
Swords and Shadows

Every boy born in the Gupta family has to leave the family at the age of 14, and live on his own without the support of the Gupta family. Martials are people with supernatural abilities like Pyrokinesis or Telekinesis, and have existed forever, but their existence is not know by the normal people. This is the story of one such boy named Reyansh Gupta, see how he spent these 12 years, how he explored his powers, and how he became a stronger and a colder version of himself. When Minos Spark, someone who is considered to be a God in the world of martials, take Reyansh as his disciple, see how his destiny changes. "Never fight a God, until you are a God yourself" Rey said with coldness in his eyes *** P.S. - This is a prequel to ROTSC (Return of the Shadow CEO), Please read the first 13 chapters of ROTSC, so that it feels "Cinematic", but it's not mandatory, and you can still understand the story without any prior knowledge of ROTSC The story contains ghost harem/ shadow harem, meaning that girls will love the MC, but MC won't have any feeling towards them The story has one MC who is Alan, but Minos can be considered the second MC or the deuteragonist I will try my best for this novel, and thanks for choosing my novel! *** I do not own the cover, if you have any issues please mail me at - saiyanganu@gmail.com My discord - ganu #7657 And yes I love Valorant

Ganu · Urban
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6 Chs

The white dress

On the terrace of a building, a few people stood

"What! You are saying that one person fucked you all up!" A person shouted

Nine people stood in front of him, they were filled with bruises, and their uniforms were torn from everywhere, they looked miserable.

"Carlos, he is very strong!" Johnny said

"Fuck off" Carlos said as he punched the boy in front of him

"My gang is filled with fucking weaklings! That's why those bastards from Trinity kick our asses" Carlos said with anger in his voice, and his face was filled with anger

Carlos was the leader of the delinquents in Alan's school, and was considered to be the strongest person in the entire school.

"Carlos, what should we do with that bastard?" One of the nine asked

"Bring him to the warehouse tomorrow, along with all our members! I am gonna fuck this bastard up so bad!" Carlos said with a smirk on his face


In Alan's apartment, Alan was sitting on his bed, reading a book he borrowed from the library. The book was titled "The ways of a Legend", it was the biography of martial arts legends like Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris, the book also contained detailed steps to master a specific fighting style.

In his mind, he was thinking of ways he could integrate martial arts with his ability to control wind, his martial ability.

Suddenly, he heard someone banging his door

Alan, quickly opened the door, and as soon as he saw the person in front of him, he was surprised, but didn't show it on his face, he kept his composure.

In front of him, a beauty stood, she had waist long black hair, and a pair of ocean like blue eyes, she had a fair skin filled with a charismatic glow. The lady was drenched in sweat, and was panting heavily. She looked as if she was a few years older than Alan, perhaps in her late teens or early twenties.

There was a seductive smile on her face, behind her princess like looks, there was a dark and a dangerous aura, and Alan could feel it

When the girl saw Alan, she said "Help" while panting.

"What?" Alan murmured

Suddenly, the girl passed out, and fell on Alan's chest. Alan looked at her, with indifference in his eyes, when suddenly his gaze fell on the girl's cleavage, the boy gulped, and a hint of lust flashed in his eyes. He took a deep breath, before bringing the girl in.

Alan gently place the girl on his bed, and looked at her, there was an unsettling feeling in his heart.

"Fuck" he thought to himself before making his way towards the bathroom, splashed his face with water, before looking at himself in the mirror, with contempt in his eyes.

He then sat on his study table, looking at the girl. "Who the hell is she, and why did I take her in?", "Should I inform the authorities?", "What if she ran away from her home?", all these thoughts ran through Alan's mind.

Alan then stood up, and walked towards his bed "Maybe, I should check her, there might be some identity card or something like that" Alan thought

He looked at the girl's beautiful face, before his gaze reached the chest. The girl's white dress was translucent, due to the sweat, revealing her blue bra, when Alan saw that, his cheeks became red, he quickly shook his head, and looked at the girl's waist, we wanted to see if there were any pockets on the dress.

But to his dismay, he couldn't spot any, his heart didn't want to touch the girl, but his mind had showed the green flag, he had a conflict in his mind, should he touch the girl, or not.

"Fuck it" He thought to himself before placing his hands on the girl's waist, he then started searching for the pockets, but he didn't find any. His gaze then fell on the girl's gorgeous legs, the boy gulped before sliding his hands towards the legs of the girl. There was a great amount of lust in his eyes, along with a devious smile on his face.

He grabbed the thick thigh, and started squishing it, he suddenly moved away, with a worried look on his face. "What the fuck, am I doing" he thought to himself, he then sat on his chair, and started staring at the girl with a blank mind when suddenly, lust flashed in his eyes, and he started smirking.

