
Sword Hero Journey

Being Isekai'd is a dream and becoming the Sword Hero is a nice start but why is he in DxD?! He knew the tricks to become overpowered in shield hero but DxD is an overpowered mess in which the will to see titties can save the world... Whatever he just has to try a bit harder

MessOfIdeas · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 2 (Way too much info)

The world resumed and he could hear his father mumbling about the church being shut down but now he had other things occupying his mind so he sneaked off to his room instead of asking his dad to teach him how to write.

As soon as he was in his room he thought about his overpowered bullshit ability that was 'gifted' to him by the R.O.B. The Legendary Sword is powerful but this is the DxD-verse we are talking about so it might not be enough to proclaim himself as the Sword God-King or any other ridiculous titles. Hell, it might be weaker than Sword Birth in the long haul and that's not even the power of a protagonist just a Sasuke rip-off. The Sword should give him game-like attributes so he might as well check out his stats.

[Name: Ren Amaki]

[Title: The Legendary Sword Hero]

[Level 1]

[Experince 0/100]




[Magi ATK:10]

[Physical Def: 5]

[Magical Def: 10]

[HP: 150/150]

[MP: 52/52]

[SP: 50/50]

Well, he certainly won't have the problems that Naofumi had his Attack stat is thirty times higher than his but that not exactly a huge accomplishment as the Shield's whole gig was to tank damage and deal devastating counters. His stats are also a lot more well-rounded in comparison to Naofumi but again Naofumi is the peak example of min-maxing. Now as a 4-year-old child his stats should definitely not be this high meaning that just getting the Sword blessed him to have some sort of combat abilities.

Now he remembered a lot of strengthing methods even ones further down the line as he spoiled himself by using Fandom as he was curious about all of them. Thank the gods he did that as it has now set himself up for the path of overpowered bullshit.

[Mastery allowed him to increase the stat boosts of a Sword form until he maxed out the mastery of a form at which point he reached the top form of that weapon.]

[Energy transfer lets him reset a mastered weapon to get EP which he can use for various things.]

[Rarity Up let him up the rarity of his Sword forms using EP all forms start of with a rarity of Common with every rarity up the stat bonuses of the form increases in exchange the higher the rarity the more EP it will cost to raise.]

That's just the Sword methods since he knows the other ones are real he can also use them!

[Smelting he could use ores to power up a form. With each increase in smelting level, the failure rate goes up for the next level. Failure does not decrease the smelting level.]

[Spirit Enchantment allows him to gain souls from monsters he kills he can then use those souls to give his Sword Forms new abilities. There is no chance of failure when enchanting.]

[Status Enchantment he can increase his stats by using EP.]

[Ore Equip he can now equip his Sword Forms with Ore this will increase the power of said Form. Every Form has different ore it needs there is no chance of failure to equip ore.]

[Item Enchantment Item drops can now be converted into EP he can now use EP to increase his stats by a percentage. Each level of Item Enchantment has a higher chance of failure as it rises if he fails the Item Enchantment is reset to Level 0]

[Job Level each stat now has a Job Level Gauge he can fill those gauges with EP when those gauges fill up the stat increases. Once a stat levels up the gauge is reset and goes on a cooldown of a day.]

[Trust, the more you trust others and the more others trust you increases your stats.]

[Energy Boost he can now use EP to increase the rank of spells and skills.]

[Pay to Win He can now increase his stats using currency, he can also cancel out a failure of Item Enchantment, Smelting, and Refinement]

[Growth Revision he can now reset his level to draw out latent potential and permanently increase his stats.]

[Magic Rank as he levels he will gain Magic Points he can use these to upgrade the rank of his spells.]

[Skill Rank as he levels he will gain Skill Points he can use these to upgrade the rank of his Skills.]

[Experince Points his weapons now have an experience gauge meaning his Sword forms can now level up. As the Form levels up it increase its stats bonuses and skills.]

[Profession he can now assign Professions to himself and others as the profession levels they gain stats and skills. Each Profession has a total of five levels once the max level of a Profession is reached you can advance a Profession to the next rarity for example Apprentice Mage to Novice Mage.]

[Ambient Mana Absorption as he defeats his enemies he can absorb their Mana which then get's converted. He can also absorb Ambient Mana to gain EP.]

[Refinement he is now able to refine Sword Forms using EP, each level of Refinement increase the power of the form. Each level has a higher chance of failure. Upon failing the level is reset to 0.]

[Food Level he now has a Food Gauge every time he eats the gauge increases and when full some of his stats increase, which stats increase depends on what he eats.]

[Magic and Skill Mastery the more he uses a skill or spell the more effective and powerful it becomes.]

