

Ayaan Walton has born in a influential family. Who has Power of Swords. But due to his parents being powerless he was disliked by everyone and not given any love or value by his own family. What they did not knew is Ayaan had many abilities to make them kneel infront of him. But Ayaan had one ability which can either make him a legend or kill himself. Yes Kill Himself. He has a power which given him another body But in another World. This world was has the power of Magic. And is the Archenemy of Ayaan's world. They have fought before and prophesied to fight again. Ayaan did not know he has another body as his consciousness get lost when he sleeps. And if he sleeps the other body is awake. Both are living as Different person for now. A tale of A man facing Himself as an main villain. Which side is good and which is bad. Sword or Magic Come On The Journey With The Perspective Of Both World.!

EmmptyMiind · Fantasy
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21 Chs

CH 13 : One Soul Two Fate's

"Since I am a Tier 6 Swordsman, Let's start with basic knowledge regarding that." Denice said to Ayaan starting her 1st class with him

"So Basically swordsmanship is divided into Tiers from 1 to 7. Any person who knows basic sword technique of any kind will be considered in Tier 1. To Advance In Tier 2 you have to face 20 Tier 1 swordsman simultaneously at once. For Tier 3 you have to defeat 10 Swordsman of Tier 2 at once. And for the Tier 4 and 5 there is machine who can measure and tell which Tier you are in. For Tier 6 it gets a bit complicated There is A ranker list of 100 people from the whole planet. The people on that list are considered to be Tier 6. For an aspiring Tier 5 to advance in Tier 6 you have to challenge the 100th person and win. If you win you will get his rank and that person will be demoted from 100 to unranked and his tier will also get demoted to Tier 5 as he will now not be in Top 100. If you want to advance your rank in that list you will have to challenge other rankers but there is a limit you can not challenge anyone who is 10 rank above you. Also your challenge will be accepted or not it totally depends on them there is no rule rule that makes it compulsory to accept all the challenges. Only the person who is on 100th rank had to accept every challenge from Tier 5 swordsman. No one can Reach Tier 7 but for any mad person who want Tier 7 title in their name they just have to beat top 10 rankers in 1 vs 10 match. "

"Now you know everything about The Tiers and their advancing process."

Ayaan was silent throughout the whole time when she was explaining. But now he had a question.

"Teacher What is your rank in that Top 100 list"

Denice Smiled like she was expecting this question from him.

"I am at 65th rank. Kratos, your uncle is at 40th on that list and your grandfather Oath Walton is at 16"

"You are very strong" Ayaan replied

"Don't Worry I will teach you everything you will need to be on that list. Rest will depend on how you utilise and work hard for it" Denice said in very convincing tone

"Finally I got the teacher Like I always wanted" Ayaan said to himself.

Denice Started at Ayaan for Couple of minutes then spoke"You don't have the Capacity for any sword related training now so we will do basic stamina and strength training for next several months and I will teach you every basic thing about this world simultaneously. Once you will become fit for sword training. I have to first make you capable of Advaya gathering. So be prepare we have lot to do and I don't have my whole life to teach you so everything will be fast paced."

"Sure Teacher I will try my best to match your speed" Ayaan was excited now.

Also He had to make sure no one finds his Advaya before Denice teaches him Advaya gathering method.

While Ayaan was Memorizing Yushin's sword techniques and learning The Advaya Gathering. In that Three months Ethan also did grow from his previous self.

In Defra everyone was a Swordsman while in Viscosa everyone was a Mage. Both had same principles they both needed Advaya to use their skills and spells.

But their methods was different. Ethan had to form a circle around his heart and fill Advaya to become a 1st circle mage while Ayaan needed to gather Advaya in space mad by subconscious mind.

To become a 2nd circle mage Ethan now had to first train his mental subconscious and form a 2nd circle and fill Advaya in it which is a very hard process to do every next circle the difficulty will be more than the previous one but that's will not totally make him a 2nd Circle. He will have to train, learn and become capable of using 2nd Circle Spells then he will be called a 2nd Circle Mage.

While Ayaan only had to Train his Mental Powers to Advance his Advaya Rank and train his swordsmanship accordingly to his Tier. There was no concept as such making any circle. Which was a extra thing in A Mage's life

If Alex had any spells left with him he would transfer it all to Ethan. But all his spells were taken away from him. He was now just an ordinary person.

So Alex Just made Ethan do training in Mental Strength. For the Past 3 Months he had been training that without Missing a day. He had Brain Powers of an adult from birth so he was fast in growth so much that in just three months He advanced from Circle 1 to Circle 2.

All that was left is to learn and train in using spells.

"How can I learn spells Now I am a 2nd circle mage but I don't even know any first circle spells. When I asked dad to teach me he said I have to train my body strength first. How can I train without anyone's help. I am not even 2 years of age." Ethan was thinking while looking at sky in evening outside his house.

Alex was too shocked to know Ethan has succeeded in creating another circle in just 3 months.

"Because of me your potential is getting waste. If I had some money I can get you a Master to teach you" Alex was sad thinking what could his son can achieve if he had enough resources to use.

Ethan Knew his father was blaming himself again. So to change his blaming nature towards him he broke of the silence....

"Why don't you teach me the spells? You were a 7 Circle Mage at your time. I don't care if you don't have any spells to transfer me but you can teach me those spells. I can promise I will not complain about anything."

Alex thought for a while the spoke

"Ok Son, Be Ready from tomorrow. I will make

sure my son's extraordinary potential do not go in waste. First we will train in body strength and then I will teach you spells of 1st and 2nd both circles which I know."