He stood up and made his way towards the girl, "Forgive me, I can't stop myself" he said softly. His hand slowly made its way towards the girl's dress, after grabbing it, Alan quickly pulled the girl's dress, revealing her blue panties.

He stood in front of the girl with a grin on his face, gazing at her panties with lust written all over his face, he started to lean towards her, it seemed as if he wanted to smell her.

"What are you doing" A feminine voice came, stopping Alan

He looked towards the girl, and panic flooded his face, the girl was awake and was looking at Alan with anger in her eyes. Suddenly, she kicked Alan's face with her knees, pushing him back.

Alan quickly balanced himself and a smirk appeared on his face, "What else do you expect me to do, when you are wearing such revealing clothes, and that seductive face, how can I not?" Alan said, after composing himself, his eyes were locked on the girl's boobs.

"You!" The girl shouted as she covered her breasts with her hands, a blush formed on her face

"Well, who the fuck are ya?" Alan asked in a mocking tone

"Lucy, my name is Lucy Almond." The girl said indifferent

"And, why did you come here banging on my door?"

"Some goons were after me"

"Some goons were after you, and you chose the second room on the second floor? Pretty interesting, isn't it?" Alan said in a sarcastic tone

"Huh? Oh, that's because the first floor was locked, I couldn't get in"

"And, what about the second room?"

"I was panicking, I didn't even notice the first room"

Alan nodded and asked, "Now, when are you planning to leave?"

"I nearly died, because of exhaustion, and you are asking me to leave? You even tried to assault me!"

"Assault? That's a pretty bad way to- Never mind, I assaulted you, all the more reason for you to leave"

"That… Can I live here for a day or two? Please"


"Pretty please" She said with her hands joint together, with a cute smile on her face.

Lucy leaned towards Alan, revealing her cleavage, when Alan saw this he immediately knew that the girl in front of him was a devil, someone who could be called a femme fatale

"Okay, but I will take rent, ten dollars per night" Alan said while trying to look away from the girl's boobs

"I don't have any money on me right now, but-"

"But. what?"

"I can, pay the rent in some other way" She said with a smirk on her face


"I will… be your housemaid!" She said

Alan sighed and said, "Okay"

The girl then stood up, and started moving towards the bathroom, she then looked behind, "Also, you can look up my dress any time" She said as she pulled up her dress revealing her panties along with round ass, while winking towards the boy.

She then entered the bathroom

"Bad choices can sometimes lead to worse situations" Alan thought to himself with a blush on his face


The next day

Alan went to his school with a grin on his face, as he had finally made a breakthrough, he now had some idea on how he could mix his martial ability with martial arts.

But suddenly his peace got shattered, when he noticed three figures approaching him, all of them wore the same uniform as Alan, and he knew all three of them, they were the bullies Johnny brought with him the day before.

"Sup, fuckers" Alan said coldly with a grin on his face

"We three don't want any trouble" One of them said

"We are here to tell you, our boss wants to have a chat with you" Another bully stated

"Come to this address after school" The third person said as he gave Alan a chit with an address written on it

"No threats?" Alan asked sarcastically

"Our boss thinks you are an intelligent person, and know what's in your best interest"

"Ohh" Alan thought to himself


After school ended, Alan looked at the chit, and thought "Let's end this shit"

He then went to the address in the chit, once he reached there, he learned that the place was an abandoned warehouse, in the middle of many factories.

Alan sighed before he walked in

After he entered the building, he saw about thirty delinquents from his school, and their leader who standing in front of them

"So you are finally here, huh" Johnny said with a smug look on his face

"Yeah, someone had to kick your bitch asses" Alan replied

"Alan! I am telling ya, you are fucked, mate!" A teen with a bulky build shouted towards another teen standing meters away from him

"Our leader is here! You are dead meat" Another teen shouted

"So you are the dude, wrecking havoc around here?" Carlos said in a cold tone


Current time

"You, you are a martial?" Carlos whispered

"Huh, Yeah- Yeah, and what's that" Alan said coldly, but he stuttered a little


A man stood on top of a skyscraper, looking at ht e magnificent night view of the city on front of him, his face had a few bad-aids on it, while his left hand was fractured. Even though his body was broken, his face was filled with a tsunami of confidence, and he emitted an aura of danger.

The wind blew his hair, while the night light made his eye shine, he looked like a hero from a movie.

"I have located it" A voice came from behind him

As soon as he heard these words, a smirk appeared on his face and he softly said "I am back"

This chap is kinda effed up but it's important for character devolopement

(Mild spoiler : The girl is not the part of MC's harem)

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Ganucreators' thoughts