
Chapter 1010 – Victory!



Another one of Shang's swords broke.




One of Shang's tentacles was cut off by the Archivist's floating sword and torn apart.


As Shang's weapons slowly started to vanish, more and more attacks hit him.


With fewer weapons, Shang couldn't defend himself as well anymore.


Kali glanced at Gregorio.


Gregorio didn't show any reaction.


By now, Kali wasn't certain anymore whether or not she had judged Gregorio's demeanor correctly.


She had thought that Gregorio trusted Shang's power, but maybe he had just grown apathetic to the outcome.


Kali knew Gregorio, and she could imagine that Gregorio felt quite some regret regarding supporting such a monster.


Gregorio was not telling Kali to watch, but he also wasn't telling her to interfere.