
Swordmaster, my ass!

Jin Myeong lost his parents due to a strange illness, he wandered the mainland in search of a martial arts sect that can keep him unfortunately due to his status and appearance he was rejected until one day a random old man asked him if he would like to be his disciple. As Jin has nowhere to go, he accepted the old man's offer.

Lebear · Eastern
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21 Chs

Demonic Beast's Perfection

"Petals Descent!"


The beast screamed, shaking the floor beneath Meoni. The disciples dropped their swords and covered their ears.

Their eyes widened when they saw that Jeong Su had vanished into thin air. They frantically searched the room.

"Kosdae!" Meoni shouted as she rushed outside.

"How can I let this happen?...I am too incompetent to be a sect leader...Kosd—


Meoni's thoughts were interrupted as the beast struck her, flinging her across the room. The elders and disciples looked on, shocked and worried. The disciples locked eyes with the beast.

The beast growled, its eyes full of bloodlust. It tensed its legs and charged at the disciples. Meoni struggled to stand, gritting her teeth as she tried to get out of the room.


Her thoughts are only filled with worry about her daughter. The disciples readied their technique.

"33 petals strike!"

Slash, Slash, Slash!

The beast blocked their attacks with ease. It saw Meoni running to the door. It extended its arm toward the direction of Meoni.

The beast conjured a large arm made of Qi. All of the disciples halted their technique, their eyes widening as they felt the demonic Qi, pure of bloodlust, and death. It felt as if thousands of dead souls were trying to escape this demonic Qi.


Suddenly Meoni was face to face with the beast. The beast tightened its grip trying to crush Meoni with its hands.

"Downpouring Petals!"


One of the elders struck the beast's hands cutting it off and releasing Meoni.

Meoni hurriedly escaped the beast's severed hand. She coughed blood, her vision blurring as she glared at the monster.

The beast growled and swung its arm toward the elder.


Blood splattered across the room as the elder's upper body exploded, leaving his legs crumpled on the floor.

The remaining elders and disciples wasted no time as they charged at the beast. They jumped into the air and readied their swords.

"Petals Descent!"

The Qi petals enveloped the beast, which screamed, shattering the petals. The disciples stared in shock, unable to comprehend how it survived the attack.

Meoni wasted no time, she charged at the beast.

"Hidden petal strike!"


Meoni slashed the beast in half, and dark red blood gushed out of its separated body.

Meoni looked back at the beast's corpse, her eyes widened as she saw Qi generating from the beast's body.

The beast's Qi connected the two halves of its body, its eyes lit up in a dark crimson color, and it extended its severed arm toward its hand. The beast healed its hand.

"Impossible," Meoni whispered to herself. Meoni looked at the beast closer, and a memory struck her, "could it be the same one?.. No way, The Southern Alliance has already wiped them out, right?"









Jin slashed Jeong Su aiming for his neck. Jeong Su halted his technique and turned his head to the left.

Jeong Su looked back at Jin, "hey! I say stand still, goddammit!"

Slash, Slash!

Jin throws a flurry of attacks on Jeong Su. Jeong Su dodges every attack but Jin quickly replies by striking another time leaving Jeong Su no time to counterattack.

"No way I'm letting you conjure another beast like that! I ain't dying without a fight!" Jin whispered to himself.

Jin attacks Jeong Su with such great speed, "my attacks aren't landing though...time to use that old man's sword style."

Jin takes a deep breath and takes his stance.

"Whispering wind, sword dr—"

"Demonic hound!"


Before Jin could strike with his technique Jeong Su conjured a hound from his stomach. The hound's head emerged from Jeong Su attempting to bite Jin.



Jin immediately parries and slices the hound's mouth. The hound cries in pain and it dissipates from Jeong Su.

"Almost..." Jeong Su backs off gaining some distance against Jin.

"Feisty little girl huh? Who taught you? Definitely not Meoni, so who's your master?"

. . .

Jin prepared his stance guarding Kosdae, "this is dangerous... He's here for Kosdae, right? Fuckk...."

Kosdae burrows her face in Jin's back and holds onto Jin's dress.

Jeong Su looked at the two, "what's wrong? Cat got your tongue?"

. . .

Jin stayed quiet and looked at Jeong Su, "what now? Stand here protecting Kosdae or run away?"

. . .

Jin swiftly turned back and carried Kosdae on his shoulders, "that's it I'm taking another route to master!" Jin goes deeper into the forest.

Kosdae closed her eyes. Jin can feel her heartbeat.

"She is scared...I couldn't blame her, I'm scared too..."

Jeong Su sprinted trying to catch up to the two, "oh no you don't!"

Jeong Su closed his palms.

"Vampiric Worms."



The worms attached themselves to Jin, he bit his lip trying to bear the pain.

"Kek....I can't afford to lose momentum...just a little more..."

Kosdae clung tightly to Jin, her small frame trembling. Jin's vision started to blur from the pain, but he pressed on.

Veins pop out of Jeong Su's forehead, he grits his teeth in anger opposite to his calm demeanor, "persistent brat! That's it, I'm going all out!"

Jeong Su leaped into the air and raised his arms to the sky.

"Eagle Of The South!"


A large eagle manifested from Jeong Su's hands, he grabbed its claws and the eagle started to fly toward Jin.

