
Switched Soul

Helena Hills a powerful witch of the Dark North clan was wrongly accused and buried alive a day to her daughter's eighteenth birthday. Feeling wronged she swore to be reincarnated. However, who knew it was already fated because she found herself waking up in the body of her own daughter Kimberly Hills, who she found dead from the accident plotted by her daughter's fiance and best friend on her birthday. >>>>>>>>> Meet Alexander Lee, the supreme Alpha of the whole of North Moon, who was cursed by a witch to never find his mate. He is the pure definition of a walking darkness. What happens when he finally found his mate after thousands of years? What happens when the Alpha's mate has her fate tied to a Wizard who turned out to be...? what happens when Kimberly’s path crosses with him?.... Mother's and Daughter's switched souls against the Dark North Clan...... Why so many what happens...? Well... there’s only one way to find out...

illustrator · Fantasy
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78 Chs

He’s Sweet..



Kimberly fluffed her eyes opened and rubbed it to clear her blurry vision. She sat up on the bed, covered herself with the duvet and her eyes scanned around the room.

The room was dark. She shifted closer to the bed to find the other side of the bed cold. She made to stand up but fell back on the bed as she felt pain in her middle.

That was when what happened earlier came rushing in her mind. Their love making!

She finally had sex!

Her eyes widened as it was still a shock to her. She couldn't believe she gave herself to him, he deflowered her.

And now?! Where is he?

Kimberly thought looking around, feeling empty all of a sudden.

Was this it? One of feelings she fears the most. Had he left her all alone after she'd given her virginity to him? Was it even true when he said she was his mate..?

Was it this? Was it that?

Kimberly's thoughts were interrupted when she heard the door rattle and Alex walked into the room with a tray in his hands.

Subconsciously, a smile spread on her lips.

At that moment, Alex sat on the bed and placed the tray on a small table in the room and turned towards her.

"Good M..." Before Kimberly could finish what she was saying, Alex took her by surprise by he slamming his lips on hers, kissing her deeply.

"Uhmm.."She moaned into the kiss even when she tried hard not to.


Alex broke the kiss before smiling gently at her, she bit her lips and looked down on her laps, feeling shy to look up.

He chuckled at her cute figure, then moved and brushed her jet black hair with his long fingers.

"How was your night?" He asked. Instantly, Kimberly's cheeks heated in a blush and he laughed at that.

He asked her that knowingly just to tease her..

"I know you must be staving, so.. I made these for you.." he picked the tray and placed it in front of her. And there was a plate of spaghetti and orange juice.

"I can't assure you that it'll taste great, but I hope it really does," He added with chuckle and Kimberly giggled as her mouth watered.

He's sweet..

She immediately held a fork and ate from the spaghetti.

Her eyes widened suddenly when she felt the most weirdest taste in her mouth.

First, it was pepper, then salt... and heavens!! the curry was too much!

"Does it taste bad?" Alex asked anxiously when he notice her change of expression.

"Huh? No, it tastes great.." Kimberly forced a smile.

It was a great feat for her to pick another fork of spaghetti into her mouth. When she couldn't take it any longer, she stopped eating and drank the orange juice to wipe her mouth off the bad taste of the spaghetti.

He had made a lot of effort to make her happy by making her breakfast in bed and she wouldn't dare to make it look less appreciated.

"You're done, why don't you eat more..?" Alex urged, pushing the tray to her. At that moment, Kimberly's eyes widened.

Eat more of what exactly? This poison??

Kimberly didn't even dared to think about it, what if he hears her thoughts.

"No, I'm okay.." she said with a smile earning a shrugged from Alex, who Immediately took the tray out of the room like a gentleman he is.

Not long after he went out, Kimberly decided to take her bath. Slowly, she struggled to get up from the bed and she did. Her middle hurts like hell as she walked to the bathroom naked. It was when she was almost close to the bathroom that the door of the rattled and Alex walked into the room.

"Oh no..!"

To say Kimberly was embarrassed would be an understatement, she was chagrined!

Her eyes quickly moved to the duvet but she couldn't possibly cover herself before he sees her.

Swiftly, Kimberly made to run to the bed, grab the blanket and cover herself, only for her to miss a step falling into Alex's hard chest who was quick to steady her.


Few minutes later, Alex's eyes flash in amusement as he watched his mate's face still buried on his chest in embarrassment.

"Don't look.." Kimberly muttered as she slowly grabbed the duvet covering herself from him.

