
Chapter 339 – Trial Starts

Over the next three months, Shang kept strengthening his body and digging for ore.

Digging for ore wasn't as straightforward as he had thought. Sure, Sword was finding a lot of ore, but not every piece of ore was usable by them.

Some had the wrong Affinity.

Others were either too weak or too strong.

However, after several months of nearly fully focusing on mining ore, Shang had gotten enough to boost Sword to the Late Commander Stage. 

Yes, he had found enough to boost it to the Mid Commander Stage and then to the Late Commander Stage.

Sword's shape hadn't changed, but it had become quite a bit heavier. Now, it no longer felt like Shang was swinging a small stick around. 

Shang's sword was already quite big, even if it was not as big as when Shang had been in the Grandmountain Kingdom. This also meant that it was quite heavy.