
Sword Dancer

On Korone few things are more precious than a person's skill in combat, even more so a person's skill with a blade. Boro is the son of a legendary, but disgraced, sword master. He wants nothing more then to become the greatest swordsman of all time... And to bring honor back to his families name. Along the way Boro gets caught up in a royal scandal, a war and even worse, love. He assembles a wide cast of diverse friends and enemies, and figuring out which is which is no easy task.

ThatDudeGp · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Friend or Foe?

The city of Kolomet was even more immense then Helfa. It was also far older, and its known history stretched back for nearly millennia. However, were Helfa was a city of colors, this one was the opposite, all the buildings were grey and drab and lacked the same majesty. But Kolomet was made for a different reason then the last. Kolomet was a fortress encircled by walls twice as tall as any he'd ever heard of, let alone seen with his own eye's. According to all reports, the lord of this city, Amara Trili, was a life long military man, his own father having fought for the Kings army right up until he died in combat. The man had been nearly seventy years at his death. Rumor said the the elderly lord had been sick for many years before the war that drew him from retirement started. They had been planning on using that as a way to bring Amara in to the fold.

When Boro and Littume arrived in the office of the cities Lord. He was certain this mission would be a failure. All along the walls were paintings and tapestries of battles, showing the glorious victories of King Galave and his army. Even a large painted portrait of King Galave himself looked down on them while they waited for Lord Amara to enter the room. Seeing this, his heart sank a bit, he knew it was foolish to expect immediate success but he did hope that things would be easy. Boro and Littume had been waiting in the office for nearly an hour before Amara finally entered the room.

Without pause or introduction, Lord Amara walked to his large desk, pulled a rolled up parchment from a pocket in his fine coat, and began speaking aloud.

"My report says your party killed twenty citizens, claimed to have been turning to banditry, on Kolomet soil, captured six, and allowed four other bandits escape. Is this report accurate?" His voice was flat and emotionless and his tone had made Boro suspect they might be charged for killing the bandits. He was filled with fury and fear simultaneously, but kept calm and answered honestly.

"Yes my Lord, although allowed, is not the word I would use. Your report also seems to lack the fact that several members of my own party were also killed.

"Do you know murder is a capital punishment in Galaos? The punishment for which is, and not limited to, a fine of several hundred gold royals, per unjust death, several hundred spans of imprisonment, and or, death by hanging, beheading, or drawing and quartering." Lord Amara said, ignoring Boro and Littume's angry looks, or maybe just not noticing them at all as his eyes had yet to look at them since he walked in and started reading.

He did not wait for their reply and instead continued to speak, "Of course before that would happen, you and your party would need to face a grand jury and present the case for your killings, to determine if they were just or not. In the interim, I would know what brought your party here."

This time he did pause, and looked up to meet their eyes and wait for them both to give an answer. Littume looked to Boro, waiting for him to answer. Seconds ticked by while they all sat in silence, until Boro sighed finally.

"Well my lord, we just so happened to be traveling westward seeking a man white a white blade." He pointed to the gold pin attached to the collar of his coat before continuing. "I am seeking a Blade Master to finish my training, Olivar here is also seeking acknowledgement of his skill and furtherance of his training as well."

"And what of the others you brought with you?"

"They are Olivar's personal guard, he is a noble from one of the families in Helfa, my Lord."

Lord Amara grunted, and slowly nodded his head, "Of course you are. What family are you from then." His words sounded hollow, and filled with disbelief. His eyebrow had even seemed to rise by the tiniest fraction before returning to its neutral look.

Littume spoke up giving him the name and back story they had planned for ahead of time. "My Lord, I am Othell Penti, my father has a rather substantial plantation just north of Helfa"

For a second Lord Amara seemed to ponder this information. He new the major and minor nobility of Galaos fairly well. The Penti family was old and from what Amara remembered they did not have a son, they had several daughters.

He slapped his palm on the table, "Very well, if you do not wish to speak plainly with me perhaps a questioner of justice might be more to your liking." With that he rose to his feet, as did Boro, and just a second after Littume, and walked over to the door. He opened and just before he called for his guards, turned back to the two young men in his office. "Are you sure there is not more you wish to tell me"

"My Lord unfortunately this is all the truth i have for you" Boro answered.

Sweat had began beading Littumes face, and his face, while still expressionless, was white as a sheet. To be brought before a grand jury AND a questioner of justice was certain to break them and bring the whole of King Galave's army down on them, Lord Jetir and the entire city of Helfa. This is exactly the situation Littumes father had wished for them to avoid and here the two fools had done just that.

"I am no fool, and i know the best lies are the ones closest to the truth" Lord Amara said still standing in front of the open door. "Do you know what they call me in certain circles?" He asked quietly.

"No, My Lord" Both Boro and Littume said together. They had no information on any known alias.

"They call me the Wise One, because I see things, I know whispers told in a locked room, I know secrets never spoken aloud" He closed the door to the room again. " I know why you are here, and I know who you both are also, Boro Malus and Littume Triem."

Boro's fists be balled up, his heart racing in his chest. How, How does he know who we are? How can I have failed already He thought.

Littume, who had been afraid, looked to be ready to shit himself.

Then Lord Amara spoke five words that would tip the first stone that would cause a world spanning landslide. "I wish to join you"