


The party is happening tomorrow. Shea and I Have been getting ready for it. She will be wearing a nice dress. Of course it will be one of my great piece. I gifted it to her since her eyes shone so brightly with them. It is a one-side strap cocktails dress, it starts white on top sliding down her waist turning aqua mint and going down her feet finally marigold color.

She was a beauty to behold, Of course I also designed Herons tuxedo. the color is complementary of Shea's color.

I urged them to be date for it. they both agreed of course with a little bit of hesitation and persuasion. But nonetheless they agreed.

Brother Jonah visited me a lot of times pushing me to have a check up. Since I am more pale than usual and also a slight growing deformation of my body.

He suspects that it may be a cysts since he have seen it before with our Aunt Malecika from the side of our father.

But he knows me too well I would not go to a doctor even though it kills me. Due to some instances before when I was a Kid.

He retreated for a while with the annoying moves. He just ordered me to rest every time I will feel exhausted.

ohh I almost forgot to mention my dress.

It is a simple long gown.

it holds itself by tying the front apricot colored silks behind the nape. it hugs the figure of the chest and flows freely starting at the bottom of the chest.

It was wonderful, yeah because I made it, Not to brag of course.

my hair had gone longer within this month's that had passed. my hair growth is fast according to my grand mother.

shoot I did not notice the time. It's already late. So I stored my dress in my closet for safe keeping for tomorrow.

I cleaned up my desk and self for sleep. wearing my fussy bathrobe to sleep.

For some reason this bathrobe that I used to escape that D guy is very comforting. It makes me happy for some reason. It's like there are arms holding me. I feel secured with it around me.

It is still Unknown to me what had happened that day. And it stills strike me to the core when sexual dreams plague my mind whenever I remember him. His face is blurry but i can still remember his god like appearance though just bits of it.

letting myself fall to dream land expecting the sexual dreams. But instead I saw dreamed of two kids running around.