He can also absorb materials to unlock more Forms and he can copy swords if he can find them. With all of these methods, he might have a shot at beating out monsters like Issei and it's not like he can't gain the OP stuff from DxD as well like Touki and Holy Swords or Demon Swords.

While he has a ton of methods to become stronger a lot of them can't be used without EP and the only way he can gain EP right now is by Mastering Sword Forms or Absorbing Ambient Mana which means his growth is going to be slightly slower. It's not like he can go around killing monsters to gain Item drops and XP as finding them would be a pain in the ass and overpowered monsters are hiding in this world so going on a monster-killing spree is not an option even if he found them.

The methods that don't require EP need him to get Ore or Money which is going to be really fucking hard considering he is a four-year-old child born in a relatively normal family. Well he can at least increase his stats by eating which means he is going to have to eat like Goku... okay maybe not like Goku he did not want to drive his parents to poverty so maybe he should eat like a mildly obese man? Well, he can at least do one thing to up his power and that is assigning himself a Job. He apparently can not give himself advance jobs like Sword Saint which means he is going to have to start as a lowly Sword Apprentice. As soon as he assigned the job he gained the Skill Apprentice Sword Mastery which increases his handling of swords and the damage of swords as well. He stats also increased a bit.

His stats should look a little different.

[Name: Ren Amaki]

[Title: The Legendary Sword Hero]

[Level 1]

[Profession: Sword Apprentice 1/5]

[Experince 0/100]

[Profession Experience 0/50]

[Food Level 0/100]

[EP: 0.1]




[Magi ATK:10(+5)]{0/100}

[Physical Def: 15(+5)]{0/100}

[Magical Def: 10(+5)]{0/100}

[HP: 160/160(+5)]{0/100}

[MP: 52/52(+5)]{0/100}

[SP: 60/60(+5)]{0/100}

As soon as he 'discovered' Ambient Mana Absorption he has been intaking the Mana which is surprisingly rich but if he considered that this world has overpowered monsters he should be less surprised. Still, a tenth of an Energy Point for about 5 minutes passively absorbing Mana is pretty okay he should get one EP every hour, and considering he gets them for just existing it's nice.

Now where the hell is he getting plus five to his stats from? Wait, is he getting it from Trust? But who the hell trusts him that much? His parents love him sure but trusting a four year old to do anything by himself is not something anyone does let alone the parents of said child, but the only other person he interacted with is Irina. So does she trust him that much? Actually, is +5 even a lot? Probably not he was just overthinking things like always.

Now that he has his official overpowered ability he checked in on his inner world and sure enough, the white light inside of him went from a shot glass to a child's bucket the type they use to make sandcastles. It's nice knowing he was right about it being his mana but he still can't do shit with it without being taught spells... at least he can now gain skills from unlocking Sword Forms.

Which reminds him, one of the easiest ways of increasing his Stats is to unlock Sword Forms Naofumi became an OP master by having massive stats instead of a high level. There are a couple of things he can take around the house to unlock forms but nothing that he can really explain if he is asked why it's missing. There is one thing he wanted to try after all Naofumi gained a shield by putting hair into his Shield surely the blood of the Legendary Sword Hero must be worth something.

So he turned his sword from the bracelet form into the default form and cut his finger with the tip of the sword which was harder than he thought with his increased defence stat and the sword not being really powerful yet. Still, he managed to cut a gash into his hand which hurt like a mother fucker but no pain no gain and all that jazz. He quickly moved his hand to the jewel as he did not really want to explain why there was blood on his floor, the gem glowed a bright blue as it consumed the blood. He managed to get some blood into the gem but his gash healed rather quickly, he almost gave up hope on his blood being special but a screen popped up in front of him.

[Material collected but due to lack of Legendary Hero Blood the Sword Form Legendary Holy Sword was not unlocked... 1% of Legendary Holy Sword Unlocked.]

Well, it's disappointing that he did not get a new form just yet but he will be able to get the sword if he just cut his hand 99 more times...He was definitely not looking forward to that but Legendary Holy Sword has to be powerful right? His blood unlocking a holy sword must mean he has the potential to wield holy swords which would explain why his mana was a bright white light.

Still, this taught him he can gain forms from not just whole corpses he can gain them from blood as well don't get him wrong he was willing to kill others to upgrade his power but if he does not have to he might as well take his time. For example, if he harvested blood from Issei slowly he might unlock a rather powerful sword he could kill Issei sure but that would cut off the route which leads to the dumbass saving the world which means it would be his responsibility to save it if he did not want to die. Granted his mere existence has already changed the future so that might not be guaranteed but killing him for no reason is rather reckless, bah future plans can wait he needs to concentrate on gaining power right now.