
Sword shadow monarch(Rewrite)

Follow the story of a man who has awakened in the body of Sung Jin-Woo after solo leveling in a world full of monsters and beasts, but there are also many intelligent beings with their own kingdoms. But some don't and are treated as outsiders. He wanted to change that. He wanted to build a kingdom for all of the creatures that could speak. ----------------------------------------- AN: I accidently click comple and not pause, I will be rewriting this on another account. Disclaimer: I don't own anything, Mc, and cover. Warning!! I'm just making this for fun again, like the others; this is just an idea I have and wanted to write about, so don't expect anything from me. English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry for my grammar.

M2skMan · Others
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18 Chs

Ch 6 Stairs (Part2/3)

Reaching the fourth floor he saw a massive 30 by 30-meter space lith with candles in a candle stand. While high standing pillars at the corner of the room supporting the ceiling.

There were greater curves everywhere that could be admired but Jin-Woo isn't having it he only came here to get stronger not to sightsee everything. In front of him, knights guard the stairs to the fifth room.

Jin-Woo now looks at the thirteen knights. "hmm it's one more than expected" He said as he eyed the knight who is twice the size of a normal cursed knight it was holding a war hammer with two arms while the rest has bows on them.

The man with the war hammer has an orange name above its name meaning it is difficult but will still be quite easy for him as it only represents stats while the bow users only have yellow-colored names.

"Looks like the one is tanking the hit while the others go for the range but that's not going to work with me...Go leave the frontman to me" He said as his shadows charge at the archers while Jin-Woo looks at the man wielding his war hammer.

"Hmm let's see what you got big guy," he said as he leaned to the side evading the Warhammer going to his head. "Your fast for a big guy," He said again as he did dash forward doing a roundhouse kick at the head of the man while it was retracting its war hammer.

Jin-Woos eyes glowed purple before he disagreed in place using dash and appearing behind the man wielding the war hammer before striking its back of its neck using a vital strike.


The knight block Jin-Woos's sword by moving his war hammer to the back of its head stopping Jin-Woos's sword from going through its head.

Moving backward Jin-Woo again disappeared as he was now at the left side of the knight before he strikes at its vitals "Sword slash" Jin-Woo said as his strike with wind pressure coming out of his sword hitting the upper portion of the armor where a cave could be seen.


The knights left arm was hanging low while the other held the war hammer with difficulty but still managed to swings it at Jin-Woo who use the non-sharp side of his blade redirecting its trajectory to the side of him before using sword slash again beheading the knight as he jumps at the air before doing a front flip avoiding an arrow.


He looks at his shadows as they were overwhelming their enemy. One of the wolves got shot on the head as it burst into shadows before it fixes itself. "I wonder why they weren't taking any mana from me...I'll never understand" Shaking his head Jin-Woo didn't dwell on it and watch as they finish the last bow-wielding knight.



[Player Jin-Woo defeated high curse knight]

[Wolf and knight defeated curse knight]

[gained 10,000 exp]

[Leveled up]


"Hmm I leveled up *Status* He said as a blue screen appeared in front of him showing him his stats.



Name: Jin-woo

Race: half-human/half-shadow

Title: Sword shadow monarch

Class: Shadow monarch/Ruler of the dead


Ex: 8390/100,000

Hp: 1700/1700 Mana: 4295/4400

Strength: 25

Health: 22

Agility: 25


Perception (Sense):22

Sp: 10


Sprint/Dash: 1 mana per min. Movement speed will increase by 30%.

Vital Strike/ Vital Points Targetting: 70 mana. Dealing critical damage if you attack a foe's vital areas. Swords only

Stealth: 200 mana. Your appearance and all traces of you will be hidden instantly. ==> 10 mana will be consumed every second.

Sword Slash: 30 mana. Deal damage by slashing your sword. As the skill's level increases, damage and accuracy will increase. sword only

Bloodlust/Killing Intent 100 mana. Using strong energy, the selected target is put in a state of fear for 1 minute. Several targets can be selected. Effect 'fear': All stats -50%.

Reanimation: Using the word *Arise*

Can reanimate souls from dead bodies, and store them. The chances of being able to reanimate a body depend on the time gap between reanimating and the death of an individual and the gap between his strength and the individual he is trying to reanimate. He can only attempt to reanimate the body only 3 times. As long as he has mana, his shadow is basically immortal as they can regenerate endlessly. Shadows able to be Reanimated: Infinite

Shadow Exchange: No mana needed. Can switch positions with any previously summoned shadow. It does not appear to have a distance limit. It has a cooldown of 3 hours at the base level of 1. At level 2, it's reduced to 2 hours.

Ruler's Authority: No mana needed. A form of telekinesis with his hands. It is later revealed that it's actually being able to freely control mana.

Domain of the Monarch: No mana needed. Shadows within the area of influence gained enhance stats. It also replaces the colors of above Knight Grade Shadows from Blue-Black to Purple-Black.

Passive skills

Perseverance/Unyielding Spirit: No mana required his health is below 30%, [Perseverance] will active. Damage taken is reduced by 50%.

Will to Rehabilitate Temporary ability. Any dismembered body parts are restored.

LongevityPermanent effect. All diseases, poisons, and status effects are healed, and sleeping will explosively increase regeneration ability.

Advanced Sword ArtsHigh-Grade Sword Technique Because he used Swords for an extended period, he can now use Swords more proficiently. When a dagger is used, the attack with it gains 33% additional damage.



*grumbles* "Now I need a hundred thousand before I loved up again hope it isn't a million next or title takes me forever to get stronger in this past" Jin-Woo said with a sigh looking at the armor he turned them into shadows.

"Go back to my shadows except for you buddy and big guy," Jin-Woo said as all of them comply with his order going back to his shadow waiting for his call.

He looks at his new shadow soldier they were both at the highest soldiers he has so far the first one his buddy who is now an elite knight like the other ones.


[High curse knight has been turned into a shadow would you like to name it?]

[Yes] [No}


Clicking yes Jin-Wo named him Igritz J. (Thank to Alusec_BR1) Before he smiled again as he looks at his inventory first seeing two of his armors now gives additional protection towards his enemy instead of only bringing the normal protection an armor can bring.

"I guess in level five I can now use High Knight's Chestplate and High Knight's Gauntlet stats or a boost they give while reducing my speed by a little bit," Jin-Woo said clenching his first before unclenching it feeling a small heavy ness.

"Ok legs go to the fifth room or is it the boss room will figure it out" Jin-Woo said walking towards the stairs as his buddy and he new shadow soldier followed him up the stairs into battle.

I feel a little light-headed after finishing the chapter so ima ma takes some rest.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! wit power stones!!

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