
Chapter 620 – Choice

After dealing with both corpses, Shang flew back to the branch.

He got past the roots of the Yellow Sunbreaker and entered.

Trapper still sat in the middle of the branch, and when he saw White Ghost return without Ice Princess, he knew what that meant.

He felt a complex mix of emotions.

He was frustrated that he hadn't been the one to "dominate", "conquer", and "ruin" Ice Princess.

He was angry that Shang made it forever impossible for Trapper to realize this dream of his.

He felt glad that the arrogant bitch Ice Princess finally got what was coming to her.

But more than anything, he felt shocked about White Ghost's power.

White Ghost could kill Ice Princess on his own?

But then, he realized something.

It probably wasn't White Ghost that had killed her!

White Ghost had probably only watched her while a Sweeper took care of everything.

However, Trapper still became much more careful in front of Shang.