
Chapter 29


We'd been in this jail cell for about two hours. (Yes. I literally started counting the seconds.)

The guards who stood outside the jail doors had been called outside and never returned for some reason.

I heard the door to the outside open and a big shadow ran down the stairs. It ran towards our cells. Thankfully it passed Terra and Luna's cells but stopped directly in front of mine. It pulled out a key from its pocket and opened the doors to my cell.

With no hesitation, I jumped on top of it and held it down by its neck. It was still dark in the cell but I could now make out distant facial features.

The man struggled underneath me. He reached for his pocket and I grabbed his hand before he could get whatever it was near me.

"Y-yours" he said

I looked over at what was in his hand and saw a note.

"Don't kill him! We could use him!" Terra said

"Yeah!" Luna agreed "Live bait!"

"Not what I had in mind!" Terra yelled out

I kept one hand on the man's neck and unfolded the note.

"Estrella, get off the man. You'll kill him, Dumbass."

It was in Cielo's handwriting. I knew it was his since the handwriting was hard to understand.

I got off of the man. "Sorry dude" I said

"No problem" the man gasped

I kept reading.

"I have a master plan. Don't worry." He ended it with a smiley face. A fucking smiley face. This is not going to end pretty.

I looked up at the man who was now dusting his clothes off.

"Do you know what his master plan is" I asked him as I showed him the note.

He shook his head. "I don't but we should hurry out of here. The guards aren't outside for some reason but I'm sure they'll be here soon."

I nodded and rushed to the door. The man opened the cell doors for the others.

As I climbed the last few steps, there was a loud bang on the door. I stopped in my tracks. Another bang.

"Let them out or I'll break this door in half!" A voice yelled from behind the door.

No way…

I opened the door slowly and it slammed back in my face.

"Ack!" I rubbed my nose. "Hey stupid! It's me!"

"Estrella?" The door opened and Cielo came out with the golden knight's helmet on.

I knocked him on the helmet and asked "Master plan?"

"Master plan!" He said proudly

I sighed and moved around him.

"Is there anyone out there?" I asked Cielo

He shook hair out after taking the helmet off.

"No. No one" he replied

I closed the door and looked back at the others. They were out of their jail cells and right behind me.

"Everyone ready to leave this place?" I asked them

They nodded.

"Wait!" Cielo whispered/yelled.

I shushed him but he waved me off.

He grabbed the man's hand and pulled him closer.

"Can I keep this one?" He asked me

I raised am eyebrow. "He's not a stray dog"

"Come on. I really like him. He also has a weapon!"

I looked back at the man. "You have a weapon?"

Now that I thought about it. Cielo came in with a gold helmet which was most likely this guy's.

"Are you the gold knight? The one who saved the kids from the horses?" I asked the man

He nodded.

I smiled. "If you'd like, you're welcome to join our strange group of weapons."

"You're really going to call us that?" Terra asked

I looked over at him. "Yeah. So?"

He shook his head. "Nothing. Let's just escape. Follow me."

He looked out the door and rushed towards the bushes.

We followed him. It was surprisingly empty. No guards and all the lights to the town were turned off.

"I get that it's nighttime but why does this feel like a ghost town?" Terra asked

I shivered. Ghost.

"Dunno" the man said

We followed Terra through the town. There were smaller houses than the center of the town. Just like the ones from when we first entered the town.

"Where are we going?" Luna asked Terra

"Somewhere we can hide while we make a plan." Terra replied. Well that's vague.

We walked a fair distance away from the town and came across a small house.