
Sword of Fate: The Holy Grail War in Aincrad

Emiya Shirou is a young man who dreams of becoming a hero of justice. He finds himself in the middle of a secret war for the Holy Grail, a powerful artifact that can grant any wish. He is a sword, shaped by a tragic past and a burning desire to save others. He expects to summon a mighty blade as his servant, a partner in the war. But instead, he summons a mysterious swordsman in black, who claims to be a Saber. A sword cannot change its nature, but it can learn from its wielder. Together, they will face their enemies and their own fates…

sKyarcsc · Anime & Comics
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Sword of Fate | Chapter 23

The feeling in his head was similar, but not quite so painful. In either case, it was definitely different from a concussion. The red-head had suffered plenty of those from sparring against Fuji-nee to tell the difference.

Sakura took Shirou's silence as confusion and explained what happened. "Kirito told me that you asked him to spar earlier. Apparently, neither of you held back and managed to break both of the shinai when you fought." She frowned, and gave a reproachful glare at Shirou. "Really, Senpai! Kirito's a guest that you invited! What would you have done if he didn't block your last strike?"

Shirou wilted under Sakura's intense glare, but inwardly doubted that Kirito would have that problem, especially after what Shirou had seen the black swordsman handle.

"Ah, speaking of Kirito, where is he?" Shirou asked. It was a thinly veiled attempt at changing the subject, but Sakura allowed it.

The younger girl sighed. "Fuji-nee decided to see how good Kirito was herself after Kirito explained what happened. She even managed to bring... that."

Shirou's eyes widened. "Tora-Shinai? She brought that cursed sword to spar against Kirito?!"

Sakura let out a meek nod. "That was an hour ago."

"An hour ago?" Shirou frowned, and then it hit him. "Wait, when did you two get here? It should have been at least two hours before dinner when we sparred... how long was I out?"

Sakura tilted her head. "Ah, Kirito said you were unconscious for about an hour when we arrived, and it's been another hour since."

Shirou sighed. There went the preparation for their patrol. Well, Shirou thought, at least I managed to learn something.

And that he did. If his memories were clear (and not a result of getting hit in the head) then Shirou now had a way to stall, if not beat, an unprepared Servant.

"Sword skill..."

"Hm? What was that, Senpai?" Sakura gave Shirou an inquisitive glance.

Shirou shook his head, wincing a bit at the pain it caused. "Ah, it's nothing Sakura. Just remembering the spar Kirito and I had."

Sakura sighed again. "Honestly, Senpai. You just don't know when to quit, do you?"

The red-head let out a sheepish smile and carefully rubbed back of his head. "I guess not?"

Sakura smiled in response. "Well, I'll go prepare dinner. You should get some rest, Senpai."

"Ah, wait." Shirou sat up, ignoring Sakura's reproachful glare. "You've done enough for these past few days, Sakura. At least let me-"

"No! Senpai, you need to rest!" Sakura blushed a bit, realizing her outburst, but continued. "I don't mind cooking for you, and Kirito needs a welcoming meal after all we're making him go through. Besides, I don't want to have to explain why there's blood in our food because you didn't know better than to rest after a concussion."

Shirou sighed, giving up the argument. "I'll just go check on Fuji-nee and Kirito then." Preempting Sakura's retort, he raised his hands up. "I'll be careful Sakura. Honestly, I'm happy that you're worried but I've been lying down long enough." And I need to make sure neither of the two killed each other.

Sakura relented. "Fine. But take your time, Senpai." With that said, she left, hair twirling behind her as she turned.

Shirou took a minute to muse Sakura's recent change in character. "Mm... I suppose I have been more trouble than usual recently. It must be taking its toll on Sakura." Shirou sighed, feeling a bit guilty at having to keep so much from her, as well as imposing so much recently. "I'll make it up to her."

The red-head made a silent vow to take Sakura out in the near future to make up for breaking his promise and all the trouble he was making.

When Shirou approached the dojo, the first thing he noticed was the fact that the door was wide open. The next was the resounding sounds of wood clashing.

Inside, Kirito ducked and weaved around a tiger-striped menace and her blade. In the swordsman's hand was a wooden bokuto, which a sudden influx of information told Shirou had been enhanced somehow 100 times above normal weaponry.

"Are you sure that thing's not cursed!?" Kirito brought up the wooden sword and deflected the Tiger's relentless slash.

Shirou felt a drop of sweat on his forehead and brushed it off. He stepped into the dojo, taking a careful position against the door. The red-head made sure to move as quietly as possible when he entered, considering that the 'Tiger' would lash out at any target entering its radius when she wielded Tora-Shinai.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" The Tiger continued her assault, not even hesitating in the slightest at Kirito's question.

Quick, agile, and fighting at the utmost level of human skill, the Tiger closed in on her prey, the shinai with a simple tiger charm lashing out towards Kirito's head.

Kirito let out a weary sigh that spoke of a long struggle and then stepped forward, left hand darting out with unerring precision and speed.

The Tiger's eyes widened in surprise as her attack was halted, and spread even further when she realized how it had been prevented. "No way...! One-handed sword stopping?"

Kirito took advantage of the Tiger's shock and immediately disarmed her, throwing the offending cursed blade in the corner of the dojo where it would do the least amount of damage, at least for the moment.

Immediately, the bloodlust and rage in the Tiger's eyes receded. Fuji-nee let out a sheepish smile and rubbed the back of her neck when she realized what had happened. "Ehe... sorry about that Kirito. It's been a while since I've had a good opponent."

The black swordsman cast a wary glance at the cursed shinai in the corner of the room. "Yeah. I... guess it must have, considering that shinai of yours."

Oblivious to the cursed nature of her shinai, Fuji-nee gave Kirito an earnest nod. "Yep! Stupid old geezers won't let me compete with it. It's just a small charm, too..."

As Fuji-nee grumbled, Kirito looked over to Shirou, who was leaning against the wall. With disbelief on his face, the swordsman mouthed, "She seriously doesn't know it's cursed?"

Shirou shook his head. "Unbelievable, right?" he mouthed back.

"Shirou! You're awake!" Fuji-nee ran up to Shirou and gave him a firm hug, relief on her face.

The red-head smiled. "Sorry to worry you, Fuji-nee."

The older woman stepped back and gave Shirou a frown. "I'm starting to think that all those times I hit you on the head are taking their toll. Seriously, what were you thinking, challenging a master kenjutsu practitioner to a duel?"

"Eh?" Shirou gave his Servant a questioning glance.

Kirito shrugged, though surprise was on his face as well.



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