
Swordsman's Era

Shikari Gakure is a kindhearted and joyful young boy who lives peacefully with his family on the west as a child. His normal life changes completely when his family is slaughtered by Dark Mobs. The only survivor is him, he wanted to destroy or get revenge on the Dark Mob that killed his family, he's trained by his master and he wants to destroy the dark mobs, he wanted to know who killed his parents and he wanted to learn more about the gods and myths that manage to save the world for years.

Cj_Cj462 · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 13: The Dark Dimensions

Date: Æ1289 15, 3

Middle of the day. The 5 greats are walking around outside the gate. "We should start renovating the gate for safety cautions," Agatsuma Hit said sa he turns around to the gate and see the barrier repairing itself.

"The Gate is 5 ticker layers, yet it got destroyed," Stuyuri Shi said as he walks towards the forest and sees a lot of Darkness.

"The forest is seemingly impossible to go through today, this forest in the east can turn itself into a dense one every hundred days," Agatsuma Hit said.

"So it will be impossible to conquer, the Dark swordsmans destroyed the gate yet we still haven't got any info," Katrina said as he looked back to the gate and see that the emergency medical team arrive so late.

A messenger soldier is coming towards the 5 greats and a scroll with him. "From the heads, it says that go to the north, Shikari Gakure is heavily wounded," the soldier said as he handed over the scroll and leave walking back towards the gate.

"That's impossible!" Hashibira Kosuke said as he walks towards Katrina. "We haven't personally met Shikari Gakure in 9 years," Katrina said as she opened the scroll.

"It's said that Shikari Gakure is heavily wounded you need to go to the north because his last words before he lost consciousness is one of the prime cubes," Katrina said as she closes the scroll.

"Shikari Gakure is supposed to be the best of us," Agatsuma Hit said as he walks around thinking.

"Before we leave I heard that the third army is leaving going somewhere in the north, I believe is another clan swordsmans is in the far north," Agatsuma Hit said as Katrina hands over the scroll.

"I got the info in the dimensional message but it never got through anybody," Agatsuma Hit said as he got skeptical.

"We will leave in the middle of the night, Gakushin Gakure and Shikari Gakure are not gonna be able to defend the village for a little bit at least we have the three of the former Shira inside," Agatsuma Hit said as he goes back looking.

Inside the heads of the village underground facility. The Generals got called as they sits back down in their chairs.

"Listen up!" Shimodo Rou said as everyone becomes quiet. "Shikari Gakure is heavily wounded... Fukeshin Gakure is still not yet found," Shimodo Rou said as everyone in the room talked and becomes curious.

"Fukeshin Gakure himself the myth the legend, he's known for recreating an entire swordsman's Era yet he still got defeat," one of the Generals said as he lower his head.

"Everyone knows what defeat, Fukeshin Gakure hand over his power In the unknown place in the world, one of those is here and it's Shikari Gakure even though he's still a son of a normal human," Shimodo Rou said as he walks to the door opening.

"May I help you with the talks gentlemen?" They all look at the door and see professor Dinger walking in.

"Professor Dinger... About Fukeshin Gakure," Shimodo Rou said.

"About Fukeshin Gakure his known for rebuilding the world, I never met him but the stories are told that he is the one who made swordsman's Era," professor Dinger said as he looks at them.

"The Dark magic due to it, a portal opened to another dimension through another universe in another world recreating one itself in our world... The Ardoni's," professor Dinger said.

"An Ardoni? We've known them, they possess the prime cubes that can be used to power up," one of the Generals said.

"The Ardoni that in our world is in a different alternate timeline, unlike the others, Multiverse," professor Dinger said as they becomes quiet and listened.

As they sit down comfortably someone knock on the door and opened it. They see Senn and Leo coming in.

"Sit down gentlemen, Professor Dinger there possibly the last Ardoni we've known as you said in a different alternate timeline their markings are completely different," Shimodo Rou said as he looks at them both sitting down in a chair.

"The last species of our clan a girl, Chloe died because of the Dark Shira Swordsmen, now we're the last two," Leo said as they both lowered their head down.

"The prime cubes are known before even these Ardoni begins to spawn and sees twenty of them, was the age of Æ doesn't even start," Shimodo Rou said.

"The prime cubes are built by my father, we have a long life span so we can make many of those as we want, to use as energy, those are supposed to be called magic gems but now there called prime cubes," professor Dinger said as he sees that his father invention could be used dangerously.

"Our other swordsmans is known for many years, there's a total of sixty-one Shira Swordsmans in our village including Shikari Gakure, Gakushin Gakure, Agatsuma Hit, Hashibira Kosuke, Katrina, Stuyuri Shi, Hashibira Komoto, the five of them not including Shikari Gakure and Gakushin Gakure are the Five Greats," Shimodo Rou said to the professor.

"And why are you still struggling to fulfill peace? You could end the Era of Darks if you use all of those sixty-one Shira swordsmans to destroy the Darks," Professor Dinger said.

"Professor, those sixty-one swordsmans are in the village protecting it due to the Dark magic, they can teleport the Dark mobs in an instant to our village outside of it," Shimodo Rou answered.

