
Chapter 26

Aldric and Mordred, burdened with the weight of their own destinies, embarked on a journey that led them to the distant realm of Ashwind. Here, among a land marked by shifting sands and whispered secrets, they sought answers and a new chapter to their stories.

In the aftermath of Edmund's tragic demise, the powerful dragon Vhamor's grief led it to venture far from the borders of Tri-goh, a solitary figure mourning the loss of its master. This unusual event marked the first time in centuries that a dragon strayed from the kingdom, becoming a rogue force in a world beyond its familiar skies.

Unbeknownst to Mordred, the blood that coursed through his veins held a secret tie to the dragons. As he traversed the unfamiliar outskirts of Ashwind, guided by dreams that felt like memories, he found himself instinctively drawn toward a distant point on the horizon. His inexplicable pull led him closer to the wandering Vhamor, a meeting of fates beyond mere chance.

In Ashwind, the convergence of Aldric, Mordred, and Vhamor marked a pivotal moment. The mystics of the land recognized the unique connection between them, a union of destinies that held the potential to shape the course of the realm's future. As Mordred and Aldric's path continued, revelations began to unfurl, revealing truths that transcended time and history.

As Aldric and Mordred cautiously approached the grieving dragon, their steps hesitant on the grassy terrain, the massive creature lifted its head, its fiery eyes fixed on them. The sun cast an ethereal glow on its scales, reflecting the agony it had endured. Aldric, with a firm yet uncertain voice, said, "Easy there, big guy, We mean you no harm."

Mordred then asked if Aldric knew about the dragon, "it was Edmund's before his death, his name Vhamor", Aldric replied.

Mordred, his heart pounding, stood by Aldric's side. "We understand your pain, magnificent creature. We've lost our own kin as well. We share your grief." He spoke as if the dragon could understand human tongues.

The dragon's rumbling growl softened slightly, but its tension remained palpable. As Aldric took another cautious step forward, he spoke with a hint of authority, "I carry the dragon blood, passed down through generations of our lineage. I am Aldric, son of King Gawain."

The dragon, however, did not respond as expected. Instead, it reared back, its wings unfurling with a furious gust of wind. It was then that Mordred, sensing the imminent danger, upon encroachment of its territory, Vhamor tried attacking them, just then Mordred raised his hand instinctively as though he wanted to shield himself. In that moment, a soft yet resonant hum filled the air, the same sound Aldric had always associated with the dragons in stories.

To their astonishment, the dragon's eyes, once fierce with anger, now flickered with a mixture of confusion and reverence. It lowered its wings cautiously and lowered its head, no longer charging. Aldric's confusion deepened. He had always believed that dragon blood was an inherited gift, a birthright for those born of royal lineage. How was it that Mordred, his friend and companion, possessed this gift?

Mordred, too, was bewildered. "I never knew," he muttered, staring at his own hand in disbelief. "I possess dragon blood ? And I am not royalty."

Aldric's eyes met Mordred's, realization dawning upon them both. There was a secret, a mystery shrouding Mordred's birth. As they exchanged a brief but knowing glance, the dragon's gaze shifted between them, its aura more curious than hostile now.

With cautious optimism, Modred stepped forward, his voice tinged with respect. "you have suffered much, and we honor your pain. We are here to offer solace and companionship."

Aldric's voice joined Mordred, a resonance of unity. "We seek not to control you, but to stand with you, to heal together."

The dragon's eyes softened further, its anger giving way to a glimmer of hope. As if testing their sincerity, it allowed them to approach, its massive head bowed. And in that vulnerable moment, as the sun dipped beneath the horizon, it was as though fate had woven their lives together, linking Mordred and Vhamor in a bond that transcended grief and hinted at a destiny yet to unfold.

In the shadows of Albion's grand castle, a secret lay buried, known only to a select few. Mordred, the half-brother of Aldric, had grown up in the outskirts of the kingdom, raised by a kind and humble knight who had taken him in when he was but a babe. His true parentage was concealed, his lineage hidden away to protect him from a kingdom that might never accept him as the court mages couldn't read signs of the babe possessing dragon blood at his birth.

For years, Mordred's life remained quiet and unassuming, until the day he stumbled upon Vhamor, the dragon wrought with grief and rage. Little did he know that his encounter with the dragon would unravel not only the mysteries of his own past, awakening the power of the dragon blood in him which was latent since his birth and also the dark secrets that the kingdom's rulers had long kept hidden.

As Mordred stood before the dragon, his voice tinged with both fear and awe, the beast's reaction was unlike anything he anticipated. Vhamor's fiery eyes locked onto him, its powerful presence seeming to recognize him on a level that defied explanation. It wasn't just Aldric, the supposed bearer of the dragon blood, who held this creature's interest—it was Mordred, the unassuming outsider.

Confusion and questions consumed Mordred. How could he have a connection to Vhamor, a creature of legend? And why did the dragon's reaction hint at a deeper truth about his identity? With his loyal friend Aldric by his side, Mordred sought to delve into the archives of the castle, seeking answers that had been hidden for years.

Guided by the wings of history, it was seen that Aldric and Mordred shared their lineage, but there was more to it than meets the eye, discovering the long-forgotten connection between dragonkind and his bloodline. Their journey did later become a quest not only to reconcile the past but to forge a path that would bridge the gap between Albion and the broader world, where dragons were no longer mere legends but living beings with a stake in the realm's fate.