
Sword Emperop

In the vast Kyushu continent, thousands of ethnic groups stand tall, and the pride of heaven competes. In this magical world, there is a name that is gradually rising, and he is - Sun Bing! The fascinating fantasy novel Sword Emperor will take you on a journey of endless challenges and endless possibilities for cultivation. Sun Bing, a young man who embarked on the path of cultivation due to a mysterious sword box, held a three foot green peak and used the sword as his soul and path. His path of growth is full of hardships and struggles, but also full of miracles and glory. In countless life and death tests, he constantly broke through himself, improved his cultivation, and finally became a true Sword Emperor! In this novel, you will witness the emotional entanglement between Sun Bing and eight distinctive female protagonists, experiencing their love, hate, sorrow, joy, separation, and reunion. These female protagonists are not only beautiful and charming, but also have their own strengths. They play an important role in Sun Bing's path of cultivation, providing him with emotional support, wise advice, and practical help. At the same time, "The Sword Emperor" also presents a rich and colorful, fantastical world. There are mysterious monsters, rare spiritual herbs, powerful martial arts and techniques here... Every detail is full of surprises and imagination. In this world, you will follow Sun Bing through hardships and challenges, feeling the joy of growth and the glory of victory.

liu_elk · Eastern
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125 Chs

enemies meet

The Hengduan Mountain Range in winter can be said to be quite beautiful, wrapped in silver, those tall trees are even cloaked in white.

But in this beautiful appearance, but hidden countless crises, after all, there are most of the demonic beasts do not need to hibernate, they are completely able to hide in the snow, wait until the pedestrians come to suddenly launch an attack, even if it is a seasoned casual cultivator encountered such a situation, may not be able to defend, not to mention that there may be hidden in the snow in the dangerous places, so into the mountains of the people are quite scarce.

Even if there are people who come, but only in the safety of the periphery to turn around, expecting to be able to have any unexpected harvest, for the deep mountain is full of fear.

However, today, a group of people staying at the mouth of the Hengduan Mountain Range suddenly realized that a young man was slowly walking out from the depths of the mountain forest.

Just see his clothes are a little worn, even hair are a little untrimmed, a wooden sword in his hand, behind him is also carrying a big bag, so alone slowly out of the mountains.

This scene shocked everyone, the heart could not help but ask: Could it be that he had been staying in the deep mountains?

Not bad, this person is exactly has been in the mountains in the cultivation of Sun Bing, although at the moment is already cold winter three nine, but he is still a thin green shirt, all by virtue of the physical body to resist the cold, has let the small circumference involuntarily accelerate the speed of the operation of the speed of a few points, the absorption of heaven and earth spiritual qi can not help but a few points faster.

During these three months, it was by virtue of this kind of hard cultivation that he was able to cultivate to the eighth level of the Body Tempering Realm in a very short period of time.

Looking at the pair of eyes full of desire not far away, the corner of Sun Bing's mouth could not help but reveal a trace of a smile, in the deep mountains for three whole months, it was not that he did not run into loose cultivators, but the result was rare consistency, both sides would regard it as an enemy as soon as they met, and almost every loose cultivator thought that Sun Bing was a big fat sheep.

And now to be able to stay at the entrance of the Hengduan Mountain Range of loose cultivators, no doubt life is quite difficult, otherwise would not have come here to take their chances, not to mention Sun Bing's back is carrying such a huge parcel to make the heart greedy, even if you are just a single piece of clothing, the other side will not hesitate to make a move.

Because the things that can be hidden in the arms of the more precious, even if the last did not find any valuable items, the other side is only a dark curse, and then accept your hands of weapons, continue to look for the next target, human life is not worth a penny.

But even if there are a dozen people in front of him, but Sun Bing is still quite calm, there is no panic, these three months, he can be considered to have experienced a variety of dangers, many of which are even life-threatening, but are tenacious over.

Compared with those dangers, and in front of these people, simply not be Sun Bing in the eyes, look around, but is a group of body-hardening realm of the sixth layer of the fish, although the seventh layer of the body-hardening realm only one, but in the eyes of the Sun Bing, but also is a mole cricket, if they are interested in not out of the words, but also peace of mind, but do not know what is good and bad, then don't blame the Sun Bing ruthlessness.