"So that's why every nation has its barrier? I never lived in Æ since I sleep because of that Dark magic," professor Dinger said.

"Also the other clans you should still have contact with them," professor Dinger said as he looks to Shimodo Rou.

"I'm sorry professor the alliance has been broken because of the Dark mobs, Dark Shira's they've destroyed everything that it goes in almost an extinction on every clan," Shimodo Rou said as he lowered his head.

"Extinction to almost every clan... I will be helping you all to be one of the councilors that will recognize this clan once and for all, I will build a technology that we once use in our village to make it a better place and easier and easier to travel," professor Dinger said as he smiles.

"We will be developing and renovating the village with the professor, Ardoni's we will use those prime cubes just in case is it alright?" Shimodo Rou asked.

"Yes, we're glad to help, but we're the ones who will be controlling these Primes when it starts using a power to control its inside," Leo answered.

Shimodo Rou nodded and Leo and Senn both smiled at each other. Soldier Æ suddenly appeared on the right side of Shimodo Rou.

"Soldier Æ?" Shimodo Rou asked as he looks to his right. "An unknown clan Swordsmans are on the far north if they go further they will know the village north, and will relocate the other more villages the East, South, and West we need to take actions," Soldier Æ answered.

"I used the Dark magic for good, this swordsmans from another clan is dangerous," Soldier Æ said.

"We will be deploying the five greats in the north, I believe the swordsman you said will never gonna make it in the north," Shimodo Rou said in confidence.

Soldier Æ nodded before vanishing. The other Generals are once again blank. "Another clan this possibly getting out of hand one day," one of the Generals said.

"He just said using Dark magic! What kind of stupidity is this?!" Professor Dinger said furiously.

"Professor we've known for quite a while now and he's the only one that could use Dark magic freely," Shimodo Rou answered.

"I hope you are right with those decisions Shimodo Rou," professor Dinger said as he lowered his head down. "I will be deploying the third army in the north to see the new post that gonna be building," Shimodo Rou said to the General of the third army.

The General nodded twice before leaving the room. The general opened walks aside opened the door and quickly goes outside. The heads of the village continued to talk as the conversation becomes serious and serious.

The sun is still shining. Shikari Gakure is lying on the bed in the medical headquarters still unconscious. A nurse walks into the room giving him medical.

His wounds are getting healed up by a nurse and always checking his heart because of the heavily wounded that he got.

Gakushin Gakure got a teleporting message from the heads of the village. "Gakushin Gakure, we Uhm Shikari Gakure emergency teleported himself and his heavily wounded but don't worry his now on good condition but still unconscious," the teleported message said as Gakushin Gakure gets a little mad.

Middle of the day in the ocean. Edward Smith is the operator of the ship every afternoon, to tonight. "Every twelve hours we change, this is the first I'm seeing you mad Ha! Ha Ha!" Edward Smith as he leaves the controlling center of the boat to see the view of the ocean for a little bit of time.

"So what's going on kid?" He asked. "My friend, Heavily wounded and now in good condition, when we reach the new continent, I will look for every corner of the new continent to see it for myself that it's safe before I go back," Gakushin Gakure answered as he stands up and looks at the view of the ocean.

"Swordsmans Era, it's good to see that... The swordsmans is protecting the world but it's balanced the same as the Darks that trying to destroy us, and we destroyed them," Edward Smith said as he looks to the sky.

"So, have a good day," Edward Smith said as he tap him on the shoulder. The Samurai Miki is at the new continent forest looking around.

"Hey both of you the captains, are you sure that it's a good idea to leave the boat?" Miki asked the captains in the back of him as they all stopped

"Yes! The boat anchor is still intact in the ground it will never leave the place," the captain said in a confident voice.

They see a lot of crown shyness trees around them looking at how beautiful and cool it is. As they continued the forest becomes more peaceful and peaceful as the wind becomes windier.

Gakushin Gakure looked up to the sky and sees a lot of birds flying as the birds chirp around.

The ocean is peaceful as they travel. Gakushin Gakure goes back to his chair sits down and looks at the sky.

The Dark dimension is full of Dark swordsmans and Shira swordsmans. "So that's Shin?" A Dark swordsman said as she touched shin with she's hand on his face.

Shin is tied up with special ropes. Shin sees that the Dark swordsmans has special swords and special mask on their sides. Other more swordsmans quickly go into a special portal. One by one of them goes into a Dark dimensional portal going somewhere.

Suddenly Shin hears a Dark voice and his eyesight turned into black and lost consciousness. A Dark God is sitting on a throne with more special swordsmans who is carrying special swords and outfits.

The dimensions suddenly become full of tanks of people inside. Shin is getting bind by Dark energy and turning him into a full Dark.

"We will ready our army for the next attack, Kishu, make sure that you don't fail me again," The assistant of God said as the assistant goes back into a portal of the Dark God.

"As you wish," Kishu said as he knelt with more other swordsmans and vanished. Kishu vanishes as the assistant of God vanishes.

The heads of the village are preparing special magic to talk to the other heads of the other 3 big nations.

"The magic will be ready in three days sir," a soldier said as he salute the heads of the village.

