
The guardian had spoken to the prince.




That is what I am feeling right now. I never imagined that one girl can escape my grasp. No one.... literally no one had got me so worked up like this before. I was so used to filthy women who would like to get into my pants and take the title of the lady of the Tempest. But never did I imagine that one would defy the odds just to escape from me.

My mother and father left the country to go to the Philippines. Saying that they had an invitation to go to a party that is hosted by the first brother of Elaine. I found out about it from Liu when he slipped up talking to me. I confronted my parents about it and they invited me along with them. I refused to say I will go there when the actual day of the party is being held. Which is tomorrow, and yes it has been 2 months now.

and my parents left weeks ago. I wish to see her then and there.

Liu: Sir someone wishes to see you now sir.

Damon: who is it? I am very busy and I would rather be done with it now.

Liu: Sir I am afraid she is very important. And she made a very clear threat against you that you will not be able to turn down.

Damon: And what might it be?

Lizou: I said that I will do everything in my power to hide my granddaughter from you. And you will never be able to hold her ever again.

Damon: Madame Lizou Giang !

what brings you here?

Lizou: it is about my granddaughter.

Damon: Why would you think that I have something to do with your granddaughter madame?

Damon kept his emotionless face straight. But in reality he wants to beg the old lady to just show him his beloved. His eyes tells it all.

Lizou: you cannot fool me boy, my tracker traces all your activities. You are looking for my granddaughter.

Damon: So what if I am looking for her?

Lizou: everything matters when it comes to my granddaughter. My world revolves around her. that is why I am looking for answers.

Damon: answers to what madame?

Lizou: answers to what happened that night. The night that she came home to me. The night she has cancelled her engagement.

Damon: I merely claimed what was supposed to be mine. Pardon me but he will never have what I own.

Lizou: from the start that boy was never good for her. I felt it but she was happy so I let it pass.

Damon: Then let me court her with your permission you will know she is with great security.

Lizou: Ah but still you have not answered my question. What happened that night son?

Damon: I must apologize Madame. I had touched her because of my untamed passion for her.

Lizou: I see. But can you accept her even she is sick and might be dying?

Damon: she cannot die on me!

Lizou: she is not it is just a guess, since her health is deteriorating very fast. And I am afraid it has something to do with what had happened that day.

Damon: I must go to her since you know me already Madame can you not give her to me.

Lizou: her life decisions are her own, I would never change her personality.

Damon: Then you will at least permit my presence to the welcoming party that your grandson had planned in the Philippines?

Lizou: then you may go there woo her like a real man and do remember. another heartache and I will bring your empire down. Or better yet she will. She is no weak child, she can crush a man more than her own. My granddaughter is my treasure, don't you dare taint her.

Damon: I will not madame, I will care for her as an alpha should.

Lizou nodded and stood from her seating position. Grabbing a plane ticket that has her signature so that he will be directly transported to his destination.

Lizou: this shall bring you to her exact location in the Philippines though not her house. And may I remind you, She also is an alpha of her own.

And with that said she left, leaving a dazzled Damon processing what just happened.