
Swords and dragons

a story of a human reborn as an evil dragon in a world of dragons and dungeons

Itsfun · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 1:Reborn as a dragon

somewhere in Terra continent in top of an active volcano stood a giant castle inside the castle halls is filled with an endless amount of gold,shiny stones and magic artifacts and in the middle surrounded by treasure stood three eggs two red glowing eggs like fire and a bigger black egg with black shell with red markings like lava and inside it a consciousness is awakening

'W-what's happening??'

'W-here am i??What am i??'

as the conciousness fell into confusion

suddenly a lot of information is transmitted to him

'i am a John a huma- no!!i am a dragon a giant dragon!!'

after john finally sorted the information in his brain

he already knows the situation he is in

"so i have been reborn into a true dragon from the inheritance memory i got this continent is known as terra a continent of various races sigh..."

As he was thinking John was also Observing his situation he seems to be inside a round object filled with slimy stuff so he followed his instincts and shook his body trying to break free from the egg

what john didn't know was that the moment he awakened his conciousness he already alerted his dragon mother who is a few hundred meters away

"This??is my one of my children ready to hatch?to think that he would hatch 10 years ahead than he is supposed to..he must be a mutant dragon like his father"

The dragon mom flew to his castle at highest speed when she got there she saw an egg..after a bit of shaking the egg finally broke and a tiny round head with glowing lava like eyes came out with 4 tiny horns bend backwards and one horn above his nose unlike other dragons this one has short neck but instead of looking weird it looks more mascular it's black all over it's body and it's chest is glowing red with a body double the size than average..

Although the dragon mom knew that her child is a mutated dragon she still can't help but doub if it really is her child or not...

After john broke out of his shell what greeted him was a giant red dragon 100meters in length and a wing span about 150 meters john knew this is his mother in this life

"Ares Rhaegal Ladon Neltharion"

After hearing the name dragon mom was already sure that this is her child...

"%@@#"(tier 4 magic space pocket)

our protaginst now named ares watch in amazement as mountains of meat appeared in front of him out of thin air

'amazing!!so this is magic one day i will also master this skills and stand at the top of the continent'

after supressing his excitement and paying attention to the food his reaction was a surprise too him instead of feeling disgusted he actually feel tempted of eating raw meat as he proceed to eat after eating his first fill it is unknown whether its hunger or the taste was so good that he can't stop eating until none was left of the mountains of meat that his mother put in front of him just as he was about to observe more of his surroundings suddenly a heavy urge to sleep struck him although he tried to not succumb to instict a baby dragon was still no match for a dragon's instinct passed from ancient times