

I cringed while reading my old synopsis. This book was written by ne when I was absolutely garbage at writing and too horny to measure. If you wish for your sanity to remain in tact do not read.

Random968 · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Oh hey that rhymes



Wait he said it was a 99% chance? That either means he is bullshiting me or… his ability is to manipulate Probability!

Almost knowing what I thought he said, "Of course, probability is my ability. Hey that rhymes!"

I facepalmed. That completely ruined his mysterious vibe.

"Well anyway since you got here might as well not be for nothing my name is Unmei and I can manipulate probabilities as my ability, Yeah!"

So what I got from that was A. He was a complete lunatic B. He was messing with me or C. This was his personality, and I was inclined to believe B then C and finally A.

He immediately stopped messing around after I had those thoughts and instead started talking seriously. "I know you were the one to create me. But that doesn't mean you can achieve Bankai easily without and hardships. Time in here means every 10 minutes outside is a year in here, you see after you created me the world itself had a violent reaction and tried to terminate me and you from existence. Of course I decreased the probability of it finding us by 99.9999999 percent. But the worlds will is to strong and will soon reverse the probability In about 3 weeks in your time.

I was absolutely shocked. The world had a will? It wanted to delete me and Unmei! It was very shocking to me. "Wait the world wants to delete us? Will you be ok in here for the three weeks in my time? Thats like… 3000 years for you!"

The man again spoke, "Yes and Yes. I will be ok for 3000 years after all.. you know what never mind." I was confused at why he would say never mind until I looked at his computer screen there was porn playing silently. Well Zanpakutō are supposed to have a little bit of your personality in them.

Well I guess it's time to go now. I said my goodbyes to Unmei and teleported back to the real world. I held my Zanpakutō and instantly knew that with its shikai I could manipulate probability within a 30 percent range. I was unable to make things have a 0 or 100 percent probability as well.

I jumped from my meditative position to a standing position. I decided that it was time to find Nell and capture her. Why Nell and not Tier? Because I was weakened right now and a restriction on the ritual circle (that I made up) was that I could not capture any beings more powerful than I and if I wanted to capture them anyway that had to at least be friendly to me. I called out to the sky "Unmei! Manipulate!" And just like that my sword went from a basic red hilt sword to a blade that was dark red with several oval shaped holes throughout its 1.5 meter long body. The hilt was now purple as well. With instinctive knowledge of my ability I raised my sword to the air and chanted "Unmei Change destiny! Make me finding Nell 30% more likely!" I felt the energy drain out of my body as my shikai dissolved revealing my base Zanpakutō.

I lied on the floor exhausted and kept still for 2 and a half hours before I heard some talking. Still lying on the floor I looked over to see a fully adult Nell talking to herself. It appeared as if the timeframe I was in was before she was injured and reverted to her child form. That was good for me because of three things in order of importance, 1 I had time to prepare for Yhwatch, 2 She was more powerful in this form, and 3 I wasn't a pedo. Although I was 16 and TECHNICALLY that wouldn't be pedophilia until I was 18. And also her age wouldn't change, anyway enough with the pedophilia talks.

Nell after seeing me lying on the floor stopped mumbling to herself and went straight to business drawing her sword in an instant, "Who are you? Are you an Arrancar? Or shinigami." I got up from the floor and spoke, "I am neither." Nell having none of what I was on about starting talking, "That is impossible no human would survive in this place for long. Tell me the truth or I will assume you a Shinigami."

I sighed in exasperation and stood up, "Guess I'm a Shinigami then." Nell instantly attacked me, but using my Devil fruit powers I teleported right in front of Nell before she could even react and punched her in the face. Nell from the shock and pain let go of her sword which I caught and put into my pocket space. After getting hit in the face with enough force Nell was lying on the floor barely conscious and fading. I, walking up to Nell knelt on the floor next to her, "Ar- are you a Shinigami?" Said Nell weakly on the floor. To which I replied, "Already told you, I am no Shinigami or Arrancar. Neither Am I human." Nell looking like she didn't believe it then asked me, "Then what are you?" I smiled devilishly and said, "I am a Wendigo. Born of consuming flesh. But don't worry This won't hurt a bit." Nell's eyes went white with fear before passing out. I smiled and quickly inscribed a nearby dead tree with runes to capture Nell. 5 minutes later Nell was captured and I proceeded to eat the fear she had emanated and then her. I transformed into my Wendigo form and ate Nell's entire body instantly.

