
Swordbound: The Hero's Journey to Silence the Seven

"Swordbound: The Hero's Journey to Silence the Seven" (剣絆:七つの剣を沈黙させる勇者の旅 - Kenkizuna: Nanatsu no Ken o Chinmoku Saseru Yūsha no Tabi) unfolds in a unique world where firearms are absent, and every individual bears a traditional weapon. In this realm of steel and valor, our protagonist, Jake Harada, a half-Japanese, half-American teenager, joins forces with Luna Estrella, a futuristic artist with a rebellious spirit. Embarking on a globe-trotting quest, Jake and Luna seek the legendary Seven Swords - mystical blades imbued with powers that, if united, could lead to unimaginable disaster. Each sword is a relic of immense power and history, with the potential to shape or shatter the world's destiny. Their journey is fraught with challenges, not just from the hazardous terrains of a diverse planet but also from those who covet the swords for their agendas. From the shadowy alleys of underground societies to the majestic halls of power, Jake and Luna encounter allies who share their noble goal and adversaries who seek to use their swords for dominance and destruction. "Swordbound" is a tale of adventure, courage, and the bonds formed along the way. It's a story about the choices that define us, the values we fight for, and the strength we find in unity. As Jake and Luna confront external threats and internal dilemmas, they learn about the true essence of heroism and the price of wielding immense power.

cjbaron · Action
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26 Chs

Chapter 26: Battle Against PROUD Part 1 of 4

As dawn crept across the sky, painting the horizon with hues of gold and crimson, the school carpark transformed into an unlikely battleground. This concrete expanse, usually echoing with the mundane sounds of daily commotion, now pulsed with a different kind of energy—an electric anticipation that heralded an event destined to be etched in the annals of Seiryu High's storied history.

The atmosphere was charged, a tangible tension weaving through the assembled crowd of students and teachers who had gathered, drawn by the promise of witnessing an unprecedented showdown. Whispers fluttered like leaves in the wind, speculating on the impending clash between Jake, Yoko, Luna, Akane, and Carter against the daunting might of PROUD. It was a confrontation that felt like something out of legend, a tale of courage and defiance that would be passed down through generations.

In the heart of this improvised arena, the two factions stood ready, their gazes locked in a silent exchange of resolve and determination. Guided by Kaito's meticulous strategy, each member of Yoko's group was acutely aware of their role and the pivotal matchups that would tip the scales of this monumental battle.

Yoko, embodying the serene strength of her samurai lineage, exchanged a knowing look with Jake, whose hands rested on his baseball bat with a casual ease that belied the intensity burning in his eyes. Luna, her stance relaxed yet poised, gave a slight nod to Akane, who, despite her injuries, radiated an unyielding spirit. Carter, his expression a mask of focus, flexed his fingers, mentally rehearsing the movements that would soon be put to the test.

Jake turned to his allies, his usual jovial demeanor replaced by a solemn earnestness. "Today, we stand together, not just as friends, but as warriors. Let's show them what we're made of."

On the opposing side, where the members of PROUD stood with a confidence bordering on arrogance, Osamu stepped forward, his presence commanding and undeniably intimidating. The setting sun cast long shadows, which seemed to dance around him, enhancing the menacing aura that enveloped him and his companions.

His smirk was a dangerous curve, playing on his lips with a hint of contempt and dark amusement. His bright yellow eyes, unnaturally vivid against the dimming light, glowed with a cold, predatory gleam. They fixed on Jake and his team with a chilling intensity, as if measuring their worth and finding them lacking.

"Let's see how you and your friends go against us," Osamu taunted, his voice a low growl that reverberated in the silent air, carrying with it the weight of his notoriety and the unspoken threats of his yakuza backing. The confidence in his stance and the dismissive flick of his gaze spoke volumes of his disregard for any semblance of fear or apprehension.

With a roar that echoed through the cavernous space, Ushio launched himself into action, embodying the very essence of what he had dubbed the Muscle-Bound Momentum. Utilizing every ounce of his considerable muscle mass, he charged at Carter with the unstoppable force of a freight train. In his hands, a hefty dumbbell swung with such ferocity, it seemed to clear the air itself, carving a path straight towards his opponent.