"Repair the barrier as soon as Shikari Gakure wakes up and build for me a new gate!" Shimodo Rou said as the soldier saluted and leave the room.

Shimodo Rou raises his hands and performs the magic with his other people. Professor Dinger is on the other side of the room doing some kind of work on the paper.

Middle of the night. Shikari Gakure is waking up from his bed. The nurse comes inside not expecting him to wake up so early. He quickly comes to the side of Shikari Gakure to see if he's alright.

"Agh! I can't move my hands," Shikari Gakure trembled with pain as he tries to raise his left hand.

The nurse-led him a hand. "Stop moving for quite a while your wounds will heal up after two or three days from now," the nurse said as she help him raise his left hand and manage to move it a little bit.

As he manages to raise it the nurse puts down his hands and backs to sleep. The nurse goes to see if he's okay and checks his heart bit and heart rate.

Inside the underground facility of heads. Professor manages to draw the first technology that has been made in their village.

"I did it! Well probably not but I still did it, I just need to rebuild a find the parts," professor Dinger said to Shimodo Rou on the other side of the room.

Professor Dinger turns around and sees the special magic in action. The magic is turning into different colors, blue to red, and in all kinds of different shapes. The magic suddenly turns into a big circle as the other 2 heads of the villages stable it.

They struggle to stable it as after a couple of minutes they manage to stable it and they both fall to the ground. Shimodo Rou is now trying to connect to the other big nations, West, South, and the other more nations to try to be friends with them once again.

Shimodo Rou sees the special magic in the north that has been sealed. Shimodo Rou connected the special magic in the South and West. "We just need to wait for their response," Shimodo Rou said.

As Shimodo Rou tries to respond to them quickly the 2 heads of the village who lost consciousness is now gain consciousness and stand up.

Gakushin Gakure in the ship. They're now on the Southeast pier. Captain Edward Smith quickly tied up the ship to the other people down the way to the pier to make the ship stay and do not move and lose it.

Gakushin Gakure stayed on guard. He goes down to see if Fudo Toka is alright. He sees that Fudo Toka is still sleeping and breathing. He quickly comes back up to see what's happening.

"Karl, is this the southeast dock or pier?" Gakushin Gakure asked as he walks towards him. "Yes, indeed this is the south pier where the people gonna board tomorrow," Karl said as he stretches.

"I'm impressed that you didn't throw off... Vomit," Karl said as he smiles. "I'm... Never mind about that," Gakushin Gakure said as he laughs and sees Edward Smith going down to his bed.

Leo and Senn are wandering around the village tonight. "Senn we should consider ourselves extinct... I didn't manage to save Chloe, I'm sorry," Leo said as he lowered his head down.

"It's fine Leo, at least we will be used for the new generation might be the future," Senn said as he smiles. They both continued to walk in a straight path. The path is full of cobblestone and a lot of 2 story houses on their sides with a balcony.

The people interact with them because they are glowing as they continued to walk. The Gate is getting guarded by the 5 Greats.

They looked at the barrier that still have cracked on the sides. "The barrier will repair itself it just needs a new gate to make an entrance and exit," Agatsuma Hit said as he touches the barrier that has cracked on it.

"We will leave in the dawn, ready yourselves," Agatsuma Hit said as they all stayed on guard and stayed on their post making sure no one gets in.

In the north, an unknown aura can be seen in the middle of the village. Undeads are rising from the bottom to the top. Suddenly there held swords and vanished.

Somewhere in the far north. An unknown big cube is getting carried by 5 unknown swordsmans and carrying special glowing swords on their right side.

As they carry it they sense around them unknown white auras. They put down the big cube and pulled out their special swords.

Suddenly a white aura turns into a girl, a human, and has a scythe on his back with a glowing chain on it. The 5 swordsmans stayed on their post and lowered their head down.

Somewhere in the north. An unknown power in the middle is getting awakened by itself. An unknown laboratory with a scientist is inside of it.

"So the process and the unknown has begun, I need to take action before they destroyed my plans, I'm an immortal now after eighty years of experimentation I'm finally immortal! WAHAHAHA!" The unknown scientist said as he laughs loudly in an unknown laboratory room.

The 5 greats sense unknown Dark energy flowing in the forest in front of them. As they watched it 20 more unknown Darks started having glowing Dark eyes giving a great aura and presence. The Darks stayed in the forest not moving or anything looking only at the 5 Greats.

"Agatsuma Hit your orders?" Katrina asked as he sees Agatsuma Hit step in. "We will stay on our post either, teleport a message to the heads that an attack might be happening anytime," Agatsuma Hit said as Katrina secretly signal to the other soldiers of the village that gather every army inside the village.

Katrina senses that the soldiers that he give signals are now all going back to report it immediately.

"I can instantly teleport a message to the heads but I will not let them only have the fun that we're gonna get," Katrina said as she smiles.

The Unknown Darks started pulling out their swords is now glowing in the Dark as particles in their swords begin to spread all over their body.

As their swords glow they see that on the right side of the Dark unknowns are carrying a demon mask. The unknown Darks starts wearing them one by one giving only a dangerous presence and more Dark Glowing eyes and particles in their bodies and mask.