
Chapter 129 – Darkness Affinity

Shang sat down in one of many chairs inside one of the rooms on the third floor of the main building.

Several other students were with Shang in the room, and a couple of them threw worried glances at him while whispering to their neighbors, who then also shot a look at Shang.

Shang tried to ignore it, but it was way too obvious what they were talking about.

All the students in the room were 16 and 17 years old, except for Shang.

A couple of minutes of whispering later, the teacher entered.

She looked to be in her late twenties, and she had long black hair, her eyes detached and distant.

She inspected everyone present, and her gaze lingered a bit longer on Shang.

"Let's start class," she announced.

Everyone quieted down.

Then, Teacher Niria began her lesson.

This afternoon, she was teaching the class about the northeastern forest.