
Behave your glutton

Upon receiving the plane tickets that Grammy gave us. We had started stacking the luggage in the trunk of the car. Many thought that I use limousine and high end cars but I like it classy but simple not to shabby. Heron mostly packed his foods rather than clothes quoting " clothes are easily bought but food is something you cannot access freely"

I do agree with that though. I cannot even remember when I had actually cook for myself. It seem I am always busy that I would just let Grammy and Weini take care of what I eat.

driving of the manor and waving goodbye to the people there, we went directly to the airport. While at it I took my phone out and ringed my parent's number.

*ring ring*

Elaine: Hi mother... I just want to inform you that I am going to the Philippines for some time off schedule.

Lilia: Hi darling miss you too, I am doing perfectly fine and your baby brother is doing fine too. Your father is a wreck as usual when there is an addition to the family. Can you not greet as first rather than babbling of some stuff?

Elaine: No surprise there actually. and I know you are fine because you are living the life there, not bothering for stuff out of your hair and nails.

Lilia: Why must you be so mean to your parents like that. Speak properly and correctly to your parents do you get me?!

Elaine: No actually I do not get you at all. I am listening to what Grammy told me to about respecting your authority over me and by that I am doing it by letting you know what I am doing on weekly basis because you are too busy. You did not even know that my wedding is cancelled because he had another woman.

You ask me of treating you as a proper parent. And how would do you think I would do that, never once in my life you came to my birthdays only Jonah whenever he has time or actually make some time. While you left me to Grammy and never came back, I was so young then. Did I question your absence? no because the world apart from the parents taught me that left objects are left behind because they are not special.

So how dare you ask me of things I never even learned off before. This is going nowhere with you all, so I am ending this supposed-to-be short conversation. Give the phone to father.

River: hello sweety how are you? Don't mind your mother she is hormonal.

Father always see the better of the situation just to ease us but somehow what he said just added fuel to the fire.

Elaine: don't mind her?! she has been demanding of my respect but do tell me has she done something for me to gain my respect. NONE AT ALL. I do recognize you as my parents as my roots but never did I felt love from you. You may be there for some time but you still left me while you were happy there. you did not know how much I envied the kids I saw outside my window with their parents. But there is one thing that I am thankful of what you did to me I get to be with Grammy that you also somehow forgot to remember. This is farewell for now father. Please do tell Jonah that I love him.

Cutting the conversation immediately not noticing the salty liquid that escape my vision vessel. Heron on the other hand has been listening to me and my so called family.

Upon seeing my state he quickly handed me a clean handkerchief. To which I took thankfully and wipe the bastard liquid that leaked. This is the third time I had ever cried my whole life. I guess being so conflicted about what happened to my supposedly marriage made me so prone to emotions of sorrow and hurt.

Heron being the understanding person he is, kept silent and kept on driving.

after some more minutes in the car we had arrived at the airport.

Being the grand daughter of Lizou Giang has its perks, I get to board a private well guarded jet plane and no one has to see me in public. My identity is important to be hidden because many people are thirsty of my blood since I had defeated their most valued assets.

after getting all the stuffs in the trunk, grammy's most trusted driver picked up my car and brought it back home.

the first thing that came into my mind when I had seated and waited for the pilot to announce the travel is food. And I just had a big meal. Maybe thus is the reason I a gaining extra pounds. Heron on the other hand is already comfortable in his seat finish up his 2nd set of ice cream.

Then out of nowhere I took the biggest one and seated myself to which I earned his protest for the lost food. I hissed at him and barked at him to get me salted fries and pickles. To which he obeyed with a heavy heart, returning I snatched the foods in his hands and scratching him in the process.

he was about to eat his food again when he saw me pour the fries on the ice cream gallon and started eating. at first it was fine for him but when I started eating the pickles with the others he ran as fast as the eye could see straight to the restroom emptying his stomach I suppose.

then it dawn at me, since when did I eat mixed funny foods?

But I then on just quit it and continued eating no harm done to me but Heron there might be visual trauma for him.

Heron just emerged from the comfort room still looking horrible.

sitting opposite me her grabbed the food I held and asked the attendant to throw it. To which also the attend scrunched her face with disgust of the food.

then Heron spoke with conviction.

Heron: I may just be your guard but I will not let you poison yourself. From now on you should behave your glutton cravings.

Sorry if I was not able to up spree I am trying my best instead of an up spree. I decided that I would update every Friday starting next week. (promise I will, sorry for the cancelled up spree) but for I will update a chapter.

Maru463062creators' thoughts