
The Sky

A young man covered in bandages from head to toe could be seen eating meat and bread on top of his bed like a hungry wolf. His eyes and mouth were the only parts not covered in bandages, beside him lay a couple of straight wood pieces that were used to hold broken bones; He had torn them off and tossed them aside, seemingly being perfectly fine.

A young girl who stood near him looked at his actions and gawked with wide eyes. He lifted a big clay Jar and brought it to his mouth and began drinking water from it like a madman. Water splattered down from his mouth and made his bandages wet but he didn't seem to care. He drank for a dozen seconds and finally put it down with a satisfied smile.

"How come the water is cold? The weather outside suggests it's summer." He asked with a full mouth as another piece of meat disappeared from the world.

The girl stopped gawking and answered unsurely with a question, "We put water in clay Jars and it gets cold?"

She saw him eat all their meat and felt frustrated, however, her grandpa had instructed her to make sure he remained healthy and she didn't know how to exactly do that since the young man defied all reason...

Ling Tian nodded in understanding as he looked at the Jar and theorized a possibility, 'Since its made of clay, negligible amounts of water escape to its outer surface and evaporate; the evaporation needs heat here that the water gets by absorbing it from its surrounding which is mostly the water still inside the clay Jar; so the water inside remains cold and this happens constantly. It's like a little refrigerator!'

He extended his free hand since the other one held onto a piece of bone that he chewed on and touched the surface and saw it was humid and a little wet, the humidity spread all over the clay Jar so it confirmed his theory.

The girl who looked at his actions didn't know whether to laugh or cry as he looked with concentration at a clay Jar.

'Who does that? He must be a weird man...' she thought and stepped back a little.

He extended his right hand to get more meat and saw nothing remained in the wooden plate but chewed-on bones. He turned to look at the girl and saw her strange expression and realized he was acting like a Gluttonous and disrespectful fool.

These people saved his life so he felt quite guilty. He stood up and respectfully bowed a little, "Thanks for saving me and providing me with food."

The girl nodded awkwardly and tried to put on a smile, inside, however, she felt quite angry since he had eaten all their meat.

"It's everyone's responsibility to help someone in need. Thank my grandpa if you insist, I haven't done anything..."

He nodded and said calmly, "Thank you anyway, I will pay you back for the food. Can I rest here a little more?"

Her smile turned a little more genuine, "Of course, I will take my leave then. Grandpa will be here to see your miraculous recovery soon..." She left and took the plates and Jar with her.

Ling Tian stood up and walked to the nearby window and saw the lively village, the house was located on top of a hill covered in grass so it had a great view of the entire village, even the lake could be seen in the distance. The forest and the river were clearly visible and the scent of grass, flowers, trees, and water made him feel refreshed. The sun was slowly setting and stars were coming out. He enjoyed the scenery but his expression froze when he turned his head up and saw the sky.

Half the sky towards the east looked normal, the stars glittered and twinkled like little jewels on a dark blanket of the night's sky. The stars were in various formations he had never seen or heard which showed he was not on Earth, he hadn't possibly time-traveled to the past. He searched but saw none of the constellations he had seen on earth.

But that was not what made him froze, it was the part of the sky towards the west where the sun was setting down; its rays of light turning the sky a beautiful orange that slowly receded into the distant horizon. He saw a planet, a very big planet that covered 1/4th of the western part of the sky; The planet slowly grew clearer as the sunset ended, and eventually, it became very clear to his eyes that were enhanced due to his cultivation.

The planet was covered mostly in a beautiful shade of ocean blue, covered in pure white marks that were clearly clouds. He could see the lands and continents of the planet, they were mostly a mesmerizing green color mixed brown, grey, black, sandy yellow, and snow-white, also with blue lines, and red parts. He could make out massive mountains and seas but he couldn't make out how big they truly were. Its shape was spherical and it had many lands and continents one of which was the biggest located at the center of the world. The poles were big and their white color was striking even though they were barely visible compared to the lands and oceans.

The planet had rings like Saturn and they were a dark blue mixed with golden color. He could even faintly see dark clouds and lightning strikes indicating storms.

