," Shimodo Rou said as he smiles at everyone as he compress his hands.

"The Glacians are only a myth how can they be real?" The General of the third army said as he fix his eye patch.

"They're leaving inside this village and there are my writers, they live before Professor Dinger even born," Shimodo Rou said as everyone's eyes are widened.

"I know I few Glacians that under my control, I've been only leaving for fifty-six years and they're leaving before my species are alive," Leo said as he said himself.

"So what these Glacians can do? Can they fight with us?" The General of the fifth army asked.

"No, but, they know people that can ally with us, they give me a book about the kingdom that fighting for their people, but these kingdoms are still unknown through all these years," Shimodo Rou said as the conversation becomes more serious.

In the northwest. Shikari Gakure, Monoke Gakure, and Rikezi are walking in a straight path until they see something in the far distance.

"It's a post... Why would anyone create a post from all the way here?" Rikezi asked himself as he continued to walk. As they walk they see on their left 3 people walking towards them.

They reached the post.

"Oh wait, so there's two-path to the left..." Rikezi stops as he sees 3 people coming towards them.

A girl wearing a hoody and 2 big men's behind him carrying big swords on their back and the girl is carrying a scythe chain attached to it in her back.

"I guess we walk left but they're going to our right which is another path," Rikezi said as he answered his question.

"We're going to the left," Monoke Gakure said as both Shikari Gakure and Monoke Gakure walked side by side.

Rikezi goes to the right of Shikari Gakure's side. They continued walking. They walked past the girl and 2 big men's that with the girl.

"I guess they're still going, oh well that's good not encountering a scythe user," Monoke Gakure said as he stretches his hands up and continue to walk straight in the path.

Suddenly the Scythe sound spinning is coming from behind them. "Look out!" Rikezi said as they all 3 jumps high.

The scythe quickly comes back to the place where it comes from. "A chain attached to a scythe and now it's coming that's amazing!" Rikezi said as he pulled out his sword in the middle of the air.

They landed on the ground holding their swords. "You guys are new to this place so we're gonna need your guys Permit from the Glacians," the swordswoman said as she pick up her scythe in the middle of the air and put it in her back.

"We're swordsmen from the east, we're travelers looking for the hidden nations," Shikari Gakure said as he looked at them in the far distance.

"And your permit that your saying doesn't require for us swordsmans, the glacians is with an Ardoni in our village east, all we know is his controlling the Glacians with his hands but not doing anything to them," Monoke Gakure said as Rikezi scratched his head.

"The Glacians are long-living creatures, living longer than Ardoni's," the swordswoman said as she turns around and walk with the 2 men behind him.

"We should leave I think they're just trying us," Monoke Gakure said as he turns around pulled back their swords, and continued to walk.

As they walk they see more people coming with Knights with them holding swords and with full-body armored.

"What is this place? This is my first time traveling in this part of the northwest, I can't believe these many people are traveling outside," Rikezi said to Shikari Gakure and Monoke Gakure.

"There's also like this in the northeast but they're not going outside, they're defended by the national Shira's they've been there defending," Monoke Gakure said.

"This is fantastic!" Rikezi said in a surprising tone.

"We're gonna leave for now in the Kingdom of Heaven, we're gonna go to your grandfather in the Basilaska," the old woman said as they walk past Monoke Gakure, Shikari Gakure, and Rikezi.

Shikari Gakure stopped realizing that he heard Basilaska village. "Something's wrong?" Monoke Gakure asked Shikari Gakure on his right side with Rikezi behind him.

"Nothing let's continue, we have a long way to go, let's talk later about what I heard," Shikari Gakure answered.

They continued to walk in a straight path. Noticing that the path has changed into a stone with a light post in the far distance of them starts showing up.

"There's might be something in the distance," Rikezi said as he walked by past Shikari Gakure and Monoke Gakure and walks fast than them.

"Rikezi holds it right there we don't know his place we might be getting observed already when we got in," Monoke Gakure said as Shikari Gakure becomes quiet as they continued to walk.

As they continued to walk they reached the light post that was perfectly placed and on the other side, there's also a light post.

"Wow! This place is kinda cool it's interesting the same as the path that changes!" Rikezi said in a surprising tone.

"The lights are kinda cool, to be honest, hey Shikari Gakure you should take a look at this," Monoke Gakure said and sees Shikari Gakure looking at the ground. Suddenly he knelt and checked the ground that now is a brick path going straight with more light posts.

"We should go now, there's something even bigger in the distance," Shikari Gakure said as he stands up and Monoke Gakure and Rikezi quickly followed him behind.

As they continued to walk Rikezi realizes that someone is following them for a long time in the shadows in the forest on the sides of them.