

Done with all the paper works at the Capitol I decided to go home. My house was just 3 kilometers away that's why I decided to walk although its already a bit late. To quickly reach my home I went on the shortcuts I sometimes pass through I kept on walking on a dark alley, when someone grab me and the next thing I know I'm losing my consciousness..

I felt a little groggy upon waking up. It felt like I was thrown at something, my whole body aches. "Who is she?" "What is she wearing?", I heard some murmurs and gasps surrounding me. As I open my eyes I knew they are referring to me. A bit confused I look around with a shocking truth that I don't know where the heck I'am.

Here I am in the middle of the road, laying down besides rotten fruits. "I think, I'm in a market", I suddenly said out loud. Fear consume me and I don't understand what's happening. What happen to me? "Am I dreaming?" I pinch myself to check and "Ouch, that hurts". And in my horror, I realize that I'm in a terrible situation right now.

"What is happening the world?"