
After closing the door, Lu Jingzhi hugged Jiang Yuning in his arms and kissed her forehead.

"Second brother, are you satisfied? Anyway, the lens has captured us in it, so why..."

Jiang Yuning stood on tiptoe, reached out to hook Lu Jingzhi's chin, and then tilted his head to kiss his Adam's apple.

Lu Jingzhi placed his arms around her, tilted his head back, and after a while, he rubbed the lips of his little descendant punitively: "Wait for the night time when we go home."

"There is a camera, so you are shy?"

The both of them stayed for a few more minutes, and after a deep kiss, they walked out of the bathroom.

The production group was very considerate, turned off the camera at the bathroom door, and also cut off the section where the two entered just now.

The production team wanted to give the two more time, but the husband and wife were very conscious. Ten minutes was probably only enough for a hug.