

Ayaan Walton has born in a influential family. Who has Power of Swords. But due to his parents being powerless he was disliked by everyone and not given any love or value by his own family. What they did not knew is Ayaan had many abilities to make them kneel infront of him. But Ayaan had one ability which can either make him a legend or kill himself. Yes Kill Himself. He has a power which given him another body But in another World. This world was has the power of Magic. And is the Archenemy of Ayaan's world. They have fought before and prophesied to fight again. Ayaan did not know he has another body as his consciousness get lost when he sleeps. And if he sleeps the other body is awake. Both are living as Different person for now. A tale of A man facing Himself as an main villain. Which side is good and which is bad. Sword or Magic Come On The Journey With The Perspective Of Both World.!

EmmptyMiind · Fantasy
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21 Chs

CH 6 : Linkage

Ethan was shocked how he even knew what Advaya is.

I just borned here and never heard anyone speaking that term in my short period of time here. So how is this happening.

He do not had any single information clear every information had some part clear and some blurry.

" I don't want to think that it's all confusing and becomes more if try to think it "

" Let's leave it for now "

All the day he was just analysing everything he can.

He noticed other person of those area. Everyone has same life structure no electricity no water supply no fancy homes everything was just basic. But he wasn't sure if this place was only like this or whole planet.

Alex was sad sitting in corner without eating or talking but not neglecting anything about Ethan.

It was evening, Alex got up from his position and took hold of Ethan while saying " Let's go son get your power , be strong but remember one thing always do not trust anyone like your parents had done in past "

"If we hadn't She would have alive and our situation would have been different from this"

He then fell silent throughout the whole little journey to the priest.

Priest was outside of His Temple waiting for them.

"Come this way the Potential Is measured here. Very few people from here had got something to leave this place. I wonder what your son will get "

The priest was an old man in his mid 50's with black robe. His hair had mix of black and white due to his age. He was clean shaved well dressed with an Average height.

They followed him to the measuring place.

" It's nothing sort of extraordinary like I thought it will be like some machines which connect to head and give your reports of electronic devices. " Ethan Thought


"Wait a minute why I feeling like I had seen it somewhere "

"Ahhh.... no no no I am not thinking about this now . Let's focus on what's happening in front of me"

The room had ancient look but clean. It had a circular structure in the centre made 4 or 5 inches up from the normal ground.

Priest Instructed Alex to keep Ethan on that circular structure.

After that he started enchanting some kind of spells.

"Is it magic , We can do magic in this world "

Ethan's eyes were glowing he wanted to learn magic as soon as possible he was excited almost like a child who sees toy for the first time.

After Some Spells he performed. He collapsed. Alex went and got a chair for him. He was not good mage and being old made a toll on him during the process. Because Only the priest were give the authority of unlocking the Advaya in this world. It was his job as he was assigned as the Priest of this area.

After a couple of minutes he said " it's all done now Ethan can see what unique spell he got From Advaya Potential"

" What other than me no one can see my spells"

" Let's give it a try "

He thought about it and it appeared in front of him.

Advaya Rank 3

Advaya Spell : Linkage ( Rank S )

1. Linkage : You can link any living thing

to you.But only one at a time

With that link You

can steal their 20% power

while facing them and 100%

if you kill them.

Spells: -------

Strength : 0 Agility : 0

Durability : 0 Advaya: 0

Unlike Defra which have Advaya Skills , Viscosa has Advaya Spells .

" Hmm.... I got something much useful than I imagined " Ethan thought

Alex then took him and went home.

This time he was not silent like previously.

He was talking his emotions out to Ethan.

Ethan was listening him and sorting out every details he valued useful.

He got to know he was borned in the planet named Viscosa.

Both Returned to their home. His father made something for him to eat but not for himself. Ethan felt bad for him so he decided not eat anything too. While Alex was feeding him Ethan was refusing to eat anything.

" Why are you not eating? Are you scared from Priest? "

Ethan noded for no


"Whhaaaatt!! You can understand what I am saying to you "

"I have made the mistake what to do what was I even thinking."

He just stayed still like a statue.

" It seems like it was just a coincidence. How can a 1 day baby understand what I was saying "

"Why are you not eating then…?"

After some more try he knew what was the matter and for his son's sake he took a bite and then offered it to his son.

Now Ethan didn't refuse the food.

" You understand me or not but you are definitely special" Alex told him

After that they both went to sleep . Ethan recalled once everything that has happened today. Once again he was sad for his Mother and wanted to feel her love for him too.

But that was not possible now in this life.

With the sour truth he began to fell asleep.


Suddenly Ayaan eyes opened and he was Awake. He Didn't dreamed of anything it was a blank dark night for him.

"Have you waken up my sleepyhead son?" Jane called him from the door

Ayaan got tears in his eyes while seeing his Mom without knowing why. He felt like a bad dream was over after listening her voice.