Some people would ask why? And I would tell them 2 things. One It would grant me her abilities one tier higher than hers and 2 I am a fucking wendigo. This has effected my personality making me crave the eating of flesh.

I felt a surge of sudden power as Nell's enhanced abilities added to my own base power of T7 making me Extremely close to reaching T8 in my weakened state. I suddenly had enlightenment If I broke through a Tier while weakened wouldn't I become 1 tier stronger when my normally power was returned!

But soon my musings were interrupted as my spiritual sense found two Espada. Well one currently and one in the future. Ah it appeared I was in the timeframe when Nell would be reverted to her kid form.

Still in my Wendigo form I teleported in front of Nnoritra and Szayelaporro. Before they could even react I knocked them out and captured them. I first turned them off from being revived then I ate them whole. I finally let out a burp and roar at the same time.

I de-transformed and felt that my base power had risen to T8. I laughed out in pure ecstasy at the feeling of my power increasing. My mind was brimming with new abilities and I knew that this was only the beginning of my journey to becoming the Devils true protege. After calming down from my euphoria I decided to make my hunting ground. How? Simple, I would gather 10 Adjucha that I had captured due to my capturing circle, and then all of the other hollows I had captured and Kill them all. That would expand my my hunting ground by thousands no hundreds of millions of Kilometers! I smiled as I started the massacre, but suddenly I had a revelation. Nell was searching for her fracion! Damn how could I forget anyway that doesn't change anything. Might as well spare them from the slaughter they were pretty cool characters I guess.

3 hours later.

My slaughter was complete and my power had risen beyond even before after eatinf every Hollow Hundreds of millions of kilometers out. My power was almost enough to breach T8 and into the realm of T9. I was so close yet so far, the feeling of advancement was at my fingertips.

After some anger at not being able to advance I decided that It was time to get the Hogyoku capture Tier Harribel and Aizen. Eat them both gain immense power, eat Yhwatch, eat the soul king, find my eternal rival, ????, and profit.

Pretty simple plan and it would most likely fail after the Aizen part due to my rival, but if uninterrupted I would win the first world and be able to choose the next world due to me winning along with a 25% budget add on. Since my starting budget was 3180 I could get an additional 795 credits.

With my plans set I transformed into my Wendigo form and ran at 99 percent of the speed of light around my Hunting zone.

Aizen POV

I slammed my hand against a table in anger. Nell had gone missing, Nnoritra and some other numeros as well, what was his name? Szayelaporro? Who named that guy, oh I did.

That was not the only thing that had go e wrong either, although normally hueco mundo was cold, not snowing cold! There is not even water here for it to rain! Let alone snow!

My first thought was that it was the work of Yamamoto and his goons, although earlier than expected it would still be fine as my plan accounted for it.

But that thought was proven wrong when 1 hour passed after the snow. So here I am 1 hour after the snow appeared and counting; with no signs of the Gotei 13 anywhere. Had they somehow managed to sneak through my defenses? Was all my effort in building my Espada and numeros army futile!

I suddenly felt a cold pressure on my back; I instantly drew my sword and turned around, but nothing was there. Slowly scanning the area behind me I turned around to see a massive creature hunched behind me. It's eyes looked directly into my own before reaching its hand out to grab me. It was fast very fast. Much faster than me in fact. So much so I was unable to react when I was grabbed.

I writhed as I tried to escape and flee but It was of no use. I was held in the air by the beast for a long 10 seconds before I was swallowed and eaten whole.

POV Ben (mc)

I let out a hysterical laugh at my skyrocketed power. It had broken through to T9 at my base. Suddenly I felt very confident at my enhanced abilities. In my hunting ground while in my full Wendigo form I was TX.

The most powerful being in this whole universe was TX!




The End of chapter 3