
I like it here might as well stay.

The lady in the white sun dress was proud to say that it is her first time travelling for she was a kept talented maiden. Her guard had followed after her while she had descended the ladder connecting the aeroplane to the ground.

you might as well ask how did she changed her outfit from the winter goddess to the Sun's daughter.

Well she was in slumber then and when she heard the announcement of the nearing new place, she could not wait to try her packed summer dresses that she designed herself.

Her guard is struggling to cope since he had not packed any clothes for this kind of weather system. But since she is a well prepared of this trip and expecting from the very start her body guard will be packing food than clothes. She had prepared some for him to wear so he can adjust perfectly.

upon arrival in the airport many immediately recognized her clothes as the work of the mysterious designer that is called Blanc queen. the designer's made outfits are very casual but elegant that fits everyone and the works brings out the best out of one that wears it. It is said that her work is filled with her compassion and devotion to others. It is affordable to everyone because it is also said that the artist wants everyone to access it's work.

They had immediately took pictures of the woman that wears it. She is pretty like a flower and beautiful as the goddess.

it fits her like a glove men and women straight or bended drooled of her sight. She waved and everyone almost fainted. Then a little girl And a boy went to her from their mother who was talking to a man that seemed to be her husband.

" You look really pretty miss. I wish I would look like you someday" the young girl spoke while the boy was silently taking in her appearance.

it was a sweet gesture for a little girl like her. but somehow the little girl and boy has her feature when she was a young lass.

" Everyone is pretty little girl, it just has to be found and appreciated by the bearer itself " The lady said crouching on the level of the kids.

then the boy suddenly hugged her pulling the other girl in too.

everyone was awed to see the woman interacting lovingly to the stranger kids that approached her. if anyone that did not know what is happening they would definitely see them as a family of three.

not long after the mother of the children faced the scene with her husband and they were stunned to say the least. But they kept their distance and watch the interaction.

while with the other lady the boy spoke with her.

" mommy please don't abort us and find daddy soon. You need him more than what you think. We love you mommy remember our names please mommy. I am Hugo and she is Lily. please mo-"

" Son Hugo come now darling do not bother the young lady seeing her outfit she is here for vacation not for dealing with you two." upon hearing the mother's voice she sounds familiar. all too familiar I would say. her posture is fine and calculated. her long hair is managed her clothing is surprisingly familiar and mostly her face is exactly like the face of the lady's grandfather but feminine. Could it be that there is another child my deceased grandfather left when he had died of murder?!

the family had left after so. And the lady also parted ways.

"Heron is it possible that I saw my future within that time? I know this is madness but is it?" Sitting properly within the car.

" I cannot say miss but judging on my experience it may have been just that and you are quite blessed to feel so"

he had said directly not taking his attention off the road

" But whatever may happen everyone will be by your side miss you have treated us with respect and we will repay that with our love".

this people really is family.

this place might just be the place to stay. I had plan to just relax for vacation . But I am liking it here if so might as well stay.