'Is this how astronauts felt when they look at Earth? This is amazing!' he thought with awe.

He searched his memories and realized that the sky was always like this in Wenhao's memories. The sun would rise from the east and the planet would fade then at sunset the planet would appear again. A cycle of day and night that showed the celestial body he was on spun around itself. He could see the planet was also spinning around itself, albeit very slowly so it was not noticeable.

From the memories of Wenhao, he found certain information. 'So, this world is called the Cresent Moon Mortal Realm, one of the 72 moons of the Blue Dream immortal realm that I am looking at! Wait a moment...'

His eyes grew wide, 'This world is crescent-shaped with an approximate length of 1 million miles?! I mean in the books of the palace where Wenhao studied, a book said it was 3 million li long and 600,000 li wide in the shape of a crescent; So if I convert into miles it would be almost 1 million to 200,000!'

He looked up at the planet and his lips twitched, 'How big is that planet then?! Okay, this world is crazy!'

The memories of Wenhao were at the back of his mind, like something you want to remember and you know is there but you just won't until you see something related to it, the language of the world came to him instinctively and directly from his unconsciousness like his mother language. Different memories were in different places in his mind.

His train of thought was broken by a cough. He turned around and saw an old man with a long and surprisingly straight white beard that reached his chest look at him with a smile.

"You have recovered! It seems you are an immortal practitioner; young man, which sect do you belong to?"

Ling Tian hesitated for a moment, he put on a smile, "I am Ling Tian and I am a rogue practitioner; I have no sect yet but I plan to join one. I fell to the river due to an accident, thank you for saving my life." he bowed slightly as a gesture of gratitude.

The old man laughed, "I see, I see; You don't need to thank me, it's my duty as a physician to help anyone I can. I am Wang Su but most call me old Wang. How are you feeling?"

Ling Tian stretched his hand and legs and smiled confidently, "I am perfectly fine, thank you." Old wang nodded and put down some simple clothing.

"Here, wear these, they are mine and I wore them when I was younger; I hope they fit you well, it is not good if you walk around in bandages since you have recovered."

Ling Tian took them with gratitude, "Thank again, I will pay you back as soon as I can."

Old Wang nodded in understanding, "Sure, I have a boat, fish 3 weeks for me and consider your debt repaid; I am aware that immortal practitioners don't like owing debts as it would hinder their cultivation progress; You can stay here for these weeks."

He was surprised, 'This old man must not be a simple person...' He nodded, "Thank you for your generosity. I will do my best to repay you in the next 3 weeks."

He needed a place to crash and the old man offered him an ideal place to cultivate and farm EP.

"Are you an immortal cultivator?" Ling Tian asked suddenly.

The old man smiled sadly, "I once tried that path but failed and lost my cultivation, it was not a path meant for me. I always desired to help people not to hurt them since I was a child, being a physician is my path now."

Ling Tian remained silent, he didn't know how to respond, the old man left silently while saying, "Don't feel bad for asking, I regret nothing..."

'Something tragic must have happened to him.' he thought as he began tearing away the bandages to put on some good clothes.

A while later and he was dressed in white loose-fitted robes, "This is surprisingly comfortable and flexible; Now, time for action." he murmured as he sat down to cultivate.

[+10 EP] [+10 EP]

He cultivated all night long till the light of dawn entered his room. He stopped and opened his system screen, 'I have 9740 EP now! Let's find a secluded place and breakthrough.'

He stood up and his face turned cold, 'I won't let revenge change my personality and character. I won't let it define me or influence my decisions but I will never forget and let go of it. I will simply do it when I am prepared; if I let go my heart will become restricted and I won't be free anymore...'

When he thought of his heart ever being restricted by such thoughts like why he didn't take revenge etc. He felt a very bad premonition. If he could let go completely he would but it was not his way of doing things.

He slowly walked out of the room and saw that people were still sleeping, he left the house and entered the forest. He found a secluded spot after a while near a waterfall and sat down close to it. He opened the system and added the points.