
Sword Burial

A world where martial cultivation is common place, and magic is part of the daily life. Join our protagonist as he journeys to break through Immortality, and achieve his dreams.

GreaterHoi · Fantasy
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10 Chs

A Little Different

Dylan helped Atlas get off his bed, helped dress him, and for the sake of making it to the class in time, carried him (princess carry) with his arms in to the building the classroom was located at.

Both of them barely made it into the class in time, and were able to sign in before the teacher got in. Dylan, while still hold Atlas in his harms took a seat, and placed Atlas next to himself. Some of the female students in the class who had seen this happening became unusually excited. They couldn't handle this much fanservice!

Anyways, Mr. Aphelion entered the class and checked the attendance list. No one had infant arrived late to the class, and everyone was present. He glanced over his students to make sure no one actually signed in but left in advance.

"Today, and tomorrow, instead of returning to your homeroom for your elective class periods, you will have time to go check out elective classes as an orientation, and witness how the other students are thought. You will also have time to go to the freshman rush, where at different time intervals, different clubs will be opening their panels to recruit new members. Remember to manage your time well."

Mr. Aphelion said as he sat down on his seat.

"Rest of the homeroom is free study time, you can go outside to field to study, or wherever, but don't cause any trouble! As your teacher, I have to remind you to not get so caught up in anything time-consuming, in case you miss any of the classes you have later on. Oh. I also forgot to mention that you have to sign up in advance if you wish to go to a elective class orientation. Each class has limited space for students available, so you should make your choices quickly before there are no more spaces available. In any case, don't bother me unless you have important questions or personal guidance to seek. A lot of the information you freshman need have already been messaged to you throughyour personal devices, so you really shouldn'thave any problems."

He then got into meditative position and closed his eyes.

Dylan turned his head to still sleepy Atlas to ask him what he was going to do now.

"So what will you be doing for the reminder of this period? I think I will go to physical education department to get some more morning practice."

Atlas thought for a moment, and answered.

"I think I will go the library. I've been wanting to visit it for some time. Although the section we freshmen are allowed to visit doesn't include every available resource, the information contained within is still quite expansive. Also, I am thinking of attending only the orientations of the elective classes I selected, for today. Do you wish to participate together with me? For the swordsmanship and spiritual classes, of course."

"Nah, I will participate in your healing class  as well, since I possess light element, and it doesn't hurt to be aware of the regenerative system. In turn, you can take the orientation for engineering alongside me tomorrow, and we can use the rest of our empty periods to attend the feshmen rush together."

"Yeah, that will work. I've also been interested in how they teach engineering in this school. Let's sign up right now."


The two then used their own devices to sign up for the orientational classes they wanted to attend to, and fortunately there was space for them to do so.

Dylan bid his good bye to Atlas, and rushed to the P.E Department to practice his techniques.

Atlas also made his way to the library, which was located in its own separate building, which was next to the building his homeroom classroom was in.

Homerooms lasted around an hour and a half, and was a precious time for students to ask guidance from teachers. The students could also visit different departments of the school, and use the provided resources to study or practice.

Instead of heading right away in to the library, Atlas instead went back to hid dorm room first to check on his body. He had yet to see if he had succeeded in cultivating the technique, but he didn't dare to check on it in school in order to not cause any commotion.

Atlas got into his dorm room, and sat on his bed. Then he got into meditative position, and checked his body's condition. Yet something completely different than what he was expecting had happened.

In where his water alignment mana core should be, another core looking object was located. Yet, when he took a closer look, the nether frost source look different from how it was mentioned in the technique. If a core looked like a ball, this source looked like as if two balls came together to form the infinity symbol. (3-D Vesica Piscis pretty much)

Atlas then remembered how his wood alignment mana core had started to shake last night. He quickly checked on it as well, be he wasn't able to find it anywhere in his body. His focus then fell back to the newly created source.

This time, Atlas took a closer look at the newly built source, and noticed that it diverged into 3 different colors. The right sphere was of ice blue color, with black lines over it, giving it a creepy look. This was how the nether frost source should look like. The left side was of azurish green color, with golden lines over it, which allowed it to possess a somewhat holy aura overflowing with life power.

Finally, the part where to spheres intertwines was of a completely different color, Silver Violet, and it had whitesilver lines connecting the black lines from the ice blue side to the gold lines from the azurish green side.

When Atlas tried to touch in to the energy located in the intertwined part, he was immediately repulsed back. He even coughed blood. Luckily, he had only tried to test it out a little, and didn't actually try to force it out. Otherwise, he might have been severely injured.

Check comment to know what shape I mean.

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