Carter, ever the epitome of calm under pressure, readied himself for the onslaught. The words of Kaito, echoed in his mind, a steadfast reminder to lean on his resilience and the breadth of his athletic experience. "Carter, remember, it's not just about strength. It's about knowing when to move, and how." With a smirk that belied his focus, Carter tapped into his Athlete's Agility, a skill honed through countless hours of rigorous training. As Ushio neared, Carter danced aside with a swiftness that seemed almost supernatural, his voice laced with a challenge, "It's gonna take more than that. You might want to pace yourself."

Ushio, caught in the momentum of his charge, could only grunt in frustration as he missed his target. Skidding to a halt, he turned, his eyes burning with a fierce determination. "You think you can dance around me all night?" he spat out in Japanese, the words slicing through the air between them.

Carter, however, chose not to respond with words. He knew the battle would not be won through dialogue. Instead, he focused intently on Ushio's movements, reading the predictability of his power-driven assaults. With the agility of a seasoned hockey player, Carter continued to sidestep and weave, each movement a dance of its own, each dodge a testament to his enduring stamina. It was a stamina not born of the battlefield, but of the ice rink, where he had learned to outlast and outmaneuver opponents under far less dangerous circumstances. Carter's strategy was clear: to wear Ushio down, to turn his own strength against him.

Meanwhile, not far from this dance of strength and agility, Akane "Twilight Sai" Miyazaki stood, her figure a stark contrast to the brute force being displayed. Her breaths were short and ragged, a testament to the toll the previous battle had taken on her. The injuries she had sustained in her fight with Osamu were far from healed, each one a painful reminder of her vulnerabilities. Yet, here she was, poised and ready, facing off against Pimiko Nyanko. Pimiko, with her paradoxical blend of innocence and manipulation, was a formidable opponent. Her burnt orange hair seemed to catch the last rays of the setting sun, glowing like embers against the twilight sky. Akane knew the challenges that lay ahead, the pain and the danger.

Pimiko, embodying the mischief and confidence of a seasoned provocateur, allowed a smirk to play across her lips as she circled Akane with the deliberate, measured steps of a predator sizing up its quarry. In her hands, the Tekko Kagi gleamed under the flickering streetlights, a physical manifestation of her cunning and readiness for combat. The traditional Japanese hand claws, an extension of her deceptive yet deadly prowess, promised a battle that was as much about wit as it was about physical strength. "You look a bit worse for wear, Twilight Sai," she cooed, her voice dripping with a sweetness that belied the venom hidden within. "Sure you're up for this?" The challenge hung between them, a gauntlet thrown.

Akane, however, remained a bastion of resolve, her grip on her sais tightening, a physical manifestation of her unwavering determination. Despite the echoes of pain that resonated through her with every movement, her stance did not falter. "The last fight with Osamu was a distraction, a momentary lapse I intend not to repeat," she retorted, her voice a steady calm that contrasted sharply with the storm of emotions raging within her.

With no further words exchanged, the dance of battle commenced. Akane surged forward, a tempest incarnate, as she unleashed the Crimson Cyclone. Her sais became extensions of her will, spinning in a lethal ballet that sought to overwhelm Pimiko with its ferocity and precision. Yet, Pimiko was no ordinary adversary. She moved with a grace that seemed almost ethereal, her feline agility allowing her to sidestep and weave through Akane's relentless assault. With the cunning of a cat, Pimiko employed her Nine Lives Escape, utilizing the Tekko Kagi with expert precision to create distance and obstacles between herself and Akane. Whether it was a swift leap to the top of a nearby car or a sudden, evasive maneuver behind a pillar, each action she took was a testament to her survival instincts and agility, embodying the mythic resilience and cunning of a cat with nine lives. Her brown eyes, gleaming with a mix of amusement and disdain, reflected her confidence and control over the flow of the battle.

"Is that all?" Pimiko taunted, her voice carrying an undercurrent of disappointment. "I was hoping for a challenge." She dodged yet another aggressive flurry from Akane, her movements a testament to her skill and confidence.

