
Swords and Sisters

When he got home drunk in the middle of the night, the first thing he did was draw a magic circle in hopes to summon his dream big sister. Unexpectedly, the drawn magic circle emitted light and swallowed him. Swords and magic dominated the world he was transported into.  Despite being unaware of the dangers he would encounter, he was eager to fulfill his mission, which was... Gather the world's greatest big sisters and accompany him as he uncovers the truth about the world and why he was in it.

OldTwig · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
2 Chs


"Ugh. My... head... hurts..."

A young man leans his back on the cold door to support his drunk body. The trembling legs that supported his body eventually fold and his body slowly slid downwards until his butt touched the cold ground.

"I'm now... an adult..."

The young man laughed weakly and stared at the starry night sky. His sight was waving and his head keeps nodding but the smile on his face did not disappear as he remembers accomplishing one of his goals.

Everyone knows that no one can hasten the time yet this young man, Orion, always wishes to become an adult faster. He immersed himself in studying, hobbies, and work to forget about the flow of time. Living alone, spending his own money on his hobbies, and working to support himself was some of what he believed to be the best part of being an adult. Everything that he accomplished was aligned at preparing for adulthood.

When Orion reached the legal age, the first thing he did was to experience getting drunk and living alone. He did not waste any time since he felt that learning about adulthood as early as possible will help him in the future. He drank too much to almost collapse due to his excitement and ignorance and now he regrets it. However, it excites him even more now that he realizes how difficult it was to be an adult.

Orion slowly raised his hand to grasp the doorknob to lift his trembling body. He faced the door with a smile and remembered his first wish before entering. The wish was to...

"I'm home!"


"Welcome back~ It's already late. And... you're drunk."

"Sorry big sister."

"Hmph! Leaving me here alone while you enjoy yourself. Hmph!"

"HA HA HA! I'll treat you tomorrow so don't be angry."

"Yehay! I love you!"

"I... but... I... live alone... I wish I..."

...have a big sister.

Speaking with the air in a high pitch voice and acting like a teenage girl was not a scene that happened because he was drunk. This was a scene that started when he was younger and it became a habit. Orion fantasizes about having a big sister who will greet him every morning and night, on special occasions such as birthdays and holidays, and when he returns home.

The thing he longed for the most was not a happy long life or the status of King of the World, but rather a big sister. Orion imagined how happy he would be to live with a big sister. A big sister who pampers you every single day, plays with you when you are alone, stands by you in every situation, and looks after you when you are sick. Unfortunately, he was the only child of his parents.

This gave his mind to wish that he would become an adult sooner so that he would be able to forget about this childish wish. However, as he grew older, he wished for it more.

Orion shook his head and gazed up at the ceiling.

"I wish I had a big sister. I will worship any god who will grant my wish even if you are a demon."


This was the wish he mutters every time he stared at the sky or ceiling, but he was always answered with silence. He frowned and cursed at every god he could think of.

"It is really impossible."

The hallway he was standing in reflected the emotions he was feeling: cold, gloomy, loneliness, sadness, and lifeless. He thought it was horrible to live in a house without human warmth.

The nausea that he was enduring from being drunk irritated him even more. He touched the nearest wall to help him balance his body and headed towards his bedroom.

"I'm tired."

Orion crawled into his bed and stared at the familiar wall. He smiled.

"Hello... Alice."

Alice, whom the young man refers to as his "ideal big sister," could be seen in the center of the poster. On a bright magic circle stood a lovely magical girl dressed in a magnificent white dress and wielding a magical wand.

His bedroom wall was covered in different posters of anime girls, as were the figurines on his shelves and table. But this poster of Alice was his favorite, which was why it was displayed near his bed.

Orion returned his gaze to the magic circle and had an absurd idea.

"Oh! Why didn't I think of that! A magic circle! Yes! I will summon Alice!"

Orion rolled out from his bed and walked to search for a marker. He did not let the swaying sight, heavy body, and unsteady legs get in the way of his desire. He took a marker from his desk and began drawing a magic circle on the floor.

Orion focused his attention on replicating the magic circle on the floor, but the outcome was far from original. The outer and inner circles had several bumps, the hearts and stars were twisted, and the lines become wavy. Unusual shapes were also added and a large "Alice" was written in the center.

"Ah! Lastly, the magic words... Hm..."

Orion pondered deeply and tried to remember Alice's chants whenever she uses magic.

"What was it again? Ugh..."

The more he thinks, the worse his headache gets. He starts to regret his excessive drinking, again. Orion massaged his forehead to relieve the pain.

"AH!!! I'll just use my own chant and summon my own Alice."

Orion knelt outside the outer circle. He closed his eyes and clasped his hands in front of his chest.

"Make the world better. Uh... Shine uh... a dream come true? Uh..."

Murmur filled the dark room, but suddenly he stops after realizing something.

"Wait... Alice usually dances whenever she chants."

Orion stood slowly and raised his hands.

"Uh... Screw it! I don't need to say it. This is my own summoning magic. I'll use my own chants!"

The first thing that came from his drunken mind was how dark magicians summon demons.


He took a deep breath and raised his hands higher than his head.

"Here we go!"

Then it began... The ritual combining the supposed to be adorable magic gestures and dark magic.

"Abushu yaha kulilu gugu!"

Orion jumped as high as he could and made a peace sign with his fingers while trying to dance like a magical girl.

"Waba rara lulali pali gra!"

Orion stumbled a few times, but his desire to see Alice pushed both his body and mind to complete his ritual.

"Kruuu wa! Fatu mi hu ju ju ju ju ju!"

Orion closed his eyes and swayed his hips as he brought his hands closer to his chest and formed a heart shape. Sweat drenched his body and thirst drained his energy, yet his determination remained unshakable.

"Gra! Gra, fufu hawaju! Gra!"

Orion yelled as loud as possible and imitated all of his favorite Alice poses.

"Alice! Alice! karuwo wah Alice! Gra! Love! Kru waaah! You!!!"

Orion screamed like a lunatic and glanced expectantly at the magic circle. Due to exhaustion, his breathing became heavy.

"Did I... Ha... do... Ha... something... Ha... wrong?"

Orion inspected the deformed magic circle, which appeared to be like the original from his wavy eyesight. He stood there silently while wondering how Alice performs her spells. Then, he realized, again...

"I'm supposed to chant and dance in the center! AH!!!"

Orion stepped into the center of the magic circle with a grumpy face and repeated his ritual.

"Alice! Eh, Yuhu wawa fraha jukali! Ah! Buuuh!!!"

Orion swirled like a swan while creating as many hearts as he could.

"Halolu Bagra gad Eh! Abu!"

Then it happened...

"Fava bum bum wa-"

The magic circle emitted a soft golden light.

Orion stopped immediately and stared at the glowing magic circle with a surprised look.

"I-it... is really... happening?"

His heart began to beat faster and his legs began to tremble, but he managed to keep the heart shape that was formed by his hands because he was afraid it might destroy this phenomenon.

"Alice is calling... me?"

The magic circle produced a blinding light. Orion instinctively closed his eyes and covered them with each hand, which were forming a half heart.