

authors note. something happened to my previous account godwritter so I am using this new account to complete my previous work......... I woke up in a new room in a new place ,in another era of the world,in another body ........ i can't remember if I was dead or my soul and memory was transferred to a new vessel...... I made myself a hero by helping the farmers and the whole villagers...... I had a rival in the sword cultivation,will I be able to fight back......

reincarnated · Realistic
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dream of my previous life

I have planned to stroll around the south side tommorow,I rolled out the futon and rested my head on it.

i was in a sweet dream about my past, about my last birthday that I celebrated before I reincarnated,  it was like I was watching a drama I performed in my dream .

  in my dream 

[ third person point of view]

inside of a big mansion in the United States of America, the sound of merriment can be heard , the song of loud music coming from a big party, the sounds of laughter.

"happy birthday to you

happy birthday to you

happy birthday, happy birthday..... " many people gathered around a young boy probably sixteen years old , with a black hair and blue eyes.

it seems the boy is celebrating his birthday, everywhere was full with a lot of guests, both the old ones and the young ones , the rich and the poor are all present in the big living room. 

the boy looks very happy seeing a lot of people who came to celebrate with him , as the party was going on a huge man walked in , he is putting very expensive clothes and beside was a beautiful lady , the lady beside him is his wife.

she is also wearing expensive dress as her husband, she has a long black hair, both of them are the parents of the celebrant.

" thank you everyone for showing your love to my son Damian, by coming to his sixteenth birth day, I am here to specially thank all of you" the man said to the people, while the man was talking everyone was silent.

"and also feel at home , you can eat as much as you like , and also drink as much as you like "the man's wife added to her husband's speech.

everyone continue their merriment, the celebrant is with his age mates , probably his class mate in another room filled with chairs.

"hey damian, happy birthday, this is your gift from me"

"happy birthday Damian" 

all his class mate are wishing him happy birthday, and also giving him gifts, especially the female ones among them.

"big brother Damian" a little girl called the celebrant, she is his younger sister she has blue eyes like that of her brother and also her hair is also the same color as that of her mother and also hers hair is long , but not as long as that of her mother.

"what is it little sis" Damian asked the young girl.

"dad  and mom said that it is time for the cutting of the cake " she said looking a little bit excited probably because she loves cake .

"ok little sis , tell Mom and Dad that I am on my way " he said to his little sister.

" ok big brother" she left running fast to her mom and dad.

"ok guys will you accompany me to the big room,my little sister said that it is Time for the cake cutting." Damian asked his peers.

"sure "

" we are all beside you "

his class mates replied to Damian questions. 

they all left to the big room where the party is going on .

"it is time for the celebrant to cut the cake " the master of ceremony which was the celebrant older cousin said .

"so I will ask the celebrant to come forward while we spell the name Damian as he cuts his cake"the master of ceremony announced Again.

Everyone gathered around the celebrant his class mate and other age mates where standing beside him.

"on my count ,one two go "

D _ A _ M _ I _ A _N ,the people there spelt the name loudly,and he cuts his cake .

"happy birthday" everyone shouted and started clapping.

the disk jockey (d .j ) started playing the music again,the people there danced with the celebrant, some were presenting their various gift to the celebrant.

later it was time to leave,the people started living one by one till they were all out of the house.

"happy birthday little cousin" the young man who played the role of the master of ceremony wished his little cousin damian a happy birthday.

"happy birthday son " the father self 

"happy birthday big brother " his little sister said everyone remaining in the house wished him their own happy birthday.

suddenly the sound of a cock crowing is heard from no where  ,and the place is diminishing.

  the new me point of view

' oh what dream ' I thought to myself after I woke up from the Dream.