
Chapter 516 – Special Mana Step

Shang blasted towards his next target, but on his way there, he contacted Mervin again.

Shang was quite sure that the two Early High Mages wouldn't directly invade the Skythunder Kingdom but split up as soon as they crossed the border and attack the neighboring two borders from behind.

Mervin said that he also suspected that, but he didn't want Shang to be too conspicuous. If they lost a border, it was still fine. However, if Shang kept going from border to border in one straight line, the Magic Purity Kingdom would know where he would strike next and stage an ambush.

Without his Augmenting Spells, Shang might die if two Mid High Mages assaulted him at once.

After listening to Mervin, Shang shared a plan he had with him.

Mervin wasn't the biggest fan of the plan.

It was a risk, but it could pay off in a big way.