

Ayaan Walton has born in a influential family. Who has Power of Swords. But due to his parents being powerless he was disliked by everyone and not given any love or value by his own family. What they did not knew is Ayaan had many abilities to make them kneel infront of him. But Ayaan had one ability which can either make him a legend or kill himself. Yes Kill Himself. He has a power which given him another body But in another World. This world was has the power of Magic. And is the Archenemy of Ayaan's world. They have fought before and prophesied to fight again. Ayaan did not know he has another body as his consciousness get lost when he sleeps. And if he sleeps the other body is awake. Both are living as Different person for now. A tale of A man facing Himself as an main villain. Which side is good and which is bad. Sword or Magic Come On The Journey With The Perspective Of Both World.!

EmmptyMiind · Fantasy
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21 Chs

CH 18 : Pain Suffering Determination

Ethan was waiting for return of his father. He did not had any things to do in his life. He was becoming mentally unstable due to his curse and being alone. Slowly a month has been passed now Ethan did not put a single feet in this past month. He was eagerly waiting for his father to return. Now the food items Alex left for his son to eat during his absence was finished. Ethan had to go to the market to buy some for him to not die from hunger. Finally after so much endurance he stepped out of his house to busy something to eat from near market which was definitely not near as it states from his house but it was the nearest among other markets. Ethan was far from his best condition as he did not train eve for a minute and only waited at a single position for his father to return with a solution to undo his curse.

As Ethan stepped outside he was blinded by the sunlight. He saw the sunlight for the first time after a month. He went to the market and brought what he needed and went home.

At the market the priest saw Ethan. He saw the miserable state in which Ethan was and decided to follow him to his house.

While Ethan was preparing something to eat, he heard a knock on his door, just by the sound of knock his face glowed he rushed as fast as he could to the door but as soon he opened the door he he became disappointed to see the priest at his doorstep not his father.

"Can I come Inside Ethan". The priest spoke gently in as soft tone.

"Yes" Ethan answered is a single word

"Where is your father?"

"He went to the city to find about my curse"

"What? Why did you let him go?" The priest was shocked

Ethan was already not in the right mind to understand and converse properly with anyone. He did not understand why priest is behaving this way and he remained silent.

"Phew" The priest sighed and spoke again " Its my fault I am sorry for shouting, How could you stop your father when you don't know anything"

He then continued" You father was banished for entering city for entire lifetime. Although it was a false charge which was fabricated by his friend. He then was stripped of his powers and your mother received the same treatment because of marrying him. When this happened there was a different king but now the friend that betrayed your father is the king. He will kill your father if he get to know that he is entering in the city again"

Ethan mind became clear from all of his problems now he became so concerned as he did not heard anything from his father in a whole month.

Priest noticed the look on Ethan's face after hearing his story.

"When your father left the city?" The priest asked hurriedly

"L..La.....Last month"

"Oh God" The look on priest's face completely changed.

"What I am fearing is this really true or I am just overthinking things" Priest was thinking on his mind

"Whatever it is I can not speak any big harsh reality on this child this soon. He will be devastated. He already is in the worst condition because of his curse and now if his father get murdered in the city, just thinking about this makes my heart heavy." Priest was still thinking

"Don't worry your father is really strong he will come back to you. But you have to be in good condition if he comes back and sees you like this he will be very sad" Priest gave him a false hope to stick on.

I hope this can prevent him from self destructing himself.

Will you come with me to stay in my house. It will be good for you. You will be not alone there. Priest said that in a most loving tone to persuade him But Ethan did not wanted to leave the house. He was deliberately wanted to live alone for the time being

"No I want to live here and wait for my father to return. I am sorry Mr. Priest". It was the first time Ethan spoke this long in the whole conversation.

The priest had no choice but to return.

On his way back he said" If you ever need anything or even if you feel lonely you are welcome at my house remember that Ethan"

"Thank You" Ethan replied while bowing his head.

Ethan waited for Almost a year now but nor did his father or a single news about his him came.

He lost his physicality and raw strength , stamina , agility all except for his Advaya and 4th circle. There was also a drastic change in his looks, he now has big dark circles and a face which had all the moisture absorbed from it. It was because of his sleepless nights for months. . All the innocence of a child was left in his face was gone.

Priest used to visit him every month and spend a day with him. And while leaving he always used to persuade him to live with him.

Ethan always used to reject him, but today was different Ethan grew to be frustrated with himself. He was not a normal child he possessed a brain of an adult. He was determined and already made his mind to leave this place. But what will he do after that he did not knew except for one thing that he wanted to find out what happened with his father.

Anyone reading this, I am sorry to you for not uploading for a month. There was a personal issue regaring my future. I was mentally not stable to write any further with good quality content so I decided to pause my Novel for a bit and come back stronger than ever. I am an beginner who has not gain any fanbase for my novel till now so I did not get any good, warmful and happy messages which motivates any aspiring Author to work delligently. It took me some time more than what I expected. But now I am back with my Author's power to continue my work. It will be not one chapter every day for some time a week or two but after that it will be uniformly uploaded.

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