
Swordmaster, my ass!

Jin Myeong lost his parents due to a strange illness, he wandered the mainland in search of a martial arts sect that can keep him unfortunately due to his status and appearance he was rejected until one day a random old man asked him if he would like to be his disciple. As Jin has nowhere to go, he accepted the old man's offer.

Lebear · Eastern
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21 Chs

Travels to Yeon-in

Jeong Su stood under the vast night sky, his silhouette illuminated by the flickering campfire, "I walk the path of darkness," he began, his voice echoing through the silent woods. "A path fraught with peril, where light is but a distant memory. Yet, there is no return. I don't need to return. This is the path that I take, the path that defines me."

Jeong Su paused looking at the dark sky.

"The path that defines me... Did I really choose this path or am I just a pawn to that old hag?" Jeong Su sighed, "nonsense." Jeong Su smirked.

Jeong Su extended his arm in the direction of the campfire, "manifest." he chanted with commanding authority. A creature of living flame surged out from his outstretched hands and consumed the campfire's flames. He clenched his palms and the creature dissipated in thin air.

Jeong Su smirked, "what an overkill."

Jeong Su clapped his hands together and aligned them with his dantian, "Eagle Of The South," Jeong Su extended his arms, Manifest!" An eagle of pure Qi surged out of Jeong Su's body, "Yeon-in is still pretty far from the west. I don't know how Jeo-gun traveled it in 2 weeks though," Jeong Su grabbed his chin, "he sure is lucky to be born with a heavenly body, but that brain of his is holding him back..." Jeong Su smiled, "good for me!" with a confident leap he mounted the eagle ready to soar through the skies.







Jin looked around Kosdae's room, full of color and too luxurious for him. He sighed, "man I wish I was this ric—"


—you fell again?!."

"The last step is kinda confusing... I don't know how to spin like you..."

Jin stood up and held Kosdae's hands.

"First you step here."

Jin demonstrated the steps slowly, his movements fluid and precise, "see it's all about rhythm and balance."

Kosdae nodded and she attempted to imitate Jin's movements but she—


—always fell.

Frustrated by this she stood up towering over Jin, "let's play outside I'm growing tired of this."


Kosdae grabbed Jin's hands and started running through the halls startling the disciples.

"Lady Kosdae you can—"

They keep running.

"Stop Lady Kosda—"

And running.

"Lady Kosd—"

A smile escaped Jin's face.

And soon they laugh.

As they strolled through the garden, the sound of their laughter filled the air.

"Lady Kosdae, you're 

unstoppable!" Jin exclaimed between breaths, his heart racing with excitement.

They played and played until sunset when it was time to say goodbye.

Jin returned home with a smile on his face.








Knock, Knock.

Babo opened the door, "what's with the smile?"

Jin entered the door, "nothing."

"Well, better use that smile for tomorrow's training. You are skipping work tomorrow."

"What?! I can't!..."

"What do you mean you can't? I'm preparing you for the outside world Jin."

"Fine..." Jin muttered. "It's Friday today, right? So I'll be missing 3 days..."






Next day—

"Wake up, wake up!"

Jin slowly opened his eyes...

"Hmm?" Jin stretched his arms.

"Don't 'hmmmm' me! Stand up."

Jin slowly got up from his bed and started changing.

"After you've washed yourself meet me at the waterfall."

Jin nodded, "okay."




At the waterfall—

Jin yawned, "what're you gonna teach me, old man?"

"The good stuff," Babo smirked.


Babo smiled even wider, "The good stuff. My sword style, ■■■■■■■■












After traveling tirelessly Jeong Su finally arrived at Gundae The Heart Of Four Continents.

"That old hag won't mind if I slack off a bit, right?" Jeong Su entered the Inn. All eyes are on him for a brief moment before returning to their drinking and hushed conversations.

Jeong Su approached the Innkeeper, "one room, please, three nights."

"That would be a silver coin, sir." The Innkeeper replied.

Jeong Su handed the Innkeeper a silver coin, "what room is availab—

"Don't touch me ya jerk!"

The young woman's yell interrupted Jeong Su's words, he looked at the Lady accompanied by two men.

"Did I do it too fast dear?" the man asked.

"Daughter!" the Innkeeper shouted as he headed over to the two men.


One of the men punched the Innkeeper.

"Get out!" the young woman shouted while standing defiantly, "I said get out!" she pointed at the door.

"Such a feisty one huh? I'll come back for more later. Let's go!" the two men walked away while people gave them weird looks.

The Innkeeper embarrassed slowly gets up, "don't mind them, Eun Ji, they just don't have anything better to do in life."

The Innkeeper slowly walked towards the counter, "room?" Jeong Su asked.

"The third one on the second floor." The innkeeper hands Jeong Su the key.

Jeong Su grabbed the key, "thanks." He enters his room and lies down like a grandmaster after mastering the art of napping and procrastinating.







Jeong Su woke up at the hour of the dog.

(W/n: 7:00pm to 9:00pm)

Jeong Su splashed water on his face, "man...I shouldn't have taken that nap." As he splashed the water he remembered the altercation downstairs earlier.

Jeong Su moved silently down the stairs. The inn was quieter now, the flickering lanterns casting long shadows across the room. He slipped out the back door, his senses keenly attuned to the night.

"What's a beautiful Lady like you doing outside at this hour?"

It wasn't long before he heard the familiar sneering voices. The two men were loitering in a narrow alley, their laughter echoing off the stone walls.

It was clear through Jeong Su's eyes that the young lady was uncomfortable, he walked up to the two men.

The two men sense a man approaching and look at Jeong Su.

"You should have left when you had the chance," Jeong Su extended his arm to the men's faces.

"What the hell you talkin' bout?"

The two men snickered.

"Two-headed snake of the north," Jeong Su closed his eyes. "Manifest!"

From his hands, a serpentine form began to materialize, its twin heads hissing menacingly. In an instant, the snake struck, its movements swift and lethal, tearing through the throats of the two men. They fell to the ground, lifeless, their eyes wide with shock and pain.

It was too dark to see the man's face. The young woman stood frozen, her eyes wide with terror as she struggled to comprehend what had just happened.

Jeong Su turned to her, his expression softening into a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, lady. I won't hurt you."

Before she could scream, Jeong Su placed his finger gently on her forehead, and she slumped forward, unconscious.

He lifted her with ease and carried her back to the inn, laying her down gently on one of the tables. He took a moment to make sure she was comfortable, then turned to head back to his room.

"Did I kill those men to save her or just to clench my thirst for blood?"