Kosdae's eyes widened and he tugged Jin's clothes, "Jin," she whispered.

Jin turned his head towards Kosdae, "hmmm?"

Kosdae pointed at Jeong Su flying towards them, "Eagle."

Jin looked at where Kosdae was pointing, his eyes widened in shock. Jin kept his eyes locked on Jeong Su anticipating his movements.

Jin thought of a plan for a moment, he bit his lip trying to muster the courage to say it,

"Kosdae, can you pull these worms out of my back?"

Jin knows that he will eventually pass out if he keeps those worms in his back, "just pull them out I don't care!" Jin yelled at Kosdae.


Kosdae was startled by this change of personality by Jin, she mustered off her courage and pulled—

Ackk!!! Ack!!!

—the worms from Jin's back. The worms bit off flesh from Jin's back. Jin bit his lip trying not to scream in pain.

"Fuckkk...I underestimated these worms....kek!..." Jin whispered to himself, he ran faster than ever before. Jin swiftly avoided the trees blocking his way, he tried his best not to lose momentum.









The Southern Alliance was composed of 6 sects and 3 of the greatest merchant groups of the time, Sing Han was the leader of the alliance and the one who finished the reign of the Heavenly Demon Cheon-ui.

Meoni looked at the beast, trying to comprehend how it came to be, "this...Demonic Qi is the same as those Demonic Cultivators 9 years ago albeit stronger..."

Sing Han and the Alliance after 10 years of resistance against the Heavenly Demon finally saved the Murim from Cheon-ui's reign.  Warriors from the Alliance stated that the Demonic beasts all died with Cheon-ui.

"How could this be? How did this one survive? This beast could only be created by the Heavenly Demon, how? H—

"Lady Meoni!" a disciple yelled as he charged towards the beast towering over them.



Meoni barely parried the beast's attack, her arms ringing from the impact. Meoni suddenly remembered something—


Meoni with a commanding tone said, "stall the monster, I know the way to defeat it!"

They all nodded toward Meoni as she charged outside. The beast was preparing another attack but was stopped by the disciples.

"Blooming Petals!"


Qi petals exploded in front of the beast stunning it and giving time for the disciples to launch an attack.

Meoni heard a loud explosion coming from the mountains, "Kosdae must be there, I feel it!" she rushed to the mountains.











Jeong Su flew toward Jin, and he released his grip on the eagle's claws.

Jin saw Jeong Su dropping off and the eagle charging towards them. Jin ran faster and faster as he carried Kosdae. The eagle made contact with the ground and exploded releasing a wave of Qi all across the forest.

"Fucking shit we can't escape this!" Jin halted his movements and stood his ground he guarded Kosdae but the sheer strength of the shockwave was enough to send Jin flying. Kosdae thanks to Jin remained unharmed and rushed to Jin.

Jin coughs off blood, his body aching from the pain, and his legs weaken as a result of trying to stand against the explosion.

Jeong Su arrived at their location and saw the state Jin was in. Kosdae grabbed Jin's sword and took her stance.

Jeong Su laughs at Kosdae finding it amusing, he walks towards Kosdae and kicks her away.

"I need to add you to my collection, young lady," Jeong Su said as he put his thumb on Jin's forehead, "stay put this will be painless."

Jin tried to muster up the courage to fight back but he couldn't, his forehead glowed as Jeong Su tried to draw Jin's spirit out of his body.

Swooosh, bang!

Jeong Su was suddenly flung away by a Qi blast and hit a tree.

Jin looked in the direction where it could have come from and saw...

Jin's eyes widened, "master!" he shouted.

Jeong Su slowly stood up, "that's your master, eh? This ol—

Poof, thwack!

Babo suddenly appeared in front of Jeong Su and punched him in the gut. Jeong Su's abdomen burned due to the impact made by Babo.

Jeong Su smiled, "calling you back, big guy."

"Demonic Beast's Perfection!"


The large beast emerged from Jeong Su. The beast towered over Babo but Babo's expression remained unchanged, calm and unflinching.

Jeong Su dashed toward Kosdae trying to grab her, "my mission is to get this girl. I can't afford to fail this."

Babo saw this desperate attempt by Jeong Su, and he generated Qi from his fingers.

"Finger Sword."

The beast sensed what Babo was trying to do and struck—


Babo blocked the beast's attacks with one arm, and he released a Qi wave aiming towards Jeong Su.

Jeong Su extended his arms towards Kosdae, "finally getting promot—


—kek!...that fucking old freak!"

Babo had sliced Jeong Su's arm off, and blood gushed out.

Jeong Su felt numb from his sliced arm, he grabbed his severed arm and tried to grab the unconscious Kosdae once again.


Babo beheads Jeong Su, the beast cries dark crimson tears as it disappears...

In his final moments, Jeong Su could only wonder;

"Such power...I could only dream of having..."

"My neck feels cold..."

"Master Li...you taught me the Beast arts...thank y—"


As Jeong Su's body dropped to the floor Babo wondered, "who sent him here? Such a waste... Another talent bites the dust..."

Babo walked towards Jin when suddenly—

"Hidden Petal Piercer!"


Meoni climbed the mountains and struck at Babo.

Babo narrowly dodged the surprise attack made by Meoni.

Meoni spotted Kosdae's unconscious body. Her eyes widened and locked to Babo.

"Petal Sword Dance!"
