

Ayaan Walton has born in a influential family. Who has Power of Swords. But due to his parents being powerless he was disliked by everyone and not given any love or value by his own family. What they did not knew is Ayaan had many abilities to make them kneel infront of him. But Ayaan had one ability which can either make him a legend or kill himself. Yes Kill Himself. He has a power which given him another body But in another World. This world was has the power of Magic. And is the Archenemy of Ayaan's world. They have fought before and prophesied to fight again. Ayaan did not know he has another body as his consciousness get lost when he sleeps. And if he sleeps the other body is awake. Both are living as Different person for now. A tale of A man facing Himself as an main villain. Which side is good and which is bad. Sword or Magic Come On The Journey With The Perspective Of Both World.!

EmmptyMiind · Fantasy
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21 Chs

CH 16 : Training (3)

Training of both Ayaan and Ethan were intensified. Ayaan was learning Swordsmanship and Ethan was Spells to become a Mage.

Denice was teaching her Swordsmanship to Ayaan.

"My Swordsmanship is based on winning not killing. Although you can kill your opponents but it will give you advantage if you only want to win."

Denice has passive Swordsmanship. But that doesn't made her any less dangerous than others. On any mission she went she has killed many monsters and devil's. But what she said was also right it did favoured you if you will only want to win against your opponent.

Denice thought Ayaan would feel bothered by this fact.

But things were different from Denice's thoughts.

"It is good for me. No this is what I wanted in the first place. I had already got a killing Swordsmanship, this would balance it for me.

The Yushin's Swordsmanship I am learning. It is very violent sword technique which was only made to kill your opponent. So a passive technique will make things easier for me."

1 Year has been passed after that. Ayaan has now successfully mastered both Yushin's and Denice basic swordsmanship also he was now of Advaya Rank 4 since he was learning two Swordsmanship at the same time he did not use to get time to make his Advaya grow So he only managed to get it one rank above.

Now it was time for Denice to fullfill her promise to Ayaan. She had promised him to teach some useful skills if he learns all the things Denice has to teach him before her time ends. Denice has 6 more months to teach him some of her skills.

"I will be teaching you some of my skills I use but don't try to master it now as we have less time so just learn it all the things I will teach you while I am still here then you can perfect it on you own." Denice told Ayaan

She continued " I will be first teaching you a 5 Sword movement which will make you survive any drastic situation against a human opponent for once surely".

"Pay attention it will be useful to you when you will enroll in the academy. It has 5 movements which can defend any level sword attack once since it catches the opponent off guard they will be too shocked to complete their attack and will go into defence position. It creates a Mirage

which will look real to your opponent and they will get distracted. That is why I named it Mirage Movements. Also since it is Mirage skill you can only use once for any attacker. It will not fool him twice." She started showing him the skill after saying that.

"For this skill to work you have to execute a sequence of five simple movement with a good amount of raw strength. The movements were first moving one step backwards then bending to jump forward as the 3rd step then make the sword go 360 degrees in the air. After that strike down while landing with your 100% raw strength used. It will create an forced aura attack. Which will make the opponent to leave his attack position and defend against it. But what they do not know is this forced aura attack is not fatal it will just give them some amount of damage. Also it looks likes formation of aura on the sword but in reality it is not. That is why this is named as Mirage Movements."

What? This is it? A skill like this which is so basic does it really work like that. If yes others can learn it too." Ayaan was in doubt

Denice looked at him and saw right through him of what Ayaan was thinking....

"You will be thinking If it is that simple why others don't learn it. The answer to it is Very simple because it only works if you have my Swordsmanship as I have created this skill on my own." She said to Ayaan

"Sorry Teacher I doubted your skill. It was just this basic so I thought why not everyone learns it."

"It's alright." Denice said.

She continued speaking to Ayaan....

"Let me remind you this can only save you once. It can not fool anyone who has seen this attack once so use it wisely."

"Ok Teacher" Ayaan responded to her

Denice taught Ayaan a total of 3 skills including Mirage Movements. Which were his first skills he had learned in this world.

He had basic level skill or Yushin's Swordsmanship but currently he was not learning them.

The reason was simple for him to not learn that now.

"I have to perfect skills what I already know before learning more skills. More Half perfected skills won't do much that less perfected skills" This was Ayaan's thinking which was correct for him quality was important than quantity and he had many years to learn those of Yushin's skills.

Ayaan learned all those skills of Denice in time just before 6 months.

It was her last day of teaching Ayaan. She was like a big sister to Ayaan since he spent his 3 years of childhood with her around him. Ayaan was Little sad knowing she will be not here to train him anymore. Denice was sad too departing from her first student, she grew too much attached to Ayaan. But it did not suited her fierce personality to show these emotions so she was trying to suppress as much as she could. But after all her efforts to hide it still was clearly visible in her eyes what she was feeling. But it was inevitable, she had to leave. She spent her 3 years in one place her growth with her ranking also falling from 65 to 82. She has to more forward too.

Before leaving she said " Don't be sad Ayaan. You don't have time for this, you have great potential for future. Learn from everything which makes you stronger. And if you don't came out as ranked one from Academy then be ready for you punishment. One more thing I will be waiting for your challenge against me in the rankers list. So climb the ladder fast.

See you Soon my first Disciple."

She gave of a big smile to Ayaan on her way out. That day Ayaan was feeling a bit off. He grew too much attached to Denice. But that was only for that day. He have to keep moving forward.

For next 3 months he practiced everything to perfection what he has learned in recent years. Also he trained his mental strength to grow his Advaya Rank to rank 5.

His 5th birthday was coming. Jane and Charles were planning to celebrate this by giving off a big party to everyone. They were also happy to hear from Denice about their son being a genius. They wanted to celebrate this. So Ayaan's effort to stop them didn't payed him favouring result. Now unwillingly he has to be in party as a main attention.

There was one more thing from which he was unhappy. There was a compulsory rule to attend school from age 5 to 10 before enrolling at the academy. It was made compulsory to teach the children basic knowledge about everything and made their thinking skill strong enough so they can also survive any situation of adversity by using their knowledge.

But Ayaan thought of school as an hinderence in his training. However he had no choice. Charles even took Ayaan for the admission test of a prestigious school. He passed that exam with a good result.

The question were too easy for Ayaan whose Brain functioned like an adult from the birth. For him to not get everyone's unwanted attention by coming first in that exam , he Intentionally wrote some of the answers wrong. The date of admission was after his birthday. Children admitted in school has to live in hostels of the school. They will get 2 off days to visit home or do what they want in every 10 days. Ayaan had only 1 month of his luxurious life left to live.

On the other side, In Viscosa Ethan was facing much more of big problems than Ayaan. Both had their own struggles but lives of both of them were very different. If we have to describe the difference in one line we can say,

<Where Ayaan's troubles begin, Ethan's dreams come true there.>

For the past 2 years He tried hard but he could not execute even a single spell of only 1st Circle spells.

He had now formed his 4th circle but he was not capable of performing any spells. It just like He has treasure within him but lost deep enough to be considered having no talent at all.