
Chapter 8


Lysanna and Elinor had made their way into Ashwind, a kingdom of great innovation and prosperity. There she secretly start training again under Lord Alista watchful eye. , she focuses on developing her physical strength alongside her elemental abilities. Recognizing that physical prowess is essential for a well-rounded dragon-blooded individual, she dedicates herself to the challenging training routines designed to enhance her strength and agility. Lord Alista enrolled her into one of the kingdom's academy under the guise of her being his distant niece.

Lysanna immerses herself in various martial arts styles taught at the academy. She practices hand-to-hand combat, swordplay, and staff techniques, honing her reflexes and coordination. Her instructors emphasize the importance of precision and efficiency in combat, enabling her to utilize her physical strength.

The rigorous training routines at the academy push Lysanna to her limits. She engages in intense physical conditioning exercises to build her stamina and endurance. These routines include running, climbing, and obstacle courses that challenge her physical and mental resilience.

Lysanna also trains with a range of traditional and elemental weapons, understanding that her dragon-blooded abilities can be complemented by well-mastered weaponry. Whether it's wielding a fire-infused sword or manipulating the wind to propel her arrows, she learns to synchronize her elemental powers with her chosen armaments.

Beyond combat training, Lysanna practices elemental fitness exercises. For example, she uses her fire abilities to heat metal weights during weightlifting sessions, or she employs water manipulation for aquatic exercises, building her strength while incorporating her elemental talents seamlessly.

Lysanna's physical training is often conducted in group settings, where she spars with her fellow students, fostering a sense of camaraderie and healthy competition. This collaborative environment pushes her to excel further, as she learns from others' techniques and shares her own knowledge.

Alongside the physical training, Lysanna also undergoes mental conditioning. She learns to stay focused, maintain composure during stressful situations, and channel her emotions to avoid any accidental elemental outbursts. This mental discipline is vital for her to use her powers effectively and responsibly.

She also set personal goals to measure her progress and growth. Whether it's mastering a specific combat technique or achieving a certain level of physical strength, she continually challenges herself to improve and push the boundaries of her capabilities.

As Lysanna's physical strength and elemental powers develop in tandem, she gains a deeper understanding of the synergy between mind, body, and elemental magic. The physical training not only enhances her combat abilities but also provides a strong foundation for her to become a well-rounded protector and leader.

As she progresses, Lysanna finds that her physical strength serves as a metaphor for her inner strength and determination. Through her training, she learns not only to harness her dragon-blooded powers but also to embrace her true self and face the challenges of her destiny with courage and resilience. Her journey of physical and emotional growth exemplifies the potential of a dragon-blooded individual who dares to embrace her strength and forge her path in a world filled with both conflict and possibilities.

In the course of her training, Lysanna meets Geoffrey, a remarkable young man with a strong and disciplined presence. His proficiency in martial arts and combat techniques impresses her, and his dedication to honing his skills drew her admiration.

Their first encounter takes place during a group sparring session. As Lysanna engages in combat practice, Geoffrey steps forward as her opponent. The intensity of their spar sparks a connection between them, as they challenge each other's abilities with a mix of competitiveness and respect.

As they interact more frequently during training sessions, Lysanna and Geoffrey's mutual admiration grows. They find common ground in their shared love for martial arts and combat, often exchanging tips and techniques to improve each other's skills.

As they spend time together outside of training, Lysanna and Geoffrey discover a profound understanding of one another. They share stories of their pasts, their dreams, and their desires for a more harmonious world. Geoffrey's unwavering commitment to his ideals and his sense of justice deeply resonates with Lysanna, and she finds herself drawn to his steadfast and compassionate nature. Although she kept hidden her true self as one who bore the dragon mark away from him.

"Lysanna, Lysanna" a distant voice echoed as it kept calling the name firmly. Alara and Ikky had just arrived the kingdom and used a tracking spell to determine her location. Lysanna looked back and upon realization that it was her older sister, tears filled her eyes as she ran to meet her. 

"I knew you'd make it" she tearfully whispered. She looked up and saw a young man next to Alara. Alara smiled and introduced her friend to her and told her he was part of their family. "Hey there girl, I'm Ikky and you are Lysanna right"? She nodded in affirmation. She sensed he wasn't just an ordinary person and she asked what his abilities were, he smiled and said "don't worry, you'd discover soon enough". Alara bursted into laughter.

Just then did Geoffrey approach the happy reunion and Lysanna immediately introduced him to her. Alara smelt a foul spirit from him instantly and told Lysanna secretly not to trust him nor let her guard down. Confused, she looked at Geoffrey and back at Alara and whispered "is anything the problem?"

"Just be vigilant" she replied.