

“why do you hate me so much and live him?” Night asked while caging her in his arms. Well looks like the owner of the body in which Sandra was in love with someone else. Poor him! “ look I don’t know who HE is so I don’t love him and neither you” At Sandra’s reply Night seemed pleased and got off her before kissing her forehead. What the actual hell! Sandra was in the body of the girl she saw in her dreams. she doesn’t know how but here is the question If she was in body of the girls in her dreams then where is soul of this body? . "Morning cupcake!" Enola eyes were wide awake after she heard an unfamiliar voice and she got up only to find herself gawking at the most handsome man she had seen in her entire life “ My wife likes what she sees”Johnathan said shamelessly what the fuck? Enola didn’t even knew this man but he was talking about her marrying him. that was when she saw her reflection in mirror. She was the spitting image of the girl in her dreams. how the hell did this even happen? . . *Switched* 2 girls belonging to complete different worlds got their souls switched into each others bodies. Sandra Holland eldest daughter of the world 2nd biggest mafia in the modern world. Enola Holmes eldest daughter of the prime minister of Salazar empire in ancient world. . for some unknown reason these girls saw each other in their dreams every night. and once they were drawn into unwanted marriages they wished to be the girl in their dream. to their surprise their wishes came true but as the saying goes be careful what you wish for. once their souls got switched their wish came as reality and slap them hard across the face as they were now in an unknown world in an unknowns person's body and were married to unknown men. they struggle to return to their bodies and worlds but always failed thanks to their unwanted husbands. would they able to return to their bodies and worlds Or would they fall for their unwanted husbands and accept the life the have?

pen_girl_20 · Eastern
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99 Chs

chapter 73

Ancient times

Night POV

Looks like I was the one who is silly. I was fooled by her all this while.

I kept staring at the moon with mixed emotions and thoughts.

All of this is just so…..messed up!

Enola isn’t Enola. Grace isn’t Grace! Enola is Sandra and Grace is Bella. So Enola is in Sandra’s body and Grace is in bella’s body

“ you look super lost” my head snapped towards the familiar voice.

“I just found out I was being fooled”

Shade sighed at my words while sitting down next to me.

“ why are you here?”

Shouldn’t shade be with his wife or does he feels the same as me?

“ You need me more than my wife” his reply confused me because his tone didn’t held any anger or sadness

He somehow understood my expressions and replied to my unasked question

“ yes a little disappointed but not angry at all because it was my choice to marry her not hers so I should accept her with all her secrets.”

“ Secrets…..huhhh they were lies” I sneered