
Unexpected Result And Unexpected...

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Those materials glowing faintly in the darkness swept away most of Gawain's sleepiness. Disregarding that these dark gray materials would stain his clothes, he began digging directly in the big basket.

Soon, some fragments, evidently different from its surrounding materials, were turned out.

The light set in them was even brighter, more centralized, and stabler.

From the exterior, these pieces were still dark, hardened materials, but there were many crystalline solids less than one millimeter in diameter that looked like poor-quality crystals with unstable patterns. These crystalline solids were the source of the glow. Gawain crushed a piece of hardened material and carefully picked out a few crystals from it. He found that they were still glowing and were even brighter without the influence of the surrounding impurity.