
Sword Celestial

Water can shape the Earth, Earth can imprison the Fire, Fire can forge the Metal, Metal can cut the Wood, and Wood can surpass the Water. Achieve mastery over all. The heavens shall not tolerate. That's why...

Zusae · Fantasy
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12 Chs



Chen Gu leisurely walked toward the moss covered shack. Getting a closer look at the shack, he noticed that the shack was actually smaller than he thought, making it look closer to a storage room instead. When he reached for the door handle he noticed the door wouldn't budge at all. So he used both of his hands and the weight of his body in order to be able to open it.

What he saw inside the shack was actually really disappointing to him. The shack was actually more like a wardrobe, having only a single shelf in the middle. What was surprising was that, there was a small box, about the size of a hand, on top of that shelf. Being a curious youth he reached out for the box without thinking a lot.

When he first touched the box, he first felt very empty, and felt as if this box was something very nostalgic to him. He opened the box without thinking twice. There was only a piece of wood at the size of a finger inside this box. The piece of wood was blue in color, and had tiny purple circles all over it.

He then tried to touch the wood and feel how it's texture was. However, the moment he touched the wood, it disintegrated into his fingertips. He was very surprised at first, then he suddenly started feeling an immeasurable amount of pain. It felt as if his lungs were bursting through his chest, and his limbs were exploding. It felt as if his eyes were being digged out, and he was being buried alive. Not being able to keep up with this pain, Chen Gu fainted.

It took him about a day to come back to himself. When he woke up, he tried to open his eyes. But, he couldn't do so. He tried to move his hands. But he wasn't able to do that either. The only thing he was able to do was hear. Hear the voice of the leaves shaking.

About an hour later, he gained the ability to see again. He looked at where his arms were supposed to be, but only saw branches. He looked at where his legs where supposed to be, but only saw three roots. He looked around himself, only to find that he was on a hill, that was very close to a foreign village he had never seen before.

There were no other plants around him, and even the land was barren without any grass. He stood there alone. Sometimes the children from the village came to play around him. The children's clothes were in a really bad condition, giving Chen Gu the conclusion that this village was really poor.

Chen Gu himself was mostly on a very mysterious state. When he was in that mysterious state he felt like he was dreaming, yet he simply couldn't fall asleep at all. When he tried to think and theorize about how he fell into this situation, he felt as if his mind was being electrocuted.

His days kept on going and about a month has passed. At this point Chen Gu had already stopped thinking, and was like a semi-zombie. His mind was getting emptier and emptier. He lost the track of the time a lot. He was just about to enter that mysterious state for one last time and stay in it forever, a group of middle aged men walked toward him with each of them carrying axes in their hands.

Filler, Filler, Filler, Tree, Tree, Tree, Groot, Groot, Groot.

Zusaecreators' thoughts