The battle raged on, with Akane channeling every ounce of her focus and energy into her attacks. The moment came when she managed to drive Pimiko back, cornering her against the indifferent bulk of a parked car. Seizing the opportunity, Akane executed the Silent Cherry Blossom Thrust, a move as beautiful as it was deadly, aiming it with precision at her opponent. Pimiko, however, displayed her remarkable adeptness once more, narrowly evading the strike. The tip of Akane's sai grazed Pimiko's sailor uniform, leaving behind a testament to how close it had come to its mark.

Pimiko Nyanko, with a renewed sense of exhilaration coursing through her veins, glanced down at the minor scratch marring her otherwise pristine uniform. The mark, a silent testament to Akane "Twilight Sai" Miyazaki's prowess, evoked in her a sense of respect for her adversary—a sentiment she hadn't anticipated feeling. Her smirk, now broadened into a grin that shimmered with both respect and excitement, was a clear indication of her acknowledgment. "Impressive, Twilight Sai," she voiced out, her tone imbued with genuine appreciation, a rarity from someone of her usually flippant demeanor. "But it'll take more than that to catch me off guard." With a flourish, she unleashed her Kitty's Whim Caprice, her movements embodying the unpredictability and agility of a cat, designed to throw Akane off her meticulously honed rhythm.

Not far from this dance of feline agility and martial prowess, another confrontation was quietly unfolding—a confrontation that would test not just the physical but the philosophical resolve of its participants. Yoko Nomura, with her tanto sheathed by her side, stood as a figure of calm anticipation. Her eyes, reflecting a serene determination, were the windows to the storm of resolve brewing within. Across from her, Daika Tsuyoshi assumed a stance that spoke volumes of her predatory nature, the Kusarigama in her grip swaying gently, each movement synchronized with her restless spirit.

Breaking the silence, Yoko addressed her opponent, her voice carrying a mix of resolve and an underlying current of regret. "Daika," she intoned, "this doesn't have to end in conflict. We both seek to carve our paths, free from the burdens that fate has thrust upon us."

Daika's response was a laugh, sharp and cutting, much like the blade she wielded with such expertise. Her black eyes sparkled with a defiant light as she retorted, "Idealistic words, Yoko. But some paths," she emphasized, her Kusarigama moving in a graceful yet threatening arc, "require us to cut through the obstacles in our way."

Daika launched the first move, her chain whipping forward in a Serpentine Lash, aiming to ensnare Yoko in its iron grip. Yoko, remembering Kaito's advice, focused on her defense, her movements mirroring the Moonlit Path Dodge. She sidestepped gracefully, the chain missing her by mere inches.

"You're quick, but are you quick enough?" Daika taunted, her voice laced with sarcasm as she prepared for another strike.

Yoko, unfazed, replied, "It's not about speed, Daika. It's about understanding." With that, she initiated her own move, the Zen Garden Sweep, her tanto drawn in a swift, controlled arc, aiming to disrupt Daika's footing and create an opening.

Yet, Daika was no stranger to combat's dance. With the Chain Dance Guard, she spun her weapon's chain, deflecting Yoko's strike and countering with a swift, aiming Harvest of Sorrow. The sickle sliced through the air, a whisper of death promising finality.

But Yoko was prepared. Kaito's words echoed in her mind, "Focus on defense and to exploit openings in her attacks, turning her weapon's versatility to your advantage." As Daika advanced, Yoko employed the Cherry Blossom Parry, her tanto meeting the sickle with precision, diverting its deadly trajectory away from her.

As the sun set behind Seiryu High, casting the carpark into twilight, the initial skirmishes between Jake's band and the members of PROUD reached a fever pitch of intensity and skill. Each warrior, driven by a mix of personal conviction and strategic insight provided by Kaito, found themselves locked in a dance of blades, wills, and wits. Yet, as Yoko deftly countered Daika's aggressive strike, it became evident that this was merely the opening act of a larger conflict. The crescendo of their battle, filled with anticipation and unresolved tensions, was destined to unfold further. The stage is set, and the lines are drawn, signaling that the fight for honor, for friendship, and against the shadow of PROUD at Seiryu High will continue in the next chapter.

Dear readers,

I'm excited to announce that this chapter has been rewritten from my previous post, and from now on, new posts will be released 3 times a week.

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