

Shin was passed out in the middle of the road and had no idea what was going to happen to him.

As he continued to his story

' after passing out the next moment i opened my eyes.

I was lying on the ground with so much construction sound coming from all the sides and kids hoping around me.

As they saw me open my eyes they started yelling

Mama, mama uncle is awake.

As i tried to look toward them, i saw a lady sitting there making food on a burner.

As from the looks of her clothes i understood that they were a poor family.

As i tried to sit up struggling, the lady helped me and i was able to sit with the support of the wall.

As i asked them who they were and how i got there.

As she explained it me that her husband and some of his friends found me near the road.

which leads to the river where they goes to fishing and earn their living.

So they picked me up and out me of a wooden slab they had and put strings to it to carry me to the river.