
Chapter 4 the Heart of the Angel

At this time, DuDu seemed a little hesitant. After spitting out the bead, Jason's body did not change, but his complexion looked weak.

In the end, the bead still entered between Jason's eyebrows. Jason's body floated up at this time.

Colorful magic wrapped Jason. Now, inside Jason's body, a thumb sized vortex slowly took shape and rapidly grew.

Seeing this scene, a magic light shot out from DuDu's body again and entered Jason's mind.

"Jason, Jason..."

In his sleep, Jason seemed to hear someone calling him.

Following the voice, his body rose into the air and finally landed at the foot of a towering mountain.

There was a cyan giant dragon as thick as a bucket on the peak. Giant dragon raised its head and looked up at the sky. Its scales stood up as if it had been threatened.

Then, the sky was torn apart. Several figures flew over. Some of them were carrying long swords on their backs, and some were riding magical beast. They were all St Domain Masters.

"Cyan Dragon, if you hand over the heart of the angel, I will spare your life." A yellow haired man in a magic robe riding a tiger magical beast shouted.

"Just a level-9 giant dragon wants to monopolize the heart of the angel. You are really biting off more than you can chew."Another St Domain Warrior shouted angrily in the air.

Hearing what they said, the Cyan Giant Dragon raised its head. In addition, its body suddenly expanded again which caused the mountain to collapse.

Seeing the Cyan Giant Dragon's appearance, Jason lowered his head and looked at his waist. He found that she looked a little like his friend DuDu.

"You want to run? Keep dreaming!" Another loud shout came. The Cyan Giant Dragon was surrounded in the middle. Then several St Domain Warriors started to fight. The powerful magic seemed to cut the heaven and earth. Besides, the meteorite fell from the sky with a strong wind.

"You want the heart of the angel? No way!" the giant dragon said. It opened its big mouth. A violent ripple came out of the mouth and swept in all directions like a huge wave.

Just in an instant, the mountains collapsed, the earth shattered, the river dried up, and everything in the world disappeared.

The scales of the Cyan Giant Dragon shattered, and cracks appeared on its body. Then its body quickly became smaller. At last it was only as thick as an arm.

Even so, the Cyan Giant Dragon still raised its head. You can tell by the confidence in its eyes that it is fearless.

"Ha, the heart of the angel is mine now." With loudly laughing, a yellow haired mage rushed to the Cyan Giant Dragon. At the same time, the others also took out their weapons and approached the Cyan Giant Dragon.

The Cyan Giant Dragon was glowing. Colorful magic gushed out of its body and then turned into a thumb sized transparent crystal.

"Let's perish together."

The Cyan Giant Dragon said in a hoarse voice. Then the heart of the angel trembled violently. A creepy magical fluctuation came out. For a moment, the color of sky and earth changed, and the sun seemed to have lost its light.


Five colored magical fluctuations came out from the heart of the angel. Several St Domain mages spit out blood before they could run away. Then their bodies fell from the sky to the ground.

The Cyan Giant Dragon was the closest to the heart of the angel, so it was the most hurt by the magic attack. However, it still opened its mouth and swallowed the heart of the angel without any luster. Then it suddenly turned around and rushed to Jason.

In panic, Jason ran away immediately. However, he couldn't leave the place no matter how hard he tried.

"No, don't come over, no..."

Jason shouted in his sleep. Then he suddenly turned over and sat up.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

In the dark room, Jason was gasping for breath. After a while, he looked at DuDu at the end of the bed.

However, when Jason saw DuDu, he got goose bumps all over his body. Because he saw a pair of green eyes looking at him.

"DuDu..." Jason tried to call it in a soft voice. Then he jumped off the bed and turned on the oil lamp. The room was lit up in an instant.

The pair of green eyes was DuDu's. DuDu was looking up at him. This had never happened before.

"You are not DuDu, but the Cyan Giant Dragon?" Jason suddenly said.

"No, I'm DuDu and the Cyan Giant Dragon! In the past, the part of my soul that belongs to the Cyan Giant Dragon fell asleep. The anger and unwillingness in your heart woke me up. I have to thank you for taking care of me for so many years and providing me with enough magic elements. Otherwise, I may never wake up." DuDu said through its spiritual power.

Jason couldn't believe his ears. Because DuDu had never talked to him.

Jason got DuDu ten years ago. When DuDu was dying, he saved it by himself. How could it be that cyan giant dragon? It was unbelievable.

Jason felt that he was still dreaming. However, he hoped that he would never wake up.

"It doesn't matter. I can't use magic anyway. There's no need to waste these magic elements." After knowing that the Cyan Giant Dragon was DuDu, Jason was not as scared as before.

However, after saying that, Jason suddenly looked at DuDu and asked with expectation, "DuDu, are you really level-9 magical beast?"

"Yes, I used to be, but not now!" DuDu said again.

"I knew you were not that powerful. By the way, why I could see your past? Who are those people who want to kill you?" Jason asked again.

This time, DuDu didn't answer immediately. Instead, Dudu put its head on the quilt and said, "There are some things you don't need to know. When you have certain strength, I will tell you."

Jason's face darkened when he heard what DuDu had said. Then he sighed, "Even if I become a soldier. I still can't defeat a mage. It's impossible for me to avenge you!"

Jason fell back on the bed again, with his hands on the back of his head. There was a trace of decadence on his face.

"Don't be discouraged. You have seen the heart of the angel which I got by accident two thousand years ago. It's extremely powerful! You have a very high magical perception. What you need to do is to store magic elements in your body. The heart of the angel happens to have this characteristic." DuDu said again.

DuDu's words made Jason, who had been lying on the bed, sat up immediately as if he got an electric shock. He first took a look at DuDu, and then took out a dagger under the pillow and gently scratched his hand. The piercing pain buoyed Jason up.

"It's not a dream but real?"

"Of course it's real. Now you can meditate again. There will be a surprise." DuDu interrupted Jason and closed its eyes slowly.

Looking at the wound on his hand, Jason's eyes sparkled with expectation. He jumped off the bed and sat on the ground. Then he took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

In less than a minute, Jason saw colorful magic light spots gathering towards him. However, this time, magic elements didn't leave after entering his body. Instead, they rushed into his belly.

There was a thumb sized transparent crystal which is absorbing all the magic elements. This was the heart of the angel that DuDu said.