"But I've seen all of you, Love. And I had you from behind earlier.. so why else are you covering yourself from me?" He grinned and Kimberly couldn't hide the shock on her face as she lifted her face glaring at him cutely.

Why was he so raw and shameless?!

"Get out!!!!" She screamed while the sounds of Alex's laughter could be heard as he walked out of the room.




Waking up to find your mate in your arms is surely what every man Wolf wished for. That applies to Roman. The moment he opened his eyes to find his ducky sleeping peacefully beside him, he felt his whole life filled with light immediately.

"Babe.." he whispered, beaming with smiles. His eyes trailed to her neck and he grinned naughtily as his eyes landed on the red marks, love bites and flashes of what happened last night came rushing into his mind.


Roman's face went pale over the night since he had a hard time trying to sleep. His thoughts were filled with Camilla since that incident that happened at the shopping mall, when she had avoided him.

Getting up from bed as he couldn't sleep that night, Roman walked into his bathroom. Staring at the mirror, all Roman could see was heartbroken pale faced man staring back at him.

He shook his head before washing his face with the lukewarm water running from the tap. After that, he wiped his face with a small towel before leaving the bathroom.

"Cam..." He found himself calling her name. He missed her, everything about her.

The memories of their moments together started flashing to his mind. Their make out, the jokes.... the dates... the small fights that he always ends up apologizing for even if the fault wasn't his.

He wasn't the one who deflowered her, but she took him as her first in everything and so was him.


All these thoughts wouldn't stop leaving his mind and he didn't know when he began walking out of his and towards the door to go to her room, since he found out from Ethan that she was also at the castle with her best friend, Alex's mate.

He just couldn't take it anymore..

She can chose to ignore him but he can't..

He can never ignore her, she was his all!

At that moment, Roman who was now at the door opened it and suddenly, his eyes widened at the figure standing right in front of him who was none other than Camilla.

Time stilled as they both shared a heated eye lock with each other speechlessly as if it was a dream. Camilla was just in her nightie, her hair was messy and her face daubed with her sweats but nevertheless... She was beautiful!

Is this real??

"Ro.. Roman..." She called slowly but softly, her heart hammering in her chest, she had practically ran from the castle to their chamber.

In the next minute, Roman dragged her into the room, closing the little gap that was left between them and his lips caught Camilla's lips into an intense kiss.

Camilla immediately went on her tiptoes, kissing him back with the same excitement and vehemency. She never slept a wink the previous night, her thoughts were occupied with him alone.

Elias wanted to take over but Roman didn't allow him.., he won't let Elias scare his mate away for him this time.

Breaking the kiss, Roman held her blushed cheeks slowly, looking deep into her eyes.

So it was real...

His ducky is here right this minute with him..??

"please Cam, Don't stay away from me again.. I might really die if you do.." he whispered and Camilla smiled.

That smile that he missed so much!

"I'm sorry.., it was more than hell for me.." she mumbled with a pout looking away and Roman chuckled, Kissing her briefly on her lips, then on her nose and lastly on both her eyes making Camilla giggle.

"I love you. I love you very much, Cam.. You're my life, my mate..and my everything.." he whispered.

"I love you. I love you very much, Roman You're my life, my mate..and my everything.."Camilla mimicked him with a soft chuckle and Roman lost it. He lifted her into his arms, holding her by the hips. He made her wrap her legs round his torso.

"You are stuck with me forever.. Cam.."

With that, he crashed his lips on hers, taking time in exploring her sweet mouth.


Roman smiled and still starring at her, wondering how she can be so cute yet beautiful early in the morning.

From the way her lashes hugged each other, to the way her tempting lips were slightly parted with her hair covering a part of her face.

He ran his hands through her cheek gently so as not to wake her up his gaze still fixed on her lips.

He stared at her lips for a while before he leaned in and pecked them. That made her to wake up.

Camilla smiled when she saw his handsome face.

Who wouldn't be happy waking up in the arms of the man they love.

It felt like a dream to her...

"Good morning.. babe.." Camilla smiled widely, blinking her lashes cutely.

"How was your night? Are you hungry?" Roman asked gently patting her hair like a two year old kid.

Camilla shook her head and hugged him instead, burying her face on his hard chest.

"Let's just stay like this for the rest of the day.." She mumbled with a pout and Roman smiled, pulling her closer.

Before she could blink her eyes, Roman's lips collided with her's in an intoxicating kiss.

"I love you..."