
Chapter 552 – Silhouette

For a while, the older man couldn't wrap his mind around what he was looking at.

It was the silhouette of a tall and thin man wearing long and old white robes.

There were several loose strands on the old robe, and it looked extremely old, almost ancient.

The white of the robes was so stark that they almost seemed ethereal as they moved slightly in the wind.

Even more, the man wearing the robes was standing on the road with his bare feet, which also seemed far too white to be from someone that walked around with bare feet.

The hair of the man was extremely long and pitch black, heavily contrasting his stark white robes. His hair was so long that it even reached his legs.

But the most shocking thing was his face.

Several pure white bandages surrounded the upper half of his face, completely hiding his eyes. Only his nose, mouth, and hair were visible.