Looking at the distance is getting closer and closer to the Sun ice, this group of people deep in the eyes of the fire can not help but become more and more intense, and even at this moment has been secretly thinking: so huge parcel in the end has what things, but can be brought out of the undoubtedly good things, anyway, a word - "rob! "There is no mistake.

Just as they were about to make a swarm of strikes, all of a sudden, Sun Bing's brow furrowed, and there was only a sound of a sword chirping in the air, and in the eyes of the group, Sun Bing didn't make a single move at all, but a thin figure lay strangely in his depths.

This figure is not large, but because of this figure, so that the surrounding dozen of casual cultivators covered in cold sweat, even if the original people who have a shot to prepare, swords are sheathed half of the, but also as if being static general, do not dare to move.

Seems to be because just the action is relatively large, Sun Bing's baggage can not help but reveal a small mouth, and even dropped a spirit grass, these people see really, this is clearly the broken intestine grass, the value of at least thousands of silver, and through the small mouth, can also be found in this baggage inside the many precious spiritual objects.

If it is placed in the wild, will definitely let them break the head of the coaxing robbery, even if the face is not recognized also have no hesitation, but now there is still no one dares to act, so quietly watching Sun Bing walked by.

After a long time, looking at the back of Sun Bing has been far away, this group of people slowly move the body, immediately ran to the just killed by Sun Bing a sword next to the demonic beast, examined for a long time, only could not help but trembling asked: "This is not the purple gold sable ah?"

"Definitely, I had seen it once three years ago, just this one Purple Gold Sable, in no more than a few moments, an entire ten cultivators at the seventh level of the Body Tempering Realm died outright, and they couldn't even escape." To a person who also had palpitations in his heart, he said.

"Yes, I didn't think that his strength would be so strong, we have to know that this is a third level demonic beast ah, even if an ordinary person of the ninth level of the Body Tempering realm encounters it, it is difficult to predict the victory or defeat, I didn't think that the other party would strike a fatal blow with just a single move, and looking at the sword wound, it is really a masterful sword technique." Another person slowly spoke.

Through such an analysis, the hearts of the remaining people immediately generated a strong sense of gratitude, thanks to this one Purple Gold Sable testing the waters just now, if not, when they launched their attack, it would be absolutely difficult to leave a survivor.

But soon, their focus changed from Sun Bing's power to scrambling for the corpse of this Purple Gold Sable, knowing that this is a third-grade demonic beast's corpse, there is no extra trauma on the surface, this fur alone, has been worth a lot of money, although Sun Bing can't see it, but it doesn't mean that they can't see it.

Instantly, the original weird atmosphere immediately disappeared, only a group of people are fighting to coax the purple gold sable.

At this moment, Sun Bing is completely unaware of what is happening behind him, after all, this can only be considered a small thing for him, just a purple golden sable, in these three months, his training is these three levels of demonic beasts, and even Sun Bing himself does not know how many of them he has killed.

For now his own combat power, Sun Bing is not too clear, after all, most of his opponents are still demonic beasts, no one has come to test their own combat power, but Sun Bing believes that as long as he goes back, will soon be able to get the verification.

Because of the eighth level of the Body Tempering realm, at this moment, Sun Bing's "Floating Light and Swept Shadow" had already reached the realm of Floating Light, and after three months of hard work, it had even reached the realm of Swept Shadow, even if he didn't intentionally run the footwork, but Sun Bing's speed was far beyond ordinary people.

In a short time, has seen the falling clouds of the town's silhouette, a full three months did not return to the normal human civilization, even if it is Sun Bing's nature of the heart can not help but be a little excited, at once the pace of the feet can not help but speed up a lot.

Not long ago, has reached the door of the falling clouds town, looking at the environment of people inside, for a moment, Sun Bing are a little unaccustomed to, good thing that his ability to adapt is quite strong, without the slightest change of color on his face, he slowly walked towards the falling clouds town.

At this time, a familiar figure walked over from not far away, at this moment he was wearing white clothes, his hands even waved a paper folding fan, with a modest smile on his face, just like a gentleman, it was Sun Long who hadn't seen him for a long time.

Two people just like this met in the crowd, this time, both sides of the heart can be said to be quite complicated.