
Repairs and little bit of love

After eating our meal I led Shea to the room she will be occupying. She had the room that can be occupied with three people since she might want some friends over if she feels lonely or if Shui comes and visit us here. Heron on the other hand is still rattled and red. His room is just opposite Shea which I Did NOT intentionally planned. helping Shea put away her stuffs, Then we will begin our repairing with my new baby. But as the saying goes " Not everything goes according to plan". Here we are, we found ourselves repairing the pool hose. Shea decided to fix it. I decided to make her treats so she can rest after work. My baby can wait for repairing she will be tired after I know it. I tasked Heron to fetch us the materials for the hose repair.

Shea: Elaine is Heron your brother? You seem close.

Elaine: No he is my bodyguard but I don't treat them like slaves because they are family to me. And I like being apart of them they are nice. Except one.

Shea: you are so kind but that ONE person is a foolish one to waste such a Friend.

Elaine: Yeah she is. She knew I love the man and we will get married but she had seduced him into her arms and made the sin any man can fall into. So I canceled the wedding and went here to start anew.

Shea: I will never leave you. Can I have the spot she left as your new Friend and family?

Elaine: No

Shea: w...why?

Elaine: I can give you a new spot. I cannot let you have the defiled part of that heart to occupy. you deserve a new one not the shell of once traitor left behind.

Shea felt the emotion flood her when Elaine said the words. She smiled and hugged Elaine.

Elaine: You know enough of this. You know Heron has a spot for you too. He admitted that he likes you the first time you fixed my baby car at home.

Shea: He does?!... I mean how could he... I am a mess... I...I can't be with him he will be disappointed !!

Elaine: hush Shea He likes you and I am going to help you and him realize that.

And right on cue, Heron arrived startling Shea.

Shea: Thank you I will go now!!.

Shea snatched the bag in Heron's hands and ran to the back lawn to work. Heron seemed Shocked so she followed with Heron.

Shea: twist here, grip there, wrapped here. and ohh shh...

Then the hose broke loose and wet Shea up. sadly but not hehe her clothes were thin. thins means every detail is viewed. not long after we heard a thud behind me. Which actually was Heron, nose bleeding and passed out. I couldn't contain it anymore and burst out laughing.

Elaine: See I told you He has the hots for you Oh my. ... forgive me Hhahahahahaha.

then Shea followed Heron to the ground beat red and passed out.

Elaine: oh boy these two can really blow a fuse and pass out. Be thankful you little asses I am strong and I can get you both inside the house asleep.

First carrying Shea which smaller than me and much lighter if I would put it, inside the house and dried her off of course I have to take off her clothes. But I did not expect Heron to be up and inside with us. And then again Another puddle of blood was formed and a passed out Heron on to of it.

Elaine: at least I don't have to carry you in. But you did give me quite the work to remove this blood off.

sighing I went to work but the smile spread across my face was evident. No one did expect to have this both liking each other.