
Swordmaster that was actually a Mage

Swordmaster Kuta 'Spellblade' Sabre A member of the prestigious Sabre family that for generations either produced the strongest swordmasters of their era or those that were considered top tier. For if they were not peerless in their prime then they were nearly that as in almost every case. Kuta Sabre was a unique case even within her own family where producing at least top tier users of some kind of blade was commonplace. Growing up she was a sword prodigy that master the blade at a young age. Mastery to the point where she became the youngest swordmaster to ever exist not just within the Sabre family but period. The thing she was able to do with her swords were unmatched even with her preferred style being dual wielding swords. However little did she know just how fitting the title of Spellblade that she was given (as an inside joke for the Sabre family and weapon users in general) would be proven to explain so much about herself and who she would eventually become starting on the day she officially becomes a pre-teen

Kamon772 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 08

Kuta who had not yet figured out had been disowned, replaced, and even had an assassination attempt made on her. Just kept heading back to where she hoped a town or a village was located. She did not know where she was in this forest and the path that brought her here had collapsed This being because she was no longer considered a member of the family after all. They did not want a path that non family was aware of as that exposed them to unneeded danger in the future.

As for the servant that attempts to assassinate her just now. They were not expected back either given they were considered a loose end that would be dealt with one way or another. While the Sabre was not worried if Kuta survived as no one would believe her claims after all. Her very existence as a mage would discredit any claims she could make to being Kuta Sabre anymore. To them, she was now a girl with the same name as the family head's daughter.

She did not even learn this from a member of her former family but instead, the movement that could be considered a usage and/or abuse of the power and influence the Sabre name possessed. When finally made it to one she found a flyer claiming that younger swordmaster in history would finally be given their official title after a bout that left them recovering from their birthday until just recently.

The image she saw was not of herself but of someone else and also claims they would be making their first public appearance in years. Sure she had isolated herself for the last few years but that was just to truly perfect her sword style for the weapon user school. She just did not want to mess up as this would be the first time she be primarily around others her own age even if they were not exactly at her skill level. Thus the reason to train is to use her full power at whatever level she would need to. Not holding back but fighting everyone at their level or close to it.

Kuta was not aware of just how abnormal this was and even more how she actually managed to pull it off. Able to fight someone at her best without overpowering or overwhelming them because of the skill and experience gap. She could provide anyone with a challenge that was almost as if it were tailored to their abilities and skills. Unaware Kuta was that trying to accomplish this in a way could be considered an insult to anyone she used this on. She was so far above them she finely controlled her powers and skills to their level. Not only that but always fights her strongest at that level as if it were second nature.

The image in the flyer was of a girl that clearly was not her but her name was plastered under her thought. As she held on to the flyer she wandered around the town she had come across.

"Is it just me or does the Sabre girl look different than before?" a townsman said

"The reasoning for that is the training in isolation did change her as she looks like this as a result of that training and the incident that happened on her birthday" a second townsman replied

Neither one of these was exactly lies as the new Kuta did look like this as a result of the original's training and her arms becoming her wands as she is a mage. However, the details were not explained to the general public as it was deemed not something they needed to know. The only truth that the Head of the Sabre wanted everyone to know was what they accepted as the truth. With their power and influence, they were making that the case.

After hearing and seeing all this official information about something Kuta viewed as her replacement the second townsmen walked by her at this moment.

"As you can see you are no longer Kuta Sabre. Just a girl that happens the same name as the young mistress. You can continue to use it as a parting gift as not like you can do anything with it. There are quite a few girls who possess your name after all mostly thanks to how the master announced his daughter's birth. You might be the only mage named Kuta though" they said