
Lu Chen, go up the stage

Yi Rong's words gave Lu Chen a new idea. While they were conversing, the situation on the stage changed again. With the barbarians losing one after another, wuzu was ready to lead Prince into the stage.

However, just as he was about to select his men, the seventh Prince took the initiative to request to fight.

Master wuzu, I'm more familiar with the martial arts in the clouds Plains, please let me fight.

Wuzu hesitated for a moment, but he still agreed to the seventh Prince's request.

"Alright, good luck."

"Don't worry, master wuzu,"

At this moment, the person on the stage was still a man from Yunzhou who had just won. He was a barbarian who used his fists to fight.

However, he was different from the barbarians who were straightforward. That person's fists and steps were combined together. When he punched, his figure was constantly moving. He relied on his body technique to obtain the final victory even though his strength was not as good as the barbarians.