
Chapter 190 – Viera

Shang looked at the brightly smiling face of Viera, the Dean's second disciple.

Shang had just thought about her, and now she appeared.

"Congratulations, Little Brother!" Viera said with a bright voice, her long red hair covering half her face.

"Little brother?" Shang asked.

Viera nodded excitedly. "As teacher's third disciple, you are now officially my younger brother!" she said.

Then, she walked over and pulled Shang into a bear hug.

Viera was a bit smaller than Shang, but the sheer power of her body made Shang helpless.

When Shang got lifted from his feet without a way to resist, he felt awkward.

He had only talked to this woman once before, and she was hugging him like he was her best friend.

Or little brother?

"Nice to meet you," Shang said awkwardly.

Viera put him down and inspected his entire body.

Then, she nodded.

"You have a very dangerous aura! Many girls like that," she said with pride.