
Swords of Man

suryawrites07 · Action
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3 Chs

The ODD Things

They took him to his bed and gave him medicine and anaesthesia.

Karish :- Why? Why are you giving me anaesthesia doctor? What happened to me?

Doctor :- Nothing. You should take some rest. We'll check on you later.

He slowly goes to sleep. In his sleep, he had some incidents of the past in his dreams and he wakes up suddenly. Then a nurse come and check his reports and gave him some saline. He started thinking about what happened with that accident.

Karish's inner voice :- Did I really meet an accident? Did I fall from the mountain? How can anyone live if he fell from the mountain? Is the doctor telling the truth? But I'm feeling alright. I guess no broken bones in me. If I fell from the mountain, how did my car came here? Who brought me here? Who brought my car here? Why I went to the mountains? Or why I'm thinking that I met a car accident? But my car is alright without any damage. What's happening to me? What happened to my memory? Why is the same nurse coming every 2 hours and seeing the same reports and giving the same distilled water to me? I need to find out. Ahhhhhh....!!!

karish :- Excuse me, nurse. Can you please call the doctor urgently?

Nurse :- Sorry I can't, He is in rounds.

Karish :- Oh please, I'm getting a headache. It's too painful. Fast. Help me.

Nurse :- Ok I'll wait.

The doctor comes. Then Karish took a scissor and catches the doctor in his arms and points the scissor at his neck.

Karish :- Now tell me, Who am I? What happened to me? Why are you all acting so weird?

Doctor :- Don't worry. We'll tell you all.

Karish :- Ha tell me, Or else I'll kill you right in your hospital.

Then suddenly some soldiers came and gave him anaesthesia and took Karish from the hospital.

After some time Karish wakes up and sees. That